All Classes and Interfaces

The SPARQL built-in Function ABS, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
Base class for shared functionality of aggregate operators (e.g.
Base class for visitors of the SPARQL AST.
Abstract base class for BindingSet implementations, providing a.o.
Base class for BNode, offering common functionality.
Base class for CloseableIterations offering common functionality.
An Iteration that can convert an Iterator to a CloseableIteration.
Abstract base class for tests included in the RepositorySPARQLComplianceTestSuite.
Abstract base class for ExtendedEvaluationStrategy.
Base class for FederatedServiceResolver which takes care for lifecycle management of produced FederatedServices.
Base class for any Query operation over HTTP.
Base class for any Update operation over HTTP.
Base class for IRI, offering common functionality.
Base class for Literal, offering common functionality.
Base implementation of LogConfiguration.
Abstract log reader
Provides basic operations that are common to all Models.
Base class for Namespace, offering common functionality.
Base implementation of the NavigationNode interface.
A base NotifyingSail implementation that takes care of common sail tasks, including proper closing of active connections and a grace period for active connections during shutdown of the store.
Abstract Class offering base functionality for SailConnection implementations.
JUnit test for the N-Triples parser that uses the tests that are available online.
JUnit test for the N-Triples parser that uses the tests that are available online.
Abstract super class of all operation types.
Utility base class for Platform implementations.
Abstract super class of all query types.
Base implementation of QueryModelNode.
Base class for QueryModelVisitors.
A base implementation to handle an HTTP query request.
Abstract test for QueryResultIO.
Abstract test for QueryResultIO.
Base class for QueryResultParsers offering common functionality for query result parsers.
Base class for QueryResultWriters offering common functionality for query result writers.
Base class for RDFHandlers with dummy implementations of all methods.
An RDFHandler that adds RDF data to some RDF sink.
Base class for RDFParsers offering common functionality for RDF parsers.
Base class for RDFWriters offering common functionality for RDF writers.
ReaderMonitor holds IndexReader and IndexSearcher.
An abstract base implementation of a read/write-lock manager.
Base class for Repository implementation, offering common functionality.
Abstract class implementing most 'convenience' methods in the RepositoryConnection interface by transforming parameters and mapping the methods to the basic (abstractly declared) methods.
Base class for RioSetting.
An abstract Sail implementation that takes care of common sail tasks, including proper closing of active connections and a grace period for active connections during shutdown of the store.
Abstract Class offering base functionality for SailConnection implementations.
Base implementation of SailImplConfig
Base class for QueryModelVisitors.
Abstract base class for SPARQL Results JSON Parsers.
Abstract base class for SPARQL Results XML Parsers.
Base class for Statement, offering common functionality.
Base class for Triple, offering common functionality.
Base class for TupleQueryResultHandlers with dummy implementations of all methods.
Base class for TupleQueryResultParsers offering common functionality for query result parsers.
Generic tests for TupleQueryResultWriter implementations.
Abstract super class of all update types.
Base class for ValueFactory, offering common functionality.
A bloom filter that is exact (no false positives) at the cost of always having to query the repository.
Registry keeping track of active transactions identified by a UUID.
Operation to add a statement.
A SPARQL aggregate expression.
Collector for values used by AggregateFunction's
Custom AggregateOperator function call that can be defined to take an argument and can apply distinct filtering on it.
Factory for a registered AggregateFunction that is evaluated in the same fashion as standard aggregate functions e.g.Sum invalid input: '&' Count
An operator that returns aggregates values.
Tests on SPARQL aggregate function compliance.
Used to signal bulk validation.
A boolean AND operator operating on two boolean expressions.
A product version in Aduna's version format (i.e.
A tuple expression that matches a path of arbitrary length against an RDF graph.
Tests on SPARQL property paths involving * or + operators (arbitrary length paths).
Class to represent a SPIN argument.
An array implementation of the BindingSet interface.
Command line interface for the demo.
Spring config for the demo.
Class responsible for repository access for managing Artist entities.
Uses ArtistDao and PaintingDao to query and manipulate the repository.
Utility methods for ASCII character checking.
A marker interface to denote objects which are bind-able in a SPARQL assignment expression.
A SPARQL expression-to-variable assignment
Use AbstractASTVisitor instead.
An interface for StatementOrder implementations that can report which orders they support for a given subject, predicate, object and contexts.
The AVG operator as defined in
Provides concurrent access to statements as they are being parsed when instances of this class are run as Threads.
Provides concurrent access to tuple results as they are being parsed.
A SPARQL Base declaration
Resolves relative URIs in a query model using either an external base URI or using the base URI specified in the query model itself.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use CONFIG instead.
Base class for rendering RDF4J query API objects into strings.
A class encapsulating the basic parser settings that most parsers may support.
RioSetting constants to use with QueryResultWriters.
Basic SPARQL functionality tests
A class encapsulating the basic writer settings that most writers may support.
A language handler that can verify BCP47 formatted language tags.
Basic graph pattern collector.
Interface defining constants for the binary table result format.
Reader for the binary tuple result format.
A TupleQueryResultParserFactory for binary tuple query result parsers.
Writer for the binary tuple result format.
A TupleQueryResultWriterFactory for writers of binary query results.
An RDFParserFactory for Binary RDF parsers.
A RDFWriter for the binary RDF format.
An RDFWriterFactory for Binary RDF writers.
WriterSettings for the binary RDF writer.
WriterSettings for the binary RDF writer.
An abstract superclass for binary tuple operators which, by definition, has two arguments.
An abstract superclass for binary value operators which, by definition, has two arguments.
A named value binding.
Assigns values to variables based on a supplied set of bindings.
A BindingSet is a set of named value bindings, which is used a.o.
Optimizes a query model by inlining BindingSetAssignment values where possible.
Compact and efficient representation of a binding set for use as a key in hash maps.
A marker interface used in the GroupBy logic to make a key out of the values being grouped by.
Maps a query solution to an instance.
A LookAheadIteration for processing bind left join results (i.e., result of joining OPTIONAL clauses) Algorithm: execute left bind join using regular bound join query process result iteration similar to BoundJoinVALUESConversionIteration remember seen set of bindings (using index) and add original bindings to those, i.e.
Takes a plan node as a source and for each tuple in the source it will build a BindingSet from the vars and the tuple and inject it into the query
Test on SPARQL BIND function.
Empty RDF Handler that provides a Statement consumer that can be used with JMH BlackHole to avoid JVM (JIT Compiler) optimizations
Processes blank nodes in the query body, replacing them with variables while retaining scope.
An RDF-1.1 blank node (aka bnode, aka anonymous node).
A BNode generator, which generates a new BNode each time it needs to supply a value.
use BooleanCast instead
A Function that tries to cast its argument to an xsd:boolean.
An extension of SimpleLiteral that stores a boolean value to avoid parsing.
An extension of MemLiteral that stores a boolean value to avoid parsing.
Represents the concept of a boolean query result serialization format.
An interface that indicates that this QueryResultHandler is capable of handling boolean results using the QueryResultHandler.handleBoolean(boolean) method.
An exception that can be thrown by an BooleanQueryResultHandler when it encounters an unrecoverable error.
A general interface for boolean query result parsers.
Returns BooleanQueryResultParsers for a specific boolean query result format.
A registry that keeps track of the available BooleanQueryResultParserFactorys.
View used to render boolean query results.
The interface of objects that writer query results in a specific query result format.
Returns BooleanQueryResultWriters for a specific boolean query result format.
A registry that keeps track of the available BooleanQueryResultWriterFactorys.
A RioSetting with a Boolean value.
Reader for the plain text boolean result format.
A BooleanQueryResultParserFactory for plain text boolean result parsers.
Writer for the plain text boolean result format.
A BooleanQueryResultWriterFactory for writers of plain text boolean query results.
The BOUND function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF; checks if a variable is bound.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:boundary, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
A QueryModelNode for printing the bound filter vars (e.g.
Inserts original bindings into the result.
Marker interface indicating that instances are applicable for bound join processing (see ControlledWorkerBindJoin
Inserts original bindings into the result.
Implementation of an on-disk B-Tree using the java.nio classes that are available in JDK 1.4 and newer.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:buffer, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
An RDFHandlerWrapper that buffers statements internally and passes them to underlying handlers grouped by context, then subject, then predicate.
Tests on various SPARQL built-in functions.
Class providing utility methods for handling byte arrays.
A Function that tries to cast its argument to an xsd:byte .
A ByteSink writes data as raw bytes directly to an OutputStream.
Resource cache expiry filter for Tomcat 6, based on code authored by Saket Kumar.
An extension of SimpleLiteral that stores a calendar value to avoid parsing.
An extension of MemLiteral that stores a Calendar value to avoid parsing.
Abstract superclass for Functions that cast an argument to an XML Schema datatype.
The SPARQL built-in Function CEIL, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
Set of changes applied to an SailSourceBranch awaiting to be flushed into its backing SailSource.
A CharSink writes data as characters to a Writer.
Used by sh:equals to return any targets and values where the target has values by path that are not values by the predicate, or vice versa.
A statement pattern with no free variables when provided with some particular BindingSet in evaluate.
A RioSetting with a Class value.
Clear command.
Update that, upon each invocation of execute(), clears the result cache it is aware of.
Operation that removes all namespace declarations.
Operation that clears the whole repository.
HTTP-related exception indicating that an HTTP client has erred.
Close command
An CloseableIteration that can be closed to free resources that it is holding.
An Iteration that can convert an Iterator to a CloseableIteration.
A wrapping iteration that attempts to close the dependent RepositoryConnection after consumption.
Helper class for quickly iterating over a String and receiving each character code point (taking care to handle surrogate pairs correctly).
Helper class for working with Strings as sequences of Unicode code points.
A Factory that may generate optimised and/or disk based collections Factories like this should not be cached but created a new everytime as the closing is important if they are disk based.
An iteration to access a materialized Collection of BindingSets.
Abstraction of console commands.
Interceptor that inserts some commonly used values into the model.
A comparison between two values.
A query optimizer that replaces Compare operators with SameTerms, if possible.
The SPARQL built-in Function CONCAT, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
Extended version of concat for SPIN.
Limited-size concurrent cache.
Limited-size concurrent cache.
Optimized for multithreaded use of the Java 9+ Cleaner
Shared vocabulary for configuration of RDF4J components: Repositories, SAILs, and so on.
Custom Graph Query Inferencer config
ContextAwareRepository config
Elasticsearch Store config
HTTP Repository config
Lucene Sail config
Memory Store config
Native Store config
ProxyRepository config
Repository config
Sail config
SHACL Sail config
SPARQLRepository config
Handles requests related to repository configuration.
Application configuration interface
Utility functions for working with RDF4J Models representing configuration settings.
Configuration helper class
View used to export a repository config.
Splits conjunctive constraints into seperate constraints.
