Interface RioSetting<T>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractRioSetting, BooleanRioSetting, ClassRioSetting, IntegerRioSetting, LongRioSetting, RioSettingImpl, SetRioSetting, StringRioSetting

public interface RioSetting<T> extends Serializable
Identifies a parser setting along with its default value.
Peter Ansell
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default T
    convert(String stringRepresentation)
    Attempts to convert from a string to a type-safe representation based on the generic type of this setting.
    Returns the default value for this parser setting if it is not set by a user.
    The human readable name for this parser setting
    A unique key for this parser setting.
  • Method Details

    • getKey

      String getKey()
      A unique key for this parser setting.
      A unique key identifying this parser setting.
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      The human readable name for this parser setting
      The name for this parser setting.
    • getDefaultValue

      T getDefaultValue()
      Returns the default value for this parser setting if it is not set by a user.
      The default value for this parser setting.
    • convert

      default T convert(String stringRepresentation)
      Attempts to convert from a string to a type-safe representation based on the generic type of this setting.
      stringRepresentation - a string representation of a value for this setting.
      The corresponding object of type T for the supplied string value.
      RioConfigurationException - if the setting type does not provide conversion from a string to the expected type.