Interface QueryRef

All Known Subinterfaces:
ExclusiveTupleExpr, ExclusiveTupleExprRenderer, FedXTupleExpr, StatementTupleExpr
All Known Implementing Classes:
CheckStatementPattern, EmptyNJoin, EmptyNUnion, ExclusiveArbitraryLengthPath, ExclusiveGroup, ExclusiveStatement, FederatedDescribeOperator, FedXArbitraryLengthPath, FedXStatementPattern, FedXZeroLengthPath, NJoin, NTuple, NUnion, PassThroughTupleExpr, SingleSourceQuery, StatementSourcePattern

public interface QueryRef
Interface to access the QueryInfo from all FedX Algebra nodes. All FedX Algebra nodes should implement this interface.
Andreas Schwarte
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Retrieve the attached query information of the tuple expression
  • Method Details

    • getQueryInfo

      QueryInfo getQueryInfo()
      Retrieve the attached query information of the tuple expression
      the QueryInfo