ConjunctiveFilterExpr maintains a list of conjunctive (i.e.
Connect command
Convenience functions for use with RepositoryConnections.
The RDF4J Console is a command-line application for interacting with RDF4J.
Abstract command
Write query results to console
Write query results to console
Abstract setting
Console state interface
Console value setting
A query optimizer that optimizes constant value expressions.
Class to store SPIN constraint violation RDF statements.
Enum of possible SPIN constraint violation levels.
Tests on SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries.
A specialized CloseableIteration that consumes part (or the entire input iteration if it fits into the buffer) and keeps data for further processing in memory.
The SPARQL built-in Function CONTAINS, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
Allows contexts to be specified at the connection level or the method level.
A RepositoryFactory that creates ContextAwareRepositorys based on RDF configuration data.
Allows contexts to be specified at the repository level.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use CONFIG.ContextAware vocabulary instead.
Visitor implementation for the query algebra which walks the tree and figures out the context for nodes in the algebra.
A TransactionOperation that operates on a specific (set of) contexts.
Handles requests for the list of contexts in a repository.
A RDFHandler that can be used to collect reported statements in collections.
Execution of a regular join as bind join.
Base class for executing joins as bind joins (i.e., the bindings of a block are injected in the SPARQL query as VALUES clause).
Bind join implementation for left joins (i.e., OPTIOAL clauses)
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Execute the nested loop join in an asynchronous fashion, i.e.
Execute the nested loop join in an asynchronous fashion, i.e.
ControlledWorkerScheduler is a task scheduler that uses a FIFO queue for managing its process.
Execution of union tasks with ControlledWorkerScheduler.
Convert RDF file from one format to another
A CloseableIteration that converts an iteration over objects of type S (the source type) to an iteration over objects of type T (the target type).
An Iterator that converts an iterator over objects of type S (the source type) to an iterator over objects of type T (the target type).
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:convexHull, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
Browsers do not expire cache if Cookies have changed.
Handles cookies for proxy servlets.
Handles cookies for TransformationServlet.
CorruptIRI is used when a NativeValue cannot be read from the ValueStore and if soft failure is enabled
CorruptIRIOrBNode is used when a NativeValue cannot be read from the ValueStore and if soft failure is enabled
CorruptLiteral is used when a NativeValue cannot be read from the ValueStore and if soft failure is enabled
CorruptUnknownValue is used when a NativeValue cannot be read from the ValueStore and if soft failure is enabled
CorruptValue is used when a NativeValue cannot be read from the ValueStore and if soft failure is enabled
Create command
Iteration which forms the cross product of a list of materialized input bindings with each result obtained from the inner iteration.
ServiceRegistry implementation that stores available custom aggregate functions that can be used during query evaluation.
A forward-chaining inferencer that infers new statements using a SPARQL graph query.
Configuration handling for CustomGraphQueryInferencer.
A SailFactory that creates a CustomGraphQueryInferencer based on RDF configuration data.
since 4.3.0.
Class supplying access to a data file.
Represents a dataset against which operations can be evaluated.
A SPARQL dataset specification
Extracts a SPARQL Dataset from an ASTQueryContainer, if one is contained.
Synthetic dataset generator.
A repository that automatically attempts to load the dataset supplied in a (SPARQL) query (using FROM and FROM NAMED clauses).
A RepositoryFactory that creates DatasetRepositorys based on RDF configuration data.
Class that provides indexed storage and retrieval of arbitrary length data.
An interface to implement a base data structure for the ExtensibleStore.
The DATATYPE function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.
An interface defining methods related to verification and normalization of typed literals and datatype URIs.
Registry of DatatypeHandlers.
A Function that tries to cast its argument to an xsd:date.
use DateTimeCast instead.
A Function that tries to cast its argument to an xsd:dateTime.
An exception that is thrown to indicate that the parsing of a DAWG Test Result Set graph failed due to an incompatible or incomplete graph.
A TupleQueryResultHandler that converts query results to an RDF graph using the Data Access Working Group Test Result Set RDF Vocabulary (
The SPARQL built-in Function DAY, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
An implementation of a datatype handler that can process DBPedia datatypes.
Vocabulary constants for the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, version 1.1
Constants for the W3C Data Catalog Vocabulary.
Vocabulary constants for the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Metadata Terms.
Used for adding a custom log statement to tuples as they pass through.
Utility class that prints all events to a PrintStream (default: System.err), optionally with a stacktrace.
use DecimalCast instead.
A Function that tries to cast its argument to an xsd:decimal.
An extension of SimpleLiteral that stores an integer value using a BigDecimal object.
An extension of MemLiteral that stores a decimal value to avoid parsing.
An inferencer may infer the same statement from two different statements.
A DefaultCollectionFactory that provides lists/sets/maps using standard common java in memory types
Default SPARQL 1.1 Query Evaluation strategy, to evaluate one TupleExpr on the given TripleSource, optionally using the given Dataset.
Default implementation of the FedXCostModel
Tests on handling default graph identification (DEFAULT keyword, rf4j:nil).
A RecordComparator that compares values with eachother by comparing all of their bytes.
Default implementation of the SailChangedEvent interface.
The default SchedulerFactory
Default implementation of WriteStrategyFactory.
An iteration that delays the creation of the underlying iteration until it is being accessed.
A FederatedServiceResolver which redirects SERVICE requests to the federation member (if the SERVICE IRI correspond to a member) or to the provided delegate.
Main interface for repositories that wrap another repository.
The SPARQL Delete Data Query
Test that a complex delete-insert SPARQL query gets correctly executed.
Servlet responsible for presenting the list of repositories, and deleting the chosen one.
Iteration that implements a simplified version of Symmetric Concise Bounded Description (omitting reified statements).
Tests on SPARQL DESCRIBE queries
A SPARQL Update Query that has a source and a destination
The MINUS set operator, which returns the result of the left tuple expression, except for the results that are also returned by the right tuple expression.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:difference, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
Used to create a lock in a directory.
A forward-chaining inferencer that infers the direct-type hierarchy relations sesame:directSubClassOf, sesame:directSubPropertyOf and sesame:directType.
A SailFactory that creates DirectTypeHierarchyInferencers based on RDF configuration data.
Disconnect command
A query optimizer that optimize disjunctive constraints on tuple expressions.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:distance, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
An Iteration that filters any duplicate elements from an underlying iterator.
An Iteration that takes two source.
Constants for the Description of a Project.
A document result or hit from a search query.
Utilities to make working with DOM documents easier.
use DoubleCast instead.
A Function that tries to cast its argument to an xsd:double.
Provides a bag union of the two provided iterations.
A LinkedHashModel or a TreeModel achieves fast data access at the cost of higher indexing time.
Creates DynamicModel.
Interface to support evaluation statistics that keep their own internal estimates and need to be notified of added or removed statements.
A read cache that keeps a hot copy of the underlying data structure
Constants for EARL primitives and for the EARL namespace.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:ehContains, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:ehCoveredBy, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:ehCovers, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:ehDisjoint, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:ehEquals, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:ehInside, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:ehMeet, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:ehOverlap, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
Requires an Elasticsearch cluster with the DeleteByQuery plugin.
A SailFactory that creates LuceneSails based on RDF configuration data.
An RDF4J SailStore persisted to Elasticsearch.
A SailFactory that creates ElasticsearchStores based on RDF configuration data.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 4.3.0.
An immutable empty BindingSet.
An iterator that does not contain any elements.
An iterator that does not contain any elements.
Blocks access to the statements of the model, allowing only changes to the model's namespaces.
Algebra construct representing an empty join.
Algebra construct representing an empty union.
A generic interface to mark some TupleExpr as empty.
A tuple expression that contains zero solutions.
EmptyStatementPattern represents a statement that cannot produce any results for the registered endpoints.
The SPARQL built-in Function ENCODE_FOR_URI, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
Structure to maintain endpoint information, e.g.
Base implementation for an Endpoint.
A wrapper for managed RepositoryConnections which makes sure that EndpointBase.ManagedRepositoryConnection.close() is a no-op, i.e.
Classify endpoints into remote or local ones.
Additional marker interface for Endpoint Configurations.
Utility class providing various methods to create Endpoints to be used as federation members.
EndpointManager is the singleton instance that manages available Endpoints.
Generic interface to create Endpoints from a repository information.
Information about the type of an endpoint
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:envelope, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
In/Out Parameter for SparqlQueryEvaluator to make it independend from things like the serlvet api.
Supplies various query model statistics to the query engine/optimizer.
Enum to support multiple different EvaluationStatistics implementations.
A wrapper around a data structure to support evaluation statistics that need to be notified of added or removed statements.
Evaluates TupleExprs and ValueExprs.
Factory for EvaluationStrategys.
Test cases for behavior of DefaultEvaluationStrategy and QueryEvaluationMode on base Sail implementations.
Vocabulary constants for the '' namespace.
RDF Tutorial example 01: Building a simple RDF Model using Eclipse RDF4J
RDF Tutorial example 02: Building a simple RDF Model using the RDF4J ModelBuilder
RDF Tutorial example 03: Datatyped literals
RDF Tutorial example 04: Language tags
RDF Tutorial example 05: Adding blank nodes to an RDF Model.
RDF Tutorial example 06: Writing an RDF model in RDF/XML syntax
RDF Tutorial example 07: Writing an RDF model in Turtle syntax
RDF Tutorial example 08: Reading a Turtle syntax file to create a Model
RDF Tutorial example 09: Reading a Turtle syntax file to create a Model
RDF Tutorial example 10: Getting all values of a property for a particular subject.
RDF Tutorial example 11: Getting a single property value for a particular subject.
RDF Tutorial example 12: Building a Model with named graphs
RDF Tutorial example 13: Adding an RDF Model to a database
RDF Tutorial example 14: Adding an RDF file directly to the database
RDF Tutorial example 15: executing a simple SPARQL query on the database
RDF Tutorial example 16: executing a SPARQL CONSTRUCT query on the database
Convenience functions to handle exceptions.
An ArbitraryLengthPath node which can be evaluated at a single node.
Represents a group of ExclusiveTupleExpr that can only produce results at a single endpoint, the StatementSource.
A simple non-reentrant lock.
A simple reentrant lock that allows other threads to unlock the lock.
Represents a StatementPattern that can only produce results at a single endpoint, the owner.
Interface representing nodes that can exclusively be evaluated at a single StatementSource.
A specialized optimizer which identifies and marks ExclusiveTupleExpr.
A specialization of ExclusiveTupleExpr which provides definitions how the expressions can be rendered to a sub-query.
An example custom SPARQL function that detects palindromes that already exist in the database.
Checks whether the wrapped Query produces any results.
Test for queries using EXISTS
This feature is in an experimental state: its existence, signature or behavior may change without warning from one release to the next.
This is an experimental feature.
The different levels that the query explanation can be at.
This is an experimental feature.
