Class SailConnectionWrapper

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, FederatedServiceResolverClient, ThreadSafetyAware, SailConnection
Direct Known Subclasses:
NotifyingSailConnectionWrapper, VerySimpleRdfsBackwardsChainingConnection

public class SailConnectionWrapper extends Object implements SailConnection, FederatedServiceResolverClient, ThreadSafetyAware
An implementation of the SailConnection interface that wraps another SailConnection object and forwards any method calls to the wrapped connection.
Jeen Broekstra
  • Constructor Details

    • SailConnectionWrapper

      public SailConnectionWrapper(SailConnection wrappedCon)
      Creates a new TransactionWrapper object that wraps the supplied connection.
  • Method Details

    • getWrappedConnection

      public SailConnection getWrappedConnection()
      Gets the connection that is wrapped by this object.
      The SailConnection object that was supplied to the constructor of this class.
    • setFederatedServiceResolver

      public void setFederatedServiceResolver(FederatedServiceResolver resolver)
      Description copied from interface: FederatedServiceResolverClient
      Sets the FederatedServiceResolver to use for this client.
      Specified by:
      setFederatedServiceResolver in interface FederatedServiceResolverClient
      resolver - The resolver to use.
    • getFederatedServiceResolver

      public FederatedServiceResolver getFederatedServiceResolver()
      Description copied from interface: FederatedServiceResolverClient
      Gets the FederatedServiceResolver used by this client.
      Specified by:
      getFederatedServiceResolver in interface FederatedServiceResolverClient
    • isOpen

      public boolean isOpen() throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Checks whether this SailConnection is open. A SailConnection is open from the moment it is created until it is closed.
      Specified by:
      isOpen in interface SailConnection
      See Also:
    • close

      public void close() throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Closes the connection. Any updates that haven't been committed yet will be rolled back. The connection can no longer be used once it is closed.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface SailConnection
    • prepareQuery

      public Optional<TupleExpr> prepareQuery(QueryLanguage ql, Query.QueryType type, String query, String baseURI)
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Allows the SailConnection to bypass the standard query parser and provide its own internal TupleExpr implementation. By default this method returns an empty result, signaling that it will rely on the RDF4J query parser.
      Specified by:
      prepareQuery in interface SailConnection
      ql - the query language.
      type - indicates if the supplied query is a graph, tuple, or boolean query
      query - the unparsed query string
      baseURI - the provided base URI. May be null or empty.
      an optional TupleExpr that represents a sail-specific version of the query, which SailConnection.evaluate(org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.TupleExpr, org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.Dataset, org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.BindingSet, boolean) can process. Returns Optional.empty() if the Sail does not provide its own query processing.
    • evaluate

      public CloseableIteration<? extends BindingSet> evaluate(TupleExpr tupleExpr, Dataset dataset, BindingSet bindings, boolean includeInferred) throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Evaluates the supplied TupleExpr on the data contained in this Sail object, using the (optional) dataset and supplied bindings as input parameters.
      Specified by:
      evaluate in interface SailConnection
      tupleExpr - The tuple expression to evaluate.
      dataset - The dataset to use for evaluating the query, null to use the Sail's default dataset.
      bindings - A set of input parameters for the query evaluation. The keys reference variable names that should be bound to the value they map to.
      includeInferred - Indicates whether inferred triples are to be considered in the query result. If false, no inferred statements are returned; if true, inferred statements are returned if available
      The TupleQueryResult.
      SailException - If the Sail object encountered an error or unexpected situation internally.
    • getContextIDs

      public CloseableIteration<? extends Resource> getContextIDs() throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Returns the set of all unique context identifiers that are used to store statements.
      Specified by:
      getContextIDs in interface SailConnection
      An iterator over the context identifiers, should not contain any duplicates.
    • getStatements

      public CloseableIteration<? extends Statement> getStatements(Resource subj, IRI pred, Value obj, boolean includeInferred, Resource... contexts) throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Gets all statements from the specified contexts that have a specific subject, predicate and/or object. All three parameters may be null to indicate wildcards. The includeInferred parameter can be used to control which statements are fetched: all statements or only the statements that have been added explicitly.
      Specified by:
      getStatements in interface SailConnection
      subj - A Resource specifying the subject, or null for a wildcard.
      pred - A URI specifying the predicate, or null for a wildcard.
      obj - A Value specifying the object, or null for a wildcard.
      includeInferred - if false, no inferred statements are returned; if true, inferred statements are returned if available
      contexts - The context(s) to get the data from. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are specified the method operates on the entire repository. A null value can be used to match context-less statements.
      The statements matching the specified pattern.
      SailException - If the Sail object encountered an error or unexpected situation internally.
    • hasStatement

      public boolean hasStatement(Resource subj, IRI pred, Value obj, boolean includeInferred, Resource... contexts) throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Determines if the store contains any statements from the specified contexts that have a specific subject, predicate and/or object. All three parameters may be null to indicate wildcards. The includeInferred parameter can be used to control which statements are checked: all statements or only the statements that have been added explicitly.
      Specified by:
      hasStatement in interface SailConnection
      subj - A Resource specifying the subject, or null for a wildcard.
      pred - An IRI specifying the predicate, or null for a wildcard.
      obj - A Value specifying the object, or null for a wildcard.
      includeInferred - if false, no inferred statements are returned; if true, inferred statements are returned if available
      contexts - The context(s) to get the data from. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are specified the method operates on the entire repository. A null value can be used to match context-less statements.
      true iff the store contains any statements matching the supplied criteria, false otherwise.
      SailException - If the Sail object encountered an error or unexpected situation internally.
    • size

      public long size(Resource... contexts) throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Returns the number of (explicit) statements in the store, or in specific contexts.
      Specified by:
      size in interface SailConnection
      contexts - The context(s) to determine the size of. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are specified the method operates on the entire repository. A null value can be used to match context-less statements.
      The number of explicit statements in this store, or in the specified context(s).
    • size

      public long size(Resource context) throws SailException
    • commit

      public void commit() throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Commits any updates that have been performed since the last time SailConnection.commit() or SailConnection.rollback() was called.
      Specified by:
      commit in interface SailConnection
      SailException - If the SailConnection could not be committed.
    • rollback

      public void rollback() throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Rolls back the transaction, discarding any uncommitted changes that have been made in this SailConnection.
      Specified by:
      rollback in interface SailConnection
      SailException - If the SailConnection could not be rolled back.
    • addStatement

      public void addStatement(Resource subj, IRI pred, Value obj, Resource... contexts) throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Adds a statement to the store.
      Specified by:
      addStatement in interface SailConnection
      subj - The subject of the statement to add.
      pred - The predicate of the statement to add.
      obj - The object of the statement to add.
      contexts - The context(s) to add the statement to. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are specified, a context-less statement will be added.
      SailException - If the statement could not be added, for example because no transaction is active.
    • removeStatements

      public void removeStatements(Resource subj, IRI pred, Value obj, Resource... contexts) throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Removes all statements matching the specified subject, predicate and object from the repository. All three parameters may be null to indicate wildcards.
      Specified by:
      removeStatements in interface SailConnection
      subj - The subject of the statement that should be removed, or null to indicate a wildcard.
      pred - The predicate of the statement that should be removed, or null to indicate a wildcard.
      obj - The object of the statement that should be removed , or null to indicate a wildcard. *
      contexts - The context(s) from which to remove the statement. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are specified the method operates on the entire repository. A null value can be used to match context-less statements.
      SailException - If the statement could not be removed, for example because no transaction is active.
    • startUpdate

      public void startUpdate(UpdateContext modify) throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Specified by:
      startUpdate in interface SailConnection
    • addStatement

      public void addStatement(UpdateContext modify, Resource subj, IRI pred, Value obj, Resource... contexts) throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Adds a statement to the store. Called when adding statements through a UpdateExpr operation.
      Specified by:
      addStatement in interface SailConnection
      modify - operation properties of the UpdateExpr operation producing these statements.
      subj - The subject of the statement to add.
      pred - The predicate of the statement to add.
      obj - The object of the statement to add.
      contexts - The context(s) to add the statement to. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are specified, a context-less statement will be added.
      SailException - If the statement could not be added, for example because no transaction is active.
    • removeStatement

      public void removeStatement(UpdateContext modify, Resource subj, IRI pred, Value obj, Resource... contexts) throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Removes all statements matching the specified subject, predicate and object from the repository. All three parameters may be null to indicate wildcards. Called when removing statements through a UpdateExpr operation.
      Specified by:
      removeStatement in interface SailConnection
      modify - operation properties of the UpdateExpr operation removing these statements.
      subj - The subject of the statement that should be removed.
      pred - The predicate of the statement that should be removed.
      obj - The object of the statement that should be removed.
      contexts - The context(s) from which to remove the statement. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are specified the method operates on the entire repository. A null value can be used to match context-less statements.
      SailException - If the statement could not be removed, for example because no transaction is active.
    • endUpdate

      public void endUpdate(UpdateContext modify) throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Indicates that the given op will not be used in any call again. Implementations should use this to flush of any temporary operation states that may have occurred.
      Specified by:
      endUpdate in interface SailConnection
      modify -
    • clear

      public void clear(Resource... contexts) throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Removes all statements from the specified/all contexts. If no contexts are specified the method operates on the entire repository.
      Specified by:
      clear in interface SailConnection
      contexts - The context(s) from which to remove the statements. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are specified the method operates on the entire repository. A null value can be used to match context-less statements.
      SailException - If the statements could not be removed.
    • getNamespaces

      public CloseableIteration<? extends Namespace> getNamespaces() throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Gets the namespaces relevant to the data contained in this Sail object.
      Specified by:
      getNamespaces in interface SailConnection
      An iterator over the relevant namespaces, should not contain any duplicates.
      SailException - If the Sail object encountered an error or unexpected situation internally.
    • getNamespace

      public String getNamespace(String prefix) throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Gets the namespace that is associated with the specified prefix, if any.
      Specified by:
      getNamespace in interface SailConnection
      prefix - A namespace prefix, or an empty string in case of the default namespace.
      The namespace name that is associated with the specified prefix, or null if there is no such namespace.
      SailException - If the Sail object encountered an error or unexpected situation internally.
    • setNamespace

      public void setNamespace(String prefix, String name) throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Sets the prefix for a namespace.
      Specified by:
      setNamespace in interface SailConnection
      prefix - The new prefix, or an empty string in case of the default namespace.
      name - The namespace name that the prefix maps to.
      SailException - If the Sail object encountered an error or unexpected situation internally.
    • removeNamespace

      public void removeNamespace(String prefix) throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Removes a namespace declaration by removing the association between a prefix and a namespace name.
      Specified by:
      removeNamespace in interface SailConnection
      prefix - The namespace prefix, or an empty string in case of the default namespace.
      SailException - If the Sail object encountered an error or unexpected situation internally.
    • clearNamespaces

      public void clearNamespaces() throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Removes all namespace declarations from the repository.
      Specified by:
      clearNamespaces in interface SailConnection
      SailException - If the Sail object encountered an error or unexpected situation internally.
    • explain

      public Explanation explain(Explanation.Level level, TupleExpr tupleExpr, Dataset dataset, BindingSet bindings, boolean includeInferred, int timeoutSeconds)
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection

      Explain how the TupleExpr will be (or has been) executed/evaluated by returning a TupleExpr (which may or may not be the provided TupleExpr) that has gone through zero or more of the stages prior to and also including execution as specified by the provided level.

      This method is used by the Query interface.

      WARNING: This method is experimental and is subject to change or removal without warning. There is currently only partial support for this method in RDF4J and and UnsupportedOperationException where support is lacking.

      Specified by:
      explain in interface SailConnection
      level - the explanation level, eg. OPTIMIZED
      tupleExpr - The tuple expression to evaluate. Mutable.
      dataset - The dataset to use for evaluating the query, null to use the Sail's default dataset.
      bindings - A set of input parameters for the query evaluation. The keys reference variable names that should be bound to the value they map to.
      includeInferred - Indicates whether inferred triples are to be considered in the query result. If false, no inferred statements are returned; if true, inferred statements are returned if available
      timeoutSeconds - for explanations that require execution a timeout can be provided in seconds
      The resulting tuple expression after being run through the specified level
    • begin

      public void begin() throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Begins a transaction requiring SailConnection.commit() or SailConnection.rollback() to be called to close the transaction. The transaction will use the default IsolationLevel level for the SAIL, as returned by Sail.getDefaultIsolationLevel().
      Specified by:
      begin in interface SailConnection
      SailException - If the connection could not start a transaction or if a transaction is already active on this connection.
    • begin

      public void begin(IsolationLevel level) throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Begins a transaction with the specified IsolationLevel level, requiring SailConnection.commit() or SailConnection.rollback() to be called to close the transaction.
      Specified by:
      begin in interface SailConnection
      level - the transaction isolation level on which this transaction operates.
      SailException - If the connection could not start a transaction, if the supplied transaction isolation level is not supported, or if a transaction is already active on this connection.
    • setTransactionSettings

      public void setTransactionSettings(TransactionSetting... settings)
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Pass any transaction-specific settings to the SailConnection. This method needs to be called before the transaction is started .

      Sail implementations can override this method to receive the transaction settings (to inspect and/or pass them along to any wrapped sail objects). Remember to call super.setTransactionSettings(settings) if you override this method.

      Specified by:
      setTransactionSettings in interface SailConnection
      settings - the transaction settings on which the next transaction operates. It may or may not contain the isolation level.
    • flush

      public void flush() throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Flushes any pending updates and notify changes to listeners as appropriate. This is an optional call; calling or not calling this method should have no effect on the outcome of other calls. This method exists to give the caller more control over the efficiency when calling SailConnection.prepare(). This method may be called multiple times within the same transaction.
      Specified by:
      flush in interface SailConnection
      SailException - If the updates could not be processed, for example because no transaction is active.
    • prepare

      public void prepare() throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Checks for an error state in the active transaction that would force the transaction to be rolled back. This is an optional call; calling or not calling this method should have no effect on the outcome of SailConnection.commit() or SailConnection.rollback(). A call to this method must be followed by (in the same thread) with a call to SailConnection.prepare() , SailConnection.commit(), SailConnection.rollback(), or SailConnection.close() . This method may be called multiple times within the same transaction by the same thread. If this method returns normally, the caller can reasonably expect that a subsequent call to SailConnection.commit() will also return normally. If this method returns with an exception the caller should treat the exception as if it came from a call to SailConnection.commit().
      Specified by:
      prepare in interface SailConnection
      SailException - If there is an active transaction and it cannot be committed.
    • isActive

      public boolean isActive() throws UnknownSailTransactionStateException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Indicates if a transaction is currently active on the connection. A transaction is active if SailConnection.begin() has been called, and becomes inactive after SailConnection.commit() or SailConnection.rollback() has been called.
      Specified by:
      isActive in interface SailConnection
      true iff a transaction is active, false iff no transaction is active.
      UnknownSailTransactionStateException - if the transaction state can not be determined (this can happen for instance when communication between client and server fails or times out).
    • supportsConcurrentReads

      public boolean supportsConcurrentReads()
      Description copied from interface: ThreadSafetyAware
      A class may support concurrent reads from multiple threads against the same object. This ability may change based on an object's current state.
      Specified by:
      supportsConcurrentReads in interface ThreadSafetyAware
      true if this object supports concurrent reads
    • getComparator

      public Comparator<Value> getComparator()
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Different underlying datastructures may have different ways of ordering statements. On-disk stores typically use a long to represent a value and only stores the actual value in a dictionary, in this case the order would be the order that values where inserted into the dictionary. Stores that instead store values in SPARQL-order can return an instance of ValueComparator which may allow for further optimizations.

      Note that this method is experimental and may be changed or removed without notice.

      Specified by:
      getComparator in interface SailConnection
      a comparator that matches the order of values in the store
    • getStatements

      public CloseableIteration<? extends Statement> getStatements(StatementOrder statementOrder, Resource subj, IRI pred, Value obj, boolean includeInferred, Resource... contexts) throws SailException
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      Gets all statements from the specified contexts that have a specific subject, predicate and/or object. All three parameters may be null to indicate wildcards. The includeInferred parameter can be used to control which statements are fetched: all statements or only the statements that have been added explicitly.

      Statements are returned in the order specified by the statementOrder parameter. Use SailConnection.getSupportedOrders(Resource, IRI, Value, Resource...) to first retrieve the statement orders supported by this store for this statement pattern.

      Note that this method is experimental and may be changed or removed without notice.

      Specified by:
      getStatements in interface SailConnection
      statementOrder - The order that the statements should be returned in.
      subj - A Resource specifying the subject, or null for a wildcard.
      pred - A URI specifying the predicate, or null for a wildcard.
      obj - A Value specifying the object, or null for a wildcard.
      includeInferred - if false, no inferred statements are returned; if true, inferred statements are returned if available
      contexts - The context(s) to get the data from. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are specified the method operates on the entire repository. A null value can be used to match context-less statements.
      The statements matching the specified pattern.
      SailException - If the Sail object encountered an error or unexpected situation internally.
    • getSupportedOrders

      public Set<StatementOrder> getSupportedOrders(Resource subj, IRI pred, Value obj, Resource... contexts)
      Description copied from interface: SailConnection
      The underlying store may support some, but not all, statement orders based on the statement pattern. This method can be used to determine which orders are supported for a given statement pattern. The supported orders can be used to retrieve statements in a specific order using SailConnection.getStatements(StatementOrder, Resource, IRI, Value, boolean, Resource...).

      Note that this method is experimental and may be changed or removed without notice.

      Specified by:
      getSupportedOrders in interface SailConnection
      subj - A Resource specifying the subject, or null for a wildcard.
      pred - A URI specifying the predicate, or null for a wildcard.
      obj - A Value specifying the object, or null for a wildcard.
      contexts - The context(s) to get the data from. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are specified the method operates on the entire repository. A null value can be used to match context-less statements.
      a set of supported statement orders