Interface RDFHandler

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractRDFHandler, AbstractRDFInserter, AbstractRDFWriter, BackgroundGraphResult, BinaryRDFWriter, BlackHoleRDFHandler, BufferedGroupingRDFHandler, ConsoleRDFWriter, ConstraintViolationRDFHandler, ContextStatementCollector, DAWGTestBooleanParser, DAWGTestResultSetParser, EndpointFactory.DefaultRDFHandler, JSONLDWriter, JSONLDWriter, N3Writer, NDJSONLDWriter, NDJSONLDWriter, NQuadsWriter, NTriplesWriter, RDFHandlerWrapper, RDFInferencerInserter, RDFInserter, RDFJSONWriter, RDFRemover, RDFSailInserter, RDFXMLPrettyWriter, RDFXMLWriter, StatementCollector, TimeLimitRDFHandler, TriGStarWriter, TriGWriter, TriXWriter, TurtleStarWriter, TurtleWriter, VerificationListener

public interface RDFHandler
An interface defining methods related to RDF data handling. RDFHandler is both used as a "consumer" and as a "producer" interface. As such it can be used both as an interface for receiving RDF data, for example by listening to the results of an RDF parser, and as an interface for reporting RDF data, for example to an object that serializes RDF data to an RDF/XML document.
  • Method Details

    • startRDF

      void startRDF() throws RDFHandlerException
      Signals the start of the RDF data. This method is called before any data is reported.
      RDFHandlerException - If the RDF handler has encountered an unrecoverable error.
    • endRDF

      void endRDF() throws RDFHandlerException
      Signals the end of the RDF data. This method is called when all data has been reported.
      RDFHandlerException - If the RDF handler has encountered an unrecoverable error.
    • handleNamespace

      void handleNamespace(String prefix, String uri) throws RDFHandlerException
      Handles a namespace declaration/definition. A namespace declaration associates a (short) prefix string with the namespace's URI. The prefix for default namespaces, which do not have an associated prefix, are represented as empty strings.
      prefix - The prefix for the namespace, or an empty string in case of a default namespace.
      uri - The URI that the prefix maps to.
      RDFHandlerException - If the RDF handler has encountered an unrecoverable error.
    • handleStatement

      void handleStatement(Statement st) throws RDFHandlerException
      Handles a statement.
      st - The statement.
      RDFHandlerException - If the RDF handler has encountered an unrecoverable error.
    • handleComment

      void handleComment(String comment) throws RDFHandlerException
      Handles a comment.
      comment - The comment.
      RDFHandlerException - If the RDF handler has encountered an unrecoverable error.