Export triples to file
View used to export statements.
A SPARQL expression.
A class with static methods to create SPARQL expressions.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 4.3.0 - use DefaultEvaluationStrategyFactory instead.
ExtensibleDirectEvaluationStatistics provides evaluation statistics by using the default implementation.
ExtensibleDirectEvaluationStatistics provides evaluation statistics by directly querying the underlying data source.
ExtensibleDynamicEvaluationStatistics aims to keep an internal estimate of the cardinality of various statement patterns.
A store where the backing storage can be implemented by the user.
An extension operator that can be used to add bindings to solutions whose values are defined by value expressions.
Implements the 'federate' command for the RDF4J Console.
Specialized DescribeIteration for evaluation of DESCRIBE queries in the federation.
Specialized DescribeOperator Node for maintaining QueryInfo.
FederatedService to allow for customized evaluation of SERVICE expression.
The FederatedServiceResolver is used to manage a set of FederatedService instances, which are used to evaluate SERVICE expressions for particular service Urls.
Interface used by SailFactory and RepositoryFactory that can make external SERVICE calls.
Context to maintain the state of the current federation
Base class for the Evaluation strategies.
Factory class for retrieving the FederationEvalStrategy to be used.
The FederationManager manages all modules necessary for the runtime behavior.
The Federation type definition: Local, Remote, Hybrid
FedX serves as implementation of the federation layer.
A specialization of ArbitraryLengthPath to maintain the QueryInfo
Abstraction of a SailBooleanQuery which takes care for tracking the FedXRepositoryConnection.BINDING_ORIGINAL_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME during evaluation.
Configuration class for FedX
An implementation of RepositoryConnection that uses FederationEvalStrategy to evaluate provided queries.
A default implementation for AbstractSail.
Interface for a cost model used in StatementGroupAndJoinOptimizer.
Abstraction of a Dataset to provide additional information for the evaluation of a query.
Base class for any FedX Exception.
FedX initialization factory methods for convenience: methods initialize the FederationManager and all required FedX structures.
Abstraction of a SailGraphQuery which takes care for tracking the FedXRepositoryConnection.BINDING_ORIGINAL_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME during evaluation.
Abstraction of LeftJoin to maintain the QueryInfo.
Interface for any FedX optimizer
A specialized BingingSet that can only hold the start and end values of a Path.
Exception to be thrown if during query evaluation a data source is not reachable, i.e.
Specialized variants of QueueCursor which avoids converting any exception if it is already of typeQueryEvaluationException.
A special SailRepository which performs the actions as defined in FedXRepositoryConnection.
A RepositoryImplConfig to configure FedX for the use in the RDF4J workbench.
A special SailRepositoryConnection which adds the original query string as binding to the returned query.
A RepositoryFactory to use FedX in settings with a repository manager, e.g.
Wrapper for the FedXRepository in order to allow for lazy initialization.
Base class for any FedX Exception.
Base class providing all common functionality for FedX StatementPatterns
Interface marking known FedX algebra nodes.
Abstraction of a SailTupleQuery which takes care for tracking the FedXRepositoryConnection.BINDING_ORIGINAL_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME during evaluation.
General utility functions
A specialization of ZeroLengthPath that keeps track of QueryInfo and statement sources.
An evaluation step used for FedXZeroLengthPath.
An iteration to evaluated FedXZeroLengthPath
Abstract representation of a file format.
A special ServiceRegistry for FileFormat related services.
File log reader
Utility methods for operations on Files.
The FILTER operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.
Thrown if a filter could not be converted.
Applies a basic graph pattern filter to what triples can be see.
FilterExpr maintains information for a particular FILTER expression.
Filters iteration according to specified filterExpr and inserts original bindings into filtered results.
Filters iteration according to specified filterExpr.
A wrapper for an Iteration that filters the statements against a pattern similar to getStatements(Resource subject, IRI predicate, Value object, Resource...
A CloseableIteration that wraps another Iteration, applying a filter on the objects that are returned.
A CloseableIterator that wraps another iterator, applying a filter on the objects that are returned.
Filter optimizer to push down FILTER expressions as far as possible.
Optimizes a query model by pushing Filters as far down in the model tree as possible.
Tests for variable scoping issues with SPARQL FILTER clauses.
Expressions implementing this interface can apply some FilterValueExpr during evaluation.
Various utility functions to handle filter expressions.
Interface to indicate filter expressions.
use FloatCast instead.
A Function that tries to cast its argument to an xsd:float.
The SPARQL built-in Function FLOOR, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
Defines constants for the standard XPath functions.
Constants for FOAF primitives and for the FOAF namespace.
Resources here are defined according to the FOAF specs on, version 0.99, 14 January 2014
A SPARQL Dataset specifier.
A query function, which can be a built-in function in the query language, or a custom function as documented in the SPARQL 1.1 Query Language Recommendation.
A call to an (external) function that operates on zero or more arguments.
A ServiceRegistry for implementations of the Function interface.
Generic optimizer Tasks: - Collect information (hasUnion, hasFilter, hasService) - Collect all statements in a list (for source selection), do not collect SERVICE expressions - Collect all Join arguments and group them in the NJoin structure for easier optimization (flatten)
This is an experimental feature.
An implementation of the Statement interface with support for Java Generics.
An implementation of a datatype handler that can process GeoSPARQL datatypes.
Either supplies a statement matching the given pattern, or Optional.empty() otherwise.
Handles requests for manipulating the named graphs in a repository.
Denotes a query element that can be used as a Graph Name
A graph pattern consisting of (required and optional) tuple expressions, binding assignments and boolean constraints.
Denotes a SPARQL Graph Pattern
A class with static methods to create graph patterns.
A representation of a query result as a sequence of Statement objects.
View used to render graph query results.
A SPARQL Graph Template, used in Construct queries
Converts graph results into a binding set iteration
Group represents a logical group of views in a NavigationModel.
A tuple operator that groups tuples that have a specific set of equivalent variable bindings, and that can apply aggregate functions on the grouped results.
Denotes a groupable SPARQL query element (can be used in a GROUP BY clause)
A SPARQL Group By clause
The GROUP_CONCAT operator as defined in
Retrieves the original bindings for the particular result
A tuple operator that groups tuples that have a specific set of equivalent variable bindings, and that can apply aggregate functions on the grouped results.
GZip-related utilities.
Class supplying access to a hash file.
Abstract hash function
Operator for a hash join of tuple expressions.
Generic hash join implementation suitable for use by Sail implementations.
A SPARQL Having clause
RDF parser for HDT v1.0 files.
An RDFParserFactory for HDT parsers.
An element in an HTTP header value.
Help interface
An artificial holder node serving as parent holder to allow replacement.
The SPARQL built-in Function HOURS, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
TupleQuery specific to the HTTP protocol.
Convenience utility class offering helper methods to configure HttpClients and HttpClientBuilders.
Common interface for objects, such as Repository and RepositoryConnection, that are dependent on HttpClient.
Manager for remote HTTP sessions using a HttpClient.
HTTP-related exception that includes the relevant HTTP status code.
GraphQuery implementation specific to the HTTP protocol.
A repository that serves as a client for a remote repository on an RDF4J Server.
A RepositoryFactory that creates HTTPRepositorys based on RDF configuration data.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 4.3.0.
Class encapsulates configuration settings specific for HTTPRepository.
TupleQuery specific to the HTTP protocol.
Update specific to the HTTP protocol.
Constants for the Hydra Core Vocabulary.
Class supplying access to an ID file.
The IF function, as defined in SPARQL 1.1 Query.
Thrown if something is wrong while constructing the query string.
Checks whether a certain value is contained in a set of results produced by a query.
A zero-cost bloom filter that always returns true (no negatives).
An exception indicating that a string could not be parsed into an operation of the expected type by the parser.
A writer that adds indentation to written text.
Inserts original bindings into the result.
Inserts original bindings into the result.
Inserts original bindings into the result.
Specifies a filter, which determines whether a statement should be included in the keyword index when performing complete reindexing.
A way to signal which index is in use for a specific iterator (e.g.
An extension of the SailConnection interface offering methods that can be used by inferencers to store and remove inferred statements.
An extension of ConnectionWrapper that implements the InferencerConnection interface.
Inserts data from the specified TTL file into the repository at startup.
An simplified implementation of the RecordCache that keeps everything in memory.
Adds more bindings to each of the results.
Inserts original bindings into the result.
The SPARQL Insert Data Query
A Function that tries to cast its argument to an xsd:int .
use IntegerCast instead
A Function that tries to cast its argument to an xsd:integer .
Abstract superclass for CastFunctions that cast their arguments to an xsd:integer or one of its derived types.
An extension of SimpleLiteral that stores an integer value using a BigInteger object.
An extension of MemLiteral that stores an integer value to avoid parsing.
A RioSetting with a Integer value.
Wrapper that notifies interceptors of events on RepositoryConnections before they happen.
Wrapper that notifies interceptors of events on Repositories before they happen.
This feature is intended for internal use only and is not considered part of the public API: its existence, signature or behavior may change without warning from one release to the next.
An IRI implementation that interns the stringValue so that two objects can be compared by their stringValue reference.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:intersection, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The INTERSECT set operator, which returns the intersection of the result sets of two tuple expressions.
A step that prepares the arguments of an Intersection operator before execution.
An Iteration that returns the intersection of the results of two Iterations.
Tests on the IN operator.
Magic properties are normally treated as TupleFunctions acting on the subject of a statement.
Utility methods for I/O working with Readers, Writers, InputStreams and OutputStreams.
Denotes an RDF IRI
An Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI).
The IRI function, as defined in SPARQL 1.1 Query Language for RDF.
IsNumeric - Boolean operator determining if the supplied expression represents a numeric value.
A Transaction Isolation Level.
Enumeration of Transaction IsolationLevels supported by RDF4J.
Test that the Repository correctly supports claimed isolation levels.
Function that return "true"^^xsd:boolean if its argument is RDF-star Triple otherwise return "false"^^xsd:boolean the function's IRI uses RDF namespace to match the other functions in the package
An iterating implementation of the GraphQueryResult interface.
An iterating implementation of the TupleQueryResult interface.
This class consists exclusively of static methods that operate on or return Iterations.
A natural join between two tuple expressions.
Base class for any join parallel join executor.
Base class for any join parallel join executor.
Interleaved join iterator.
Converts a JSON-LD object to a hierarchical form
Specifies constants to identify various modes that are relevant to JSONLD documents.
Specifies constants to identify various modes that are relevant to JSONLD documents.
An RDFParser for JSON-LD 1.1
An RDFParser that links to JSONLDInternalTripleCallback.
An RDFParserFactory that creates instances of JSONLDParser.
An RDFParserFactory that creates instances of JSONLDParser.
Settings that can be passed to JSONLD Parsers and Writers.
Settings that can be passed to JSONLD Parsers and Writers.
An RDFWriter for JSON-LD 1.1
An RDFWriter that links to JSONLDInternalRDFParser.
An RDFWriterFactory that creates instances of JSONLDWriter.
An RDFWriterFactory that creates instances of JSONLDWriter.
Generic JSON settings, mostly related to Jackson Features.
JTS-enabled implementation of spatial algebra, with full support for polygon-related geospatial functions
The LABEL function, which selects the label of literals.
The LANG function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.
Checks whether a language tag (e.g.
An interface defining methods related to verification and normalization of language tags.
Registry of LanguageHandlers.
An enumeration used to define constants used with the BasicParserSettings.LARGE_LITERALS_HANDLING parser setting.
A specialized CloseableIteration that allows repetitive iterations after resetting the cursor using LazyMutableClosableIteration.resetCursor().
A ValidationReport that will defer calculating any ValidationResults until the user asks for them
Constants for the Linked Data Platform.
The LeftJoin operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.
A lexical RDF Term Comparator, this class does not compare numerically and is therefore a bit faster than a SPARQL compliant comparator.
An Iteration that limits the amount of elements that it returns from an underlying Iteration to a fixed amount.
An optimizer that attempts to push upper limits into BGPs of the query.
Various tests on linear execution of updates.
Hash table based implementation of the Model interface.
A List-based implementation of the BindingSet interface.
ValueOperator that verifies if the first of its arguments occurs in any of the subsequent arguments.
An RDF-1.1 literal consisting of a label (the lexical value), a datatype, and optionally a language tag.
Various utility methods related to Literal.
An exception thrown by Literals when specific conditions are not met.
A SAIL implementation using LMDB for storing and querying its data.
Connection to an LmdbStore.
A SailFactory that creates LmdbStores based on RDF configuration data.
Defines constants for the LmdbStore schema which is used by LmdbStoreFactorys to initialize LmdbStores.
Load command
The LOCAL NAME function, which selects the local name of URIs.
An implementation of the RepositoryManager interface that operates directly on the repository data files in the local file system.
A lock on a specific monitor that can be used for synchronization purposes.
Extension of the Lock.Supplier interface to support tryLock().
Functional interface for supplying a lock with support for InterruptedException.
Automatically log and release locks that are no longer referenced and will be garbage collected.
Configuration options for diagnostic features of the ReadWriteLockManager implementations to help debug locking issues.
An Iteration that holds on to a lock until the Iteration is closed.
Manages a set of non-exclusive locks.
Interface to support monitoring and cleaning of locks.
Full tracking of locks with simple deadlock detection and logging as well as automatic release of abandoned locks (same as LockCleaner).
Constants for the ISA Programme Location Core Vocabulary.
Configuration settings for application logging.
Handler to convert java.util.logging events to SLF4J logging events.
Generic log level enumeration
Console log level setting.
Log reader interface
Log record interface
A IntegerCastFunction that tries to cast its argument to an xsd:long .
A RioSetting with a Long value.
An Iteration that looks one element ahead, if necessary, to handle calls to LookAheadIteration.hasNext().
The SPARQL built-in Function LCASE, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
A LuceneIndex is a one-stop-shop abstraction of a Lucene index.
LuceneIndex which uses a NIOFSDirectory instead of MMapDirectory to avoid the JVM crash (see http:// readvint).
A LuceneSail wraps an arbitrary existing Sail and extends it with support for full-text search on all Literals.
This feature is for internal use only: its existence, signature or behavior may change without warning from one release to the next.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use CONFIG.Lucene instead.
A SailFactory that creates LuceneSails based on RDF configuration data.
LuceneSailSchema defines predicates that can be used for expressing a Lucene query in a RDF query.
Platform implementation for Mac OS X platforms.
An exception indicating that a query could not be processed by the query parser, typically due to syntax errors.
An exception thrown by the SPIN parser when it encounters malformed SPIN rules, constraints or constructors.
A specialized RepositoryEndpoint where the lifecycle of the Repository is managed by this endpoint, i.e.
A Map-based implementation of the BindingSet interface.
This feature is for internal use only: its existence, signature or behavior may change without warning from one release to the next.
A mathematical expression consisting an operator and two arguments.
A utility class for evaluation of mathematical expressions on RDF literals.
Maven-related utility methods.
The SPARQL built-in Function MD5, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
A MemoryStore-specific extension of BNodeImpl giving it node properties.
A MemoryStore-specific implementation of URI that stores separated namespace and local name information to enable reuse of namespace String objects (reducing memory usage) and that gives it node properties.
A MemoryStore-specific extension of Literal giving it node properties.
An implementation of the Sail interface that stores its data in main memory and that can use a file for persistent storage.
Implementation of a Sail Connection for memory stores.
A SailFactory that creates MemoryStores based on RDF configuration data.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use CONFIG.Mem instead.
A MemoryStore-specific extension of Resource giving it subject statements.
A MemStatement is a Statement which contains context information and a flag indicating whether the statement is explicit or inferred.
A StatementIterator that can iterate over a list of Statement objects.
A cache for MemStatementIterator that tracks how frequently an iterator is used and caches the iterator as a list
A dedicated data structure for storing MemStatement objects, offering operations optimized for their use in the memory Sail.
A MemoryStore-specific implementation of Triple.
An Iteration that can iterate over a list of Triple objects.
A MemoryStore-specific extension of the Value interface, giving it node properties.
A factory for MemValue objects that keeps track of created objects to prevent the creation of duplicate objects, minimizing memory usage as a result.
Interceptor that inserts some commonly used values into the model.
An Iteration that returns the results of an Iteration (the left argument) minus the results of another Iteration (the right argument).
Test for queries using MINUS
The SPARQL built-in Function MINUTES, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
An RDF Model, represented as a Set of Statements with predictable iteration order.
Builder to facilitate easier creation of new RDF Model objects via a fluent interface.
Collects a stream of Statements into a Model.
An exception thrown by Model and Models when specific conditions are not met.
Factory to create empty Model implementations.
An abstract test class to test the handling of namespaces by Model implementations.
Utility functions for working with Models and other Statement collections.
Abstract test suite for implementations of the Model interface
The SPARQL Modify Queries
Implementation supporting the following monitoring features: - monitor remote requests per endpoint - maintain a query backlog using QueryLog
The SPARQL built-in Function MONTH, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
Date range-enabled wrapper for FileLogReader.
A "multi-projection" that can produce multiple solutions from a single set of bindings.
A BindingSet is a set of named value bindings, which is used a.o.
An implementation of the TupleQueryResult interface that stores the complete query result in memory.
An RDFParserFactory for N3 parsers.
JUnit test for the N3 parser that uses the tests that are available online.
An implementation of the RDFWriter interface that writes RDF documents in N3 format.
An RDFWriterFactory for N3 writers.
Associates a String key with a Supplier<String> that provides a SPARQL operation.
A namespace, consisting of a namespace name and a prefix that has been assigned to it.
The NAMESPACE function, which selects the namespace of URIs.
An interface that is used to signify that something is able to provide Namespace information, in addition to Statements.
Handles requests for manipulating a specific namespace definition in a repository.
A utility class to perform operations on Namespaces.
Handles requests for the list of namespace definitions for a repository.
Utility class for named threads
Comparator: partial order: OwnedStatementSourcePatternGroup -> OwnedStatementSourcePattern -> StatementSourcePattern
An abstract superclass for N-ary value operators.
Graph information for RDF4J NativeStore initialization.
A SAIL implementation using B-Tree indexing on disk for storing and querying its data.
A SailFactory that creates NativeStores based on RDF configuration data.
Provider for an Endpoint that uses a RDF4J NativeStore as underlying repository.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use CONFIG.Native instead.
JSTL functions for navigation.
Interceptor that inserts the navigation model for the current Spring view into the model.
NavigationModel represents the navigation structure of a web application.
NavigationNode represents a node in a NavigationModel.
XPath-based parser for NavigationModel configuration files.
Introduce a parser capable of parsing Newline Delimited JSON-LD, where each line is a serialized JSON-LD record.
Introduce a parser capable of parsing Newline Delimited JSON-LD, where each line is a serialized JSON-LD record.
An RDFParserFactory that creates instances of NDJSONLDParser.
An RDFParserFactory that creates instances of NDJSONLDParser.
A Function that tries to cast its argument to an xsd:negativeInteger .
File wrapper that protects against concurrent file closing events due to e.g.
A tuple expression that represents an nary-Join.
A factory that produces globally unique IDS which are used as node identifiers, e.g.
A Function that tries to cast its argument to an xsd:nonNegativeInteger .
A Function that tries to cast its argument to an xsd:nonPositiveInteger .
This PlanNode takes a stream of Tuples like: (ex:companyA, "Company A"@en).
A boolean NOT operator operating on a boolean expressions.
NotifyingLocalRepositoryManager extends LocalRepositoryManager with support for registering listeners.
This broadcaster is used by the RepositoryBroadcaster to wrap the delegate repository connection.
This notifying decorator allows listeners to register with the repository or connection and be notified when events occur.
An interface for Sails that notify registered SailChangedListeners of changes in the data in the Sail.
A connection to an RDF Sail object.
An implementation of the NotifyingSailConnection interface that wraps another NotifyingSailConnection object and forwards any method calls to the wrapped transaction.
An implementation of the StackableSail interface that wraps another Sail object and forwards any relevant calls to the wrapped Sail.
The SPARQL built-in Function NOW, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
RDF parser implementation for the N-Quads RDF format, extending the Rio N-Triples parser.
An RDFParserFactory for N-Quads parsers.
RDFWriter implementation for the N-Quads RDF format.
An RDFWriterFactory for N-Quads writers.
RDF parser for N-Triples files.
An RDFParserFactory for N-Triples parsers.
ParserSettings for the N-Triples parser features.
ParserSettings for the N-Triples parser features.
Utility methods for N-Triples encoding/decoding.
An implementation of the RDFWriter interface that writes RDF documents in N-Triples format.
An RDFWriterFactory for N-Triples writers.
WriterSettings for the N-Triples writer features.
WriterSettings for the N-Triples writer features.
Base class for any nary-tuple expression
An extension of AbstractLiteral that stores a numeric value to avoid parsing.
An extension of MemLiteral that stores a numeric value to avoid parsing.
A tuple expression that represents an nary-Union.
Generic utility methods related to objects.
Constants for the Open Digital Rights Language.
An Iteration that skips the first offset elements from an underlying Iteration.
Open command
Denotes an element that can be used as an operand to an Expression
An operation (e.g.
Tests on OPTIONAL clause behavior.
A boolean OR operator operating on two boolean expressions.
An order operator that can be used to order bindings as specified by a set of value expressions.
Denotes an orederable SPARQL query element (can be used in a ORDER BY clause)
A SPARQL Order By clause
A Comparator on BindingSets that imposes a total ordering by examining supplied Order elements (i.e.
An ascending or descending order condition
Sorts the input and optionally applies limit and distinct.
Moves the Order node above the Projection when variables are projected.
Constants for the W3C Organization Ontology.
A non-subquery query.
Constants for OWL / OWL 2 primitives and for the OWL / OWL 2 namespace.
Class responsible for repository access for managing Painting entities.
An example custom SPARQL function that detects palindromes
A ParallelTaskBase for executing bind left joins.
A task implementation representing a bound join, see FederationEvalStrategy.evaluateBoundJoinStatementPattern(StatementTupleExpr, List) for further details on the evaluation process.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
now integrated in ParallelBoundJoinTask (with VALUES clause)
A ParallelTaskBase for executing bind left joins, where the join argument is an EmptyStatementPattern.
Interface for any parallel cursor, i.e.
Base class for common parallel executors such as JoinExecutorBase and UnionExecutorBase.
A task implementation to retrieve statements for a given StatementPattern using the provided triple source.
A task implementation representing a join, i.e.
A task implementation representing a join, i.e.
A task implementation representing a prepared union, i.e.
A task implementation representing a prepared union, i.e.
Parallel executor for FedXService nodes, which wrap SERVICE expressions.
A task implementation representing the evaluation of a SERVICE which is to be evaluated using block input.
Interface for any parallel task that can be performed in Scheduler implementations.
A task implementation representing a UNION operator expression to be evaluated.
A task implementation representing a statement expression to be evaluated.
A parameter consisting of a key and a value, which are both strings.
Checks QueryModelNode.getParentNode() references that have become inconsistent with the actual algebra tree structure due to optimization operations.
Cleans up QueryModelNode.getParentNode() references that have become inconsistent with the actual algebra tree structure due to optimization operations.
A query formulated in the OpenRDF query algebra that produces a boolean value as its result.
A ParsedGraphQuery to identify DESCRIBE queries.
A query forumalated in the OpenRDF query algebra that produces an RDF graph (a set of statements) as its result.
Represents an Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI) reference.
Abstract superclass of all operations that can be formulated in a query language and parsed by the query parser.
Abstract super class of all query types that a query parser can generate.
A query formulated in the OpenRDF query algebra that produces a set of tuples as its result.
A parsed update sequence formulated in the OpenRDF query algebra.
A ParseErrorListener that collects Rio parse errors in the sequence they were collected in.
An interface defining methods for receiving warning and error messages from an RDF parser.
A ParseErrorListener that reports Rio parser errors to the SLf4J Logging framework.
A listener interface for listening to the parser's progress.
Benchmark for parsing a file created through DataSetGenerator with BlackHoleRDFHandler.
A container object for easy setting and passing of RDFParser configuration options.
Marker TupleExpr that is used from FedXTupleQuery.evaluate(TupleQueryResultHandler) to allow for passing through of results to the handler.
A specialized BingingSet that can only hold the start and end values of a Path.
Excludes an Iterator based on a given basic graph pattern.
An iterator that allows to peek at the next element without consuming it.
Factory class for producing instances of ShaclSail.TransactionSettings.PerformanceHint from string values.
The Platform interface defines methods that are expected to differ slightly between operating systems, e.g.
since 4.0.
PlatformFactory creates a Platform instance corresponding with the current platform.
Uses the delegate factory to actually obtain connections and provides these connections, managing an internal pool.
AggregateFunctionFactory implementation that provides AggregateFunction used for processing population standard deviation.
AggregateFunctionFactory implementation that provides AggregateFunction used for processing population variance.
A Function that tries to cast its argument to an xsd:positiveInteger .
Platform implementation for gnome environments under UNIX.
Platform implementation for KDE environments under UNIX.
Platform implementation for *nix platforms.
Node representing a precompiled query.
UUID source that generates the same sequence of UUIDs by counting up a long counter and using that as the value for generating a UUID.
A SPARQL Prefix declaration
A collection of SPARQL Prefix declarations
Processes the prefix declarations in a SPARQL query model.
Namespace prefix setting
Prints available command and options to the console.
Print command
Print the bindings of the inner iteration to stdout, however maintain a copy, which is accessible through this iteration.
Denotes a projectable query element (can be SELECT'ed)
A generalized projection (allowing the bindings to be renamed) on a tuple expression.
A SPARQL Projection
Projection elements control which of the selected expressions (produced by the WHERE clause of a query) are returned in the solution, and the order in which they appear.
If a projection node in the algebra does not contribute or change the results it can be removed from the tree.
Class controlling various logging properties such as the amount of lock tracking that is done for debugging (at the cost of performance).
Tests on SPARQL property paths.
Defines the action a particular transaction update is executing.
Handles requests for protocol information.
Simple resolver for Exceptions: returns the correct response code and message to the client.
Interceptor for protocol requests.
Utilities to help with the transition between HTTP requests/responses and values expected by the protocol.
Constants for the Provenance Ontology.
Repository implementation that takes a RepositoryResolver instance and the id of a managed repository, and delegate all calls through to the given repository.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use CONFIG instead.
Utility class for handling proxy connection settings.
A class with static methods to create SPARQL queries
A query on a repository that can be formulated in one of the supported query languages (for example SPARQL).
The base class for all SPARQL Queries.
The different types of queries that RDF4J recognizes: boolean queries, graph queries, and tuple queries.
Various static functions for query handling and parsing (alegbra expression).
An implementation of the BindingSet interface that is used to evalate query object models.
A QueryContext provides a means to pass arbitrary local state to a Function or TupleFunction.
Callback for configuring/customising a QueryContext.
Makes a QueryContext available during iteration.
Denotes a SPARQL Query Element
A logical collection of query elements.
A type-safe enumeration for query error types.
A QueryEvaluationContext stores values and methods that are valid throughout the lifetime of a query execution.
An exception indicating that the evaluation of a query failed.
The Query Evaluation Mode determines the behaviour of the SPARQL query engine on RDF4J repositories.
A Step that may need to be executed in a EvaluationStrategy.
Utility class that removes code duplication and makes a precompiled QueryEvaluationStep available as an iteration that may be created and used later.
This class will take over for QueryEvaluationUtil.
Abstract query evaluator command
Evaluates queries for QueryServlet.
Utility class for generating query objects.
Structure to maintain query information during evaluation, is attached to algebra nodes.
An exception indicating that the evaluation of a query has been interrupted, for example because it took too long to complete.
A query optimizer that re-orders nested Joins.
A type-safe enumeration for RDF query languages such as QueryLanguage.SPARQL.
Convenience class which writes the query backlog a logger with the name "QueryLog".
QueryManager to manage queries.
Main interface for all query model nodes.
A query optimizer that (partially) normalizes query models to a canonical form.
QueryModelVisitor implementation that "prints" a tree representation of a query model.
Convert TupleExpr (QueryModelNode) to GenericPlanNode for the Query.explain(...) feature.
An interface for query model visitors, implementing the Visitor pattern.
Interface used by EvaluationStrategys to optimize the TupleExpr prior to evaluating the query.
A pipeline of QueryOptimizers that, when executed in order on a TupleExpr, convert that TupleExpr to a more optimal query execution plan.
An RDF query parser translate query strings in some query language to OpenRDF query models.
A QueryParserFactory returns QueryParsers for a specific query language.
A registry that keeps track of the available QueryParserFactorys.
Utility class for creating query parsers and parsing queries in various query languages.
A SPARQL Query Pattern (WHERE clause)
Monitoring facility to maintain the query execution plan in a variable local to the executing thread.
Use prefixes when querying.
A generic interface for executing queries over a TripleSource.
A simple lexer that tokenizes a syntactically legal input SPARQL query string on prolog items (prefixes, base declarations, IRIs, comments, and syntactical tokens such as keywords, opening and closing brackets, and hashes).
Interface to access the QueryInfo from all FedX Algebra nodes.
Interface for RDF4J-based query renderers
Interface used by the AbstractRepositoryController to process a query.
Super type of all query result types (TupleQueryResult, GraphQueryResult, etc.).
An implementation of the QueryResultHandler interface that is able to collect a single result from either Boolean or Tuple results simultaneously.
The base class of all file formats that represent the results of queries.
The super class of all handlers for processing query results.
The super class of exceptions originating from QueryResultHandler implementations.
Class offering utility methods related to query results.
An iteration which wraps the final result and in case of exceptions aborts query evaluation for the corresponding query in fedx (potentially subqueries are still running, and jobs are scheduled).
A parse exception that can be thrown by a query result parser when it encounters an error from which it cannot or doesn't want to recover.
Base interface for parsers of query results in both boolean and tuple forms.
Utility methods related to query results.
Base class for rendering query results.
The base interface for writers of query results sets and boolean results.
A semantics-less query model node that is used as the root of query model trees.
A QuerySpec holds information extracted from a TupleExpr corresponding with a single Lucene query.
Param in a Lucene query extracted in QuerySpec
A QueryInterpreter creates a set of QuerySpecs based on Lucene-related StatementPatterns that it finds in a TupleExpr.
Provides an interface to the private repository with the saved queries.
Helper class for substituting in variables to query templates for the purpose of saving and retrieving user queries to a repository local to the workbench.
Various static functions for query handling and parsing.
Utility class to perfom query string manipulations as used in SPARQLTupleQuery, SPARQLGraphQuery and SPARQLBooleanQuery.
A step in the query evaluation that works on ValueExpresions.
A minimal implementation that falls calls a function that should return a value per passed in bindingsets.
A QueryValueEvalationStep that will return the same constant value throughout the query execution.
A minimal implementation that falls is known to throw an ValueExprEvaluationException.
A minimal implementation that falls back to calling evaluate in the strategy.
Makes working with a queue easier by adding the methods QueueIteration.done() and QueueIteration.toss(Exception) and automatically converting the exception into a QueryEvaluationException with an appropriate stack trace.
Makes working with a queue easier by adding the methods QueueIteration.done() and QueueIteration.toss(Exception) and after converting the Exception to the required type using QueueIteration.convert(Exception).
The SPARQL built-in Function RAND, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:rcc8dc, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:rcc8ec, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:rcc8eq, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:rcc8ntpp, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:rcc8ntppi, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:rcc8po, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:rcc8tpp, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:rcc8tppi, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
A class with static methods to create basic SparqlBuilder RDF objects from either string values or RDF4J Model objects.
Constants for RDF primitives and for the RDF namespace.
Defines constants for the RDF4J namespace.
Exception indicating a configuration problem in an RDF4J component.
Base class for DAOs providing CRUD functionality.
General superclass of all unchecked exceptions that parts of RDF4J can throw.
A SPARQLProtocolSession subclass which extends the standard SPARQL 1.1 Protocol with additional functionality, as documented in the RDF4J REST API.
Spring configuration for use in unit tests.
A selection of parser settings specific to RDFa parsers.
Enumeration for tracking versions of the RDFa specification to specify processing capabilities of RDFa modules.
Denotes an RDF Blank Node
an anonymous blank node
a labeled blank node, of the form "_:label"
A blank node representing a resource that matches the contained set of predicate-object lists
Utilities for working with RDF Collections and converting to/from Java Collection classes.
Utilities for working with RDF Containers and converting to/from Java Collection classes.
An implementation of a datatype handler that can process RDF built-in datatypes.
Represents the concept of an RDF data serialization format.
An interface defining methods related to RDF data handling.
An exception that can be thrown by an RDFHandler when it encounters an unrecoverable error.
Convenience base class for RDF handlers that wrap one or more other RDF handler.
An RDFHandler that adds RDF data to a sail as inferred statements.
An RDFHandler that adds RDF data to a repository.
RDFParser implementation for the RDF/JSON format
An RDFParserFactory for RDF/JSON parsers.
A selection of parser settings specific to RDF/JSON parsers.
A selection of parser settings specific to RDF/JSON parsers.
JUnit test for the RDFJSON Parser.
RDFWriter implementation for the RDF/JSON format
An RDFWriterFactory for RDF/JSON writers.
A selection of writer settings specific to RDF/JSON parsers.
A selection of writer settings specific to RDF/JSON parsers.
Denotes an RDF literal
Represents an RDF boolean literal
Represents an RDF number literal
Represents an RDF string literal
Handles common I/O to retrieve and parse RDF.
A JUnit test for testing Sail implementations that store RDF data.
Denotes an element that can represent an object in a TriplePattern
A parse exception that can be thrown by a parser when it encounters an error from which it cannot or doesn't want to recover.
An interface for RDF parsers.
A RDFParserFactory returns RDFParsers for a specific RDF format.
Helper methods that may be used by RDFParser implementations.
A registry that keeps track of the available RDFParserFactorys.
Denotes an element that can represent a predicate in a TriplePattern
A Predicate-Object List
An RDF predicate-object list collection
An RDFHandler that removes RDF data from a repository.
Denotes an RDF Resource
An RDFHandler that adds RDF data to a sail.
This class benchmarks RDFWriters in terms of output size given a number of datasets (see RDFTestDataset.
Test cases for RDF-star support in the Repository.
Utility methods for RDF-star triples.
A JUnit test for testing Sail implementations that store RDF data.
Denotes an element that can represent a subject in a TriplePattern
This enum holds locations for RDF files from the web.
Denotes an RDF Value.
An interface for RDF document writers.
A RDFWriterFactory returns RDFWriters for a specific RDF format.
A registry that keeps track of the available RDFWriterFactorys.
A parser for XML-serialized RDF.
An RDFParserFactory for RDF/XML parsers.
JUnit test for the RDF/XML parser that uses the test manifest that is available online.
An extension of RDFXMLWriter that outputs a more concise form of RDF/XML.
An RDFWriterFactory for RDF/XML writers.
An implementation of the RDFWriter interface that writes RDF documents in XML-serialized RDF format.
An RDFWriterFactory for RDF/XML writers.
ReaderMonitor holds IndexReader and IndexSearcher.
Default WriteStrategy implementation for read only federations.
A read/write lock manager with reader preference.
A lock manager that manages a multi-read, single-write lock.
An iterator that iterates over records, for example those in a BTree.
Removes consecutive duplicates from the object stream.
Takes a parentToReduce and filters away any tuples that have an active target that exists in reductionSource
Compares the string representation of a value expression to a pattern.
A query optimizer that replaces REGEX with FunctionCalls that are equivalent operators
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:relate, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
A manager for Repositorys that reside on a remote server.
Provider for an Endpoint that uses a RDF4J HTTPRepository as underlying repository.
Class holding information for RDF4J HTTPRepository initialization.
Experimental support for handling SHACL violations against a remote RDF4J server.
Test isolation behavior on removal operations
Operation that removes the namespace for a specific prefix.
Operation to remove statements matching specific pattern of subject, predicate and object.
Utility methods for rendering (parts of) SPARQL query strings.
The SPARQL built-in Function REPLACE, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.
Utility for dealing with Repository and RepositoryConnection objects.
An RDF4J repository that contains RDF data that can be queried and updated.
A bloom filter for statements in a Repository.
Exception indicating a repository configuration problem.
Repository implementation that saves RepositoryConfig RDF to a RepositoryManager.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use CONFIG vocabulary instead.
Main interface for updating data in and performing queries on an RDF4J Repository.
Interceptor interface for connection modification.
Listener interface for connection modification.
Delegates all calls to the delegate RepositoryConnection.
Handles queries and admin (delete) operations on a repository and renders the results in a format suitable to the type of operation.
A specialized Endpoint that has a reference to a configured Repository.
Returns an Endpoint for an already configured Repository.
An exception thrown by classes from the Repository API to indicate an error.
A RepositoryFactory takes care of creating and initializing a specific type of Repositorys based on RDF configuration data.
Federated Service wrapping the Repository to communicate with a SPARQL endpoint.
A RepositoryImplConfig represents configuration details specific to a particular implementation of the Repository interface.
Repository meta-information such as its id, location, description.
Interceptor for repository requests.
Interceptor interface for Repository state changes.
Handles requests for the list of repositories available on this server.
Listener interface for Repository state changes.
Indicates that a Repository cannot be initialised because the configured persisted location is locked.
A manager for Repositorys.
A static access point to manage RepositoryManagers and Repositories.
Indicates that the current write operation did not succeed because the SAIL cannot be written to, it can only be read from.
A registry that keeps track of the available RepositoryFactorys.
An interface used by AbstractRepositoryController to process HTTP request for creating or deleting a repository.
An adapter interface to allow the QueryRequestHandler, RepositoryRequestHandler and RepositoryController to get the repository for an HttpRequest.
Gets local repositories using a simple identifier string.
Interface used by factory classes that need access to other repositories by their id's.
A RepositoryResult is a result collection of objects (for example Statement , Namespace, or Resource objects) that can be iterated over.
A suite of custom compliance tests on SPARQL query functionality for RDF4J Repositories.
Integration test suite for implementations of Repository.
Utility methods for comparing sets of statements (graphs) with each other.
A DelegatingRepository implementation that, by default, forwards all method calls to its delegate.
A WriteStrategy to write to a designated Repository.
A specialized Endpoint that allows to resolve the repository using a RepositoryResolver.
Graph information for a ResolvableEndpoint where the Repository is looked up using the configured RepositoryResolver.
The supertype of all RDF resources (IRIs and blank nodes).
ResourceUtil is a utility class for retrieving resources (images, property-files, etc) from the classpath.
Wrapper for a TupleQueryResult, allowing the result to be replayed.
Wrapper for a TupleQueryResult, allowing the result to be replayed.
A language handler that can verify RFC3066 formatted language tags.
Static methods for parsing and writing RDF for all available syntaxes.
Superclass for ParserConfig and WriterConfig.
A RuntimeException indicating that a specific Rio parser/writer configuration setting is not supported.
An implementation of FileTypeDetector which uses the RDFParserRegistry to find supported file types and their extensions.
Identifies a parser setting along with its default value.
Basic implementation of RioSetting interface, without support for default override via system properties.
The SPARQL built-in Function ROUND, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
Constants for the W3C Registered Organization Vocabulary.
Constants for the Eclipse RDF4J SHACL Extensions.
Sail (Storage And Inference Layer) is an interface for RDF storage.
Event object that is send to SailChangedListeners to indicate that the contents of the Sail that sent the event have changed.
An interface for objects that want to be notified when the data in specific Sail objects change.
Common interface to objects that throw SailException on close.
Tests concurrent read and write access to a Sail implementation.
Exception indicating a sail configuration problem.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use CONFIG instead.
An exception thrown by some methods in Sail to indicate that a requested isolation level could not be fulfilled.
A connection to an RDF Sail object.
An implementation of the SailConnection interface that wraps another SailConnection object and forwards any method calls to the wrapped connection.
A state of an SailSource at a point in time that will remain consistent until SailDataset.close() is called.
Implementation of the TripleSource interface using SailDataset
An exception thrown by some methods in Sail to indicate that a requested operation could not be executed.
A SailFactory takes care of creating and initializing a specific type of Sail based on RDF configuration data.
Implementation of a federation evaluation strategy which provides some special optimizations for Native (local) RDF4J repositories.
Configuration of a Sail implementation.
Tests thread interrupts on a Sail implementation.
Simple tests to sanity check that Sail correctly supports claimed isolation levels.
Indicates that a SAIL cannot be initialised because the configured persisted location is locked.
Model implementation for a SailConnection.
Indicates that the current write operation did not succeed because the SAIL cannot be written to, it can only be read from.
A registry that keeps track of the available SailFactorys.
An implementation of the Repository interface that operates on a (stack of) Sail object(s).
An implementation of the RepositoryConnection interface that wraps a SailConnection.
A RepositoryFactory that creates SailRepositorys based on RDF configuration data.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use CONFIG instead.
A mutable source of RDF graphs.
A persistent yet mutable source or container of RDF graphs.
A SailConnection implementation that is based on an SailStore .
A high level interface used by SailSourceConnection to access SailSource.
A triple source to be used on any repository.
Defines utility methods for working with Sails.
An implementation of the StackableSail interface that wraps another Sail object and forwards any relevant calls to the wrapped Sail.
Checks RDF term equality.
A query optimizer that embeds Filters with SameTerm operators in statement patterns as much as possible.
The SAMPLE operator as defined in
Servlet that provides a page to access saved queries.
Save command history to a file.
Interface for any scheduler.
Factory for creating ControlledWorkerScheduler for executing subqueries (e.g.
The SchemaCachingRDFSInferencer is an RDFS reasoner that caches all schema (TBox) statements and calculates an inference map to quickly determine inferred statements.
A SailFactory that creates SchemaCachingRDFSInferencers based on RDF configuration data.
Namespace Sparql-service-description.
A SearchIndex is a one-stop-shop abstraction of a Lucene index.
This is utility class with tool useful for manipulation on the SearchIndex.
The SPARQL built-in Function SECONDS, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
A SPARQL Select query
Tests on behavior of SERIALIZABLE transactions.
HTTP-related exception indicating that an error occurred in a server.
Base class for single-use request interceptors.
The SERVICE keyword as defined in SERVICE definition.
Inserts original bindings into the result, uses ?__rowIdx to resolve original bindings.
Iterator for efficient SERVICE evaluation (vectored).
Optimizer for SERVICE nodes.
A registry that stores services by some key.
Defines constants for the Sesame schema namespace.
Defines constants for the Sesame QName schema namespace.
Common interface for objects, such as Repository and RepositoryConnection, that are dependent on HttpClientSessionManager.
Operation that sets the namespace for a specific prefix.
Set parameters command
A RioSetting with a Set value.
Setting interface
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:sfContains, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:sfCrosses, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:sfDisjoint, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:sfEquals, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:sfIntersects, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:sfOverlaps, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:sfTouches, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:sfWithin, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
The SPARQL built-in Function SHA1, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
The SPARQL built-in Function SHA256, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
The SPARQL built-in Function SHA384, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
The SPARQL built-in Function SHA512, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
Constants for the Shapes Constraint Language.
A Sail implementation that adds support for the Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL).
A SailImplConfig for ShaclSail configuration.
Factory class for creation of ShaclSails as part of a Sail stack.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 4.3.0.
A Manager for HTTP sessions that uses a shared HttpClient to manage HTTP connections.
A Function that tries to cast its argument to an xsd:short .
Show command
Show prefixes when displaying results.
An IterationWrapper that silently ignores any errors that occur during processing.
An implementation of the Binding interface.
A simple binding set tuned for the use case that the ShaclSail has.
An simple default implementation of the BNode interface.
A bulk updater that updates documents one-by-one.
A simple implementation of the Dataset interface.
The default implementation of the IRI interface.
A simple default implementation of the Literal interface.
Simple log record, containing only the basics
A default implementation of the Namespace interface.
A simple implementation of ParseLocationListener.
An implementation of SimpleSAXListener providing dummy implementations for all its methods.
A listener for events reported by SimpleSAXParser.
An XML parser that generates "simple" SAX-like events from a limited subset of XML documents.
A simple default implementation of the Triple interface.
Default implementation of the ValueFactory interface.
Represents an iteration that contains only a single binding set.
A plan node that can only be closed once
A query which has a single relevant source.
A simple binding set tuned for the use case that the ShaclSail has.
An Iteration that contains exactly one element.
An iterator that contains exactly one element.
A tuple expression that contains exactly one solution with zero bindings.
A Sink writes a data stream in a particular FileFormat.
Handles requests for the size of (set of contexts in) a repository.
Vocabulary constants for the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS).
Vocabulary constants for the SKOS eXtension for Labels (SKOS-XL).
The SLICE operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.
A SailStore wrapper that branches the backing SailSources to provide concurrent IsolationLevels.SNAPSHOT_READ isolation and higher.
A SailFactory that creates LuceneSails based on RDF configuration data.
Utility for Solr handling
A wrapper for an Iteration that filters the statements against a pattern similar to getStatements(Resource subject, IRI predicate, Value object, Resource...
Perform source selection during optimization
Task for sending an ASK request to the endpoints (for source selection)
Describes a cache that can be used for SourceSelection to reduce the number of remote requests.
A factory for SourceSelectionCache.
An implementation of SourceSelectionCache which uses an in memory Guava Cache as data structure to maintain information.
SPARQL query command
A test suite that runs the W3C Approved SPARQL 1.0 query tests.
A test suite that runs the W3C Approved SPARQL 1.1 query tests.
A test suite that runs the W3C Approved SPARQL 1.1 Syntax tests.
A test suite that runs the W3C Approved SPARQL 1.1 update compliance tests.
A test suite that runs the SPARQL 1.2 community group's query tests.
The built-in SPARQL aggregates.
Parser for SPARQL-1.1 JSON Results Format documents
A TupleQueryResultParserFactory for parsers of SPARQL-1.1 JSON Boolean Query Results.
A BooleanQueryResultWriter that writes query results in the SPARQL Query Results JSON Format.
A BooleanQueryResultWriterFactory for writers of SPARQL/JSON query boolean results.
Parses boolean query response from remote stores.
Parser for reading boolean query results formatted as SPARQL Results Documents.
A BooleanQueryResultParserFactory for parsers of SPARQL/XML boolean query results.
A BooleanQueryResultWriter that writes boolean query results in the SPARQL Query Results XML Format.
A BooleanQueryResultWriterFactory for writers of SPARQL/XML boolean query results.
A class to with static methods to create SPARQL query elements.
Utility functions for the SparqlBuilder
Base functionality for SPARQL compliance test suites using a W3C-style Manifest.
Provides a RepositoryConnection interface to any SPARQL endpoint.
Iteration which forms the cross product of a list of materialized input bindings with each result obtained from the inner iteration.
Additional EndpointConfiguration for SPARQL endpoints.
Federated Service wrapping the SPARQLRepository to communicate with a SPARQL endpoint.
Implementation of a federation evaluation strategy which provides some special optimizations for SPARQL (remote) endpoints.
The built-in SPARQL Functions.
Parses RDF results in the background.
An Iteration that returns the results of an Iteration (the left argument) MINUS any results that are compatible with results of another Iteration (the right argument) or that have no shared variables.
Interface to denote an Expression operator
A QueryParserFactory for SPARQL parsers.
The SPARQLProtocolSession provides low level HTTP methods for communication with SPARQL endpoints.
Provider for an Endpoint that uses a RDF4j SPARQLRepository as underlying repository.
Utility functions for working with SPARQL query strings.
An implementation of the BindingSet interface that is used to evaluate query object models.
Base functionality for SPARQL query compliance test suites .
An alternative implementation of the SPARQL query renderer (more complete than the default SPARQLQueryRenderer)
Implementation of the QueryRenderer interface which renders queries into the SPARQL syntax.
A proxy class to access any SPARQL 1.1 endpoint.
Configuration for a SPARQL endpoint.
Creates SPARQLRepository from a configuration.
Class holding information for RDF4J SPARQLRepository initialization.
Implements a MappingStrategy to allow opencsv to work in parallel.
SPARQL Results CSV format parser.
A TupleQueryResultParserFactory for SPARQL CSV result parsers.
TupleQueryResultWriter for the SPARQL CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format.
A TupleQueryResultWriterFactory for writers of SPARQL/CSV tuple query results.
Parser for SPARQL-1.1 JSON Results Format documents.
A TupleQueryResultParserFactory for parsers of SPARQL-1.1 JSON Tuple Query Results.
A TupleQueryResultWriter that writes query results in the SPARQL Query Results JSON Format.
A TupleQueryResultWriterFactory for writers of SPARQL/JSON query results.
Implements a MappingStrategy to allow opencsv to work in parallel.
SPARQL Results TSV format parser.
A TupleQueryResultParserFactory for SPARQL TSV result parsers.
This reader respects the TSV semantics of RDF4J and does absolutely no processing except for splitting the line on horizontal tabulator characters.
TupleQueryResultWriter for the SPARQL TSV (Tab-Separated Values) format.
A TupleQueryResultWriterFactory for writers of SPARQL/TSV tuple query results.
Parser for reading tuple query results formatted as SPARQL Results Documents.
A TupleQueryResultParserFactory for parsers of SPARQL/XML tuple query results.
A TupleQueryResultWriter that writes tuple query results in the SPARQL Query Results XML Format.
A TupleQueryResultWriterFactory for writers of SPARQL/XML tuple query results.
This serves as a base class for mapping strategies for character separated inputs.
The SPARQLServiceResolver is used to manage a set of FederatedService instances, which are used to evaluate SERVICE expressions for particular service Urls.
Parser for SPARQL-star JSON results.
Writer for SPARQL-star JSON results.
Parser for SPARQL-star TSV results.
Writer for SPARQL-star TSV results.
Parser for reading tuple query results formatted as SPARQL Results Documents, extended with support for RDF-star triples
A TupleQueryResultParserFactory for parsers of extended SPARQL/XML tuple query results: TupleQueryResultFormat.SPARQL_STAR
A TupleQueryResultWriter that writes tuple query results in the extended form SPARQL Query Results XML Format.
A TupleQueryResultWriterFactory for writers of extended SPARQL/XML tuple query results: TupleQueryResultFormat.SPARQL_STAR
A test suite that runs SPARQL syntax tests.
A triple source to be used for (remote) SPARQL endpoints.
Extends the BaseTupleExprRenderer to provide support for rendering tuple expressions as SPARQL queries.
Parses tuple results in the background.
Update operation of the SPARQLRepository
An extension of TriGStarParser that processes data in the format specified in the SPARQL 1.1 grammar for Quad data (assuming no variables, as is the case for INSERT DATA and DELETE DATA operations).
Encapsulation of a SPARQL 1.1 update operation executed as part of a transaction.
Tests for SPARQL 1.1 Update functionality.

SPIN Standard Module library.
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:getSRID, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
An interface for Sails that can be stacked on top of other Sails.
PatternLayout that also prints stack traces.
A read/write-lock manager backed by a StampedLock.
AggregateFunctionFactory implementation that provides AggregateFunction used for processing sample standard deviation.
AggregateCollector that can compute both sample and population standard deviation based on input of numeric Literals.
A QueryElementCollection that follows a more standard way of converting to a query string
A standard pipeline with the default QueryOptimizers that will be used by StrictEvaluationStrategy and its subclasses, unless specifically overridden.
An RDF statement, with optional associated context.
A RDFHandler that can be used to collect reported statements in collections.
Converts Statement iteration (i.e.
Function constructing RDF-star Triple from its 3 arguments reused the IRI of rdf:Statement as name
Optimizer with the following tasks: 1.
A context operation with (optional) subject, predicate, object.
An enum for the different orders in which statements can be ordered.
A tuple expression that matches a statement pattern against an RDF graph.
Indicates the scope of the statement pattern.
An efficient QueryModelVisitor that collects StatementPattern's from a query model.
Evaluate the StatementPattern - taking care of graph/datasets - avoiding redoing work every call of evaluate if possible.
Utility methods for working with Statement objects, including conversion to/from RDF-star triple objects.
Handles requests for manipulating the statements in a repository.
A structure representing a relevant source for some expression.
Represents statements that can produce results at a some particular endpoints, the statement sources.
Interface for any expression that can be evaluated
AggregateFunction used for processing of extended statistical aggregate operations through SPARQL.
AggregateCollector implementation that processes SPARQL statistical functions based on input Literal values.
A wrapping iteration that attempts to close all running scheduled Futures for the given query evaluation.
The STR function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF; returns the label of literals or the string representation of URIs.
The SPARQL built-in Function STRAFTER, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.
The SPARQL built-in Function STRBEFORE, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.
The SPARQL built-in Function STRDT, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
The SPARQL built-in Function STRENDS, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 4.3.0.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 4.3.0 - use DefaultEvaluationStrategyFactory instead.
use StringCast instead
A Function that tries to cast its argument to an xsd:string.
Processes escape sequences in strings, replacing the escape sequence with their actual value.
A RioSetting with a String value.
The SPARQL built-in Function STRLANG, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
The SPARQL built-in Function STRLEN, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
The SPARQL built-in Function STRSTARTS, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
The SPARQL built-in Function UUID, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
A SPARQL subquery
Tests on SPARQL nested SELECT query handling.
The SPARQL built-in Function SUBSTR, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.
The SUM operator as defined in
The GeoSPARQL Function geof:symDifference, as defined in OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data.
Execute the nested loop join in a synchronous fashion, using grouped requests, i.e.
Execute the nested loop join in a synchronous fashion, i.e.
Synchronous execution of union tasks, i.e.
Pops the last target off of the target chain and into the value.
Used to run the query that represents the target and sets the bindings based on values that match the statement patterns from the added/removed sail connection
A TaskWrapper is a facility to wrap Runnable background tasks before they are passed to the Executor.
Classes implementing this interface can accept a custom TaskWrapper.
Class to represent a SPIN template.
An iteration that delays the creation of the underlying iteration until it is being accessed.
An interface used to signal thread safety features of a sail or its related classes.
Constants for the Time Ontology in OWL.
The SPARQL built-in Function TIMEZONE, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
Connection wrapper that throws an exception if a write operation is attempted in a read-only transaction.
Handles requests for transaction creation on a repository.
View used to export statements as part of a transaction.
An update operation that is part of a transaction.
A configuration setting that can be passed at the beginning of a repository transaction to influence behavior within the scope of that transaction only.
A TransactionSettingFactory returns a TransactionSetting implementation for a given value.
A ServiceRegistry for creating/retrieving TransactionSettings in a transparent way.
Handles requests for transaction creation on a repository.
Serializes of an RDF transaction.
Tagging interface for Functions that have some sort of lifespan.
Tagging interface for TupleFunctions that have some sort of lifespan.
A Red-Black tree based Model implementation.
Creates TreeModel.
RDF parser for RDF-1.1 TriG files.
An RDFParserFactory for TriG parsers.
JUnit test for the TriG parser that uses the tests that are available online.
RDF parser for TriG-star (an extension of TriG that adds RDF-star support).
An RDFParserFactory for TriG-star parsers.
An extension of TriGWriter that writes RDF-star documents in the TriG-star format by including the RDF-star triples.
An RDFWriterFactory for TriG-star writers.
An extension of TurtleWriter that writes RDF documents in TriG format by adding graph scopes to the Turtle document.
An RDFWriterFactory for TriG parsers.
An RDF-star embedded triple.
Function returning the object component of RDF-star Triple reused the IRI of rdf:object as name
Denotes a SPARQL Triple Pattern
Function returning the predicate component of RDF-star Triple reused the IRI of rdf:predicate as name
Triple lookup reference.
Interface for implementations of triple sources.
A triple source that can be queried for (the existence of) certain triples in certain contexts.
Interface defining the operation to be perform on the connection
Holder for a result iteration to be used with TripleSourceBase.withConnection(ConnectionOperation).
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Represents a collection of triple patterns
Function returning the subject component of RDF-star Triple reused the IRI of rdf:subject as name
Interface defining a number of constants for the TriX document format.
A parser that can parse RDF files that are in the TriX format .
An RDFParserFactory for TriX parsers.
ParserSettings for the TriX parser features.
ParserSettings for the TriX parser features.
An implementation of the RDFWriter interface that writes RDF documents in TriX format.
An RDFWriterFactory for TriX writers.
A TrueStatementPattern represents a stmt with no free variables which in addition is available at one of the provided sources.
Evaluator tuple and graph queries
An expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.
A SPARQL AST visitor implementation that creates a query algebra representation of the query.
Utility methods for TupleExpr objects.
A function that can return a tuple of Values.
A call to a TupleFunction.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 4.3.0.
A representation of a variable-binding query result as a sequence of BindingSet objects.
A TupleQueryResultHandler that can be used to create a TupleQueryResult object.
Represents the concept of an tuple query result serialization format.
An interface defining methods related to handling sequences of Solutions.
An exception that can be thrown by an TupleQueryResultHandler when it encounters an unrecoverable error.
A general interface for tuple query result parsers.
A TupleQueryResultParserFactory returns TupleQueryResultParsers for a specific tuple query result format.
A registry that keeps track of the available TupleQueryResultParserFactorys.
View used to render tuple query results.
The interface of objects that writer query results in a specific query result format.
Returns TupleQueryResultWriters for a specific tuple query result format.
A registry that keeps track of the available TupleQueryResultWriterFactorys.
A small wrapper around QueryResultWriter to make it easier to generate results in servlets.
RDF parser for RDF-1.1 Turtle files.
An RDFParserFactory for Turtle parsers.
Parser Settings that are specific to RDFFormat.TURTLE parsers.
Parser Settings that are specific to RDFFormat.TURTLE parsers.
JUnit test for the Turtle parser that uses the tests that are available online.
RDF parser for Turtle-star (an extension of Turtle that adds RDF-star support).
An RDFParserFactory for Turtle-star parsers.
An extension of TurtleWriter that writes RDF-star documents in the Turtle-star format by including the RDF-star triples.
An RDFWriterFactory for Turtle-star writers.
Utility methods for Turtle encoding/decoding.
An implementation of the RDFWriter interface that writes RDF documents in Turtle format.
An RDFWriterFactory for Turtle writers.
A class encapsulating writer settings that Turtle writers may support.
A class encapsulating writer settings that Turtle writers may support.
Option to describe how the LuceneSail should handle the add of a new type statement in a connection if the LuceneSail.INDEXEDTYPES property is defined.
The SPARQL built-in Function TZ, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
An abstract superclass for unary tuple operators which, by definition, has one argument.
An abstract superclass for unary value operators which, by definition, has one argument.
A wrapper for an input stream to avoid allowing libraries to close input streams unexpectedly using the UncloseableInputStream.close() method.
A wrapper for an output stream to avoid allowing libraries to close output streams unexpectedly using the UncloseableOutputStream.close() method.
The UNION set operator, which return the union of the result sets of two tuple expressions.
Base class for any parallel union executor.
An Iteration that returns the bag union of the results of a number of Iterations.
Optimizer to flatten the UNION operations.
Inspect Union clauses to check if scope change can be avoided (allowing injection of pre-bound vars into union arguments).
Tests on SPRQL UNION clauses.
Indicates that a SAIL's transaction state (active or inactive) cannot be determined.
A specific subtype of RepositoryException that indicates the connection's transaction state can not be determined.
A IntegerCastFunction that tries to cast its argument to an xsd:unsignedByte .
A IntegerCastFunction that tries to cast its argument to an xsd:unsignedInt .
A IntegerCastFunction that tries to cast its argument to an xsd:unsignedShort .
A IntegerCastFunction that tries to cast its argument to an xsd:unsignedShort .
A RuntimeException indicating that a specific query language is not supported.
A Runtime exception indicating that a specific query result format is not supported.
A RuntimeException indicating that a specific RDF format is not supported.
An update operation on a repository that can be formulated in one of the supported query languages (for example SPARQL).
Provided with add and remove operation to give them context within a UpdateExpr operation.
An exception indicating that the execution of an update failed.
An expression that executes an update.
Extension of TupleExprBuilder that builds Update Expressions.
An Operation that holds a Model internally and exposes a ModelBuilder for adding to it.
The SPARQL built-in Function UCASE, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
Utility functions for working with URIs.
Used by the user to provide an Elasticsearch Client to the ElasticsearchStore instead of providing host, port, cluster information.
Helper class
The SPARQL built-in Function UUID, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
Interface for making different approaches of obtaining new UUIDs pluggable into the Rdf4JTemplate.
Validating wrapper to ValueFactory.
Factory class for producing instances of ShaclSail.TransactionSettings.ValidationApproach from string values.
The ValidationReport is deprecated because it is planned moved to a new package to allow it to be used with remote validation reports.
The ValidationResult is deprecated because it is planned moved to a new package to allow it to be used with remote validation results.
The supertype of all RDF model objects (URIs, blank nodes and literals).
A comparator that compares values according the SPARQL value ordering as specified in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.
A ValueExpr with a constant value.
An expressions that evaluates to Value objects.
An exception indicating that a ValueExpr could not be evaluated due to illegal or incompatible values.
A factory for creating IRIs, blank nodes, literals and statements based on the RDF-1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax, a W3C Recommendation.
Factory methods to quickly create Value objects ( IRI, Literal, BNode, and Triple) without having to create a ValueFactory first.
Tests on SPARQL VALUES clauses.
File-based indexed storage and retrieval of RDF values.
A ValueStore revision for LmdbValue objects.
A ValueStore revision for NativeValue objects.
A variable that can contain a Value.
A SPARQL query variable
Interface for algebra nodes that can return the free variables of the expression.
QueryModelNodes that can constitute a variable scope change (such as group graph patterns, subselects, etc).
AggregateFunctionFactory implementation that provides AggregateFunction used for processing sample variance.
AggregateCollector that can compute both sample and population variance based on input of numeric Literals.
Encodes and decodes unsigned values using variable-length encoding.
A matcher for partial equality tests of varint lists.
A QueryModelVisitor that collects the names of (non-constant) variables that are used in a query model.
Variable byte encoding for numbers.
Constants for the vCard Ontology.
Listen to parser errors and warnings
Verify command
Version utility: read the version from the Jar's manifest file.
Very simple RDFS backwardschaining connection that supports type inference on hasStatement and getStatement.
View represents a "leaf" in the navigation model, for example a page in a website.
An implementation of a datatype handler that can process Virtuoso Geometry datatypes.
Utility functions for working with vocabularies.
Vocabulary used in FedX to describe endpoints and services
FedX specific vocabulary
Vocabulary from the SPARQL 1.1.
Constants for the W3C Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets.
The AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) node that is used when a sh:PropertyShape has no constraints.
An object registry that uses weak references to keep track of the stored objects.
Constants for the Basic Geo (WGS84 lat/long) Vocabulary.
This feature is for internal use only: its existence, signature or behavior may change without warning from one release to the next.
Platform implementation for MS-Windows
All requests are serviced by this Servlet, though it usually delegates to other Servlets.
Request wrapper used by TransformationServlet.
Working directory setting
Base class for worker unions providing convenience functions to add tasks.
A read/write lock manager with writer preference.
Benchmark for RDFWriters using datasets generated by DataSetGenerator.
A container object for easy setting and passing of RDFWriter configuration options.
Interface for the WriteStrategy that is used for writing data to the federation.
Factory to create WriteStrategy instantiations.
A utility class for evaluation of extended "mathematical" expressions on RDF literals.
Provides methods for handling the standard XML Schema datatypes.
This class provides utility functions for comparisons operating on xml:dateTime datatypes as specified in W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 2: Datatypes.
ParserSettings for the XML parser features.
Base class for Rio parsers that are based on a SAX XMLReader.
Factory class for creating an XMLReader.
since 3.3.0.
An implementation of a datatype handler that can process XSD datatypes.
Utility methods for handling and processing XML data.
A utility class offering convenience methods for writing XML.
A class encapsulating writer settings that XML writers may support.
Constants for the standard XML Schema 1.1 datatypes.
The SPARQL built-in Function YEAR, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF
A tuple expression that matches a path of length zero against an RDF graph.
Zip-related utilities.