Interface RDFWriterFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
BinaryRDFWriterFactory, JSONLDWriterFactory, JSONLDWriterFactory, N3WriterFactory, NDJSONLDWriterFactory, NDJSONLDWriterFactory, NQuadsWriterFactory, NTriplesWriterFactory, RDFJSONWriterFactory, RDFXMLPrettyWriterFactory, RDFXMLWriterFactory, TriGStarWriterFactory, TriGWriterFactory, TriXWriterFactory, TurtleStarWriterFactory, TurtleWriterFactory

public interface RDFWriterFactory
A RDFWriterFactory returns RDFWriters for a specific RDF format.
Arjohn Kampman
  • Method Details

    • getRDFFormat

      RDFFormat getRDFFormat()
      Returns the RