Class DirectTypeHierarchyInferencer

All Implemented Interfaces:
FederatedServiceResolverClient, NotifyingSail, Sail, StackableSail

public class DirectTypeHierarchyInferencer extends NotifyingSailWrapper
A forward-chaining inferencer that infers the direct-type hierarchy relations sesame:directSubClassOf, sesame:directSubPropertyOf and sesame:directType.

The semantics of this inferencer are defined as follows:

    Class A is a direct subclass of B iff:
       1. A is a subclass of B and;
       2. A and B are not equa and;
       3. there is no class C (unequal A and B) such that
          A is a subclass of C and C of B.

    Property P is a direct subproperty of Q iff:
       1. P is a subproperty of Q and;
       2. P and Q are not equal and;
       3. there is no property R (unequal P and Q) such that
          P is a subproperty of R and R of Q.

    Resource I is of direct type T iff:
       1. I is of type T and
       2. There is no class U (unequal T) such that:
           a. U is a subclass of T and;
           b. I is of type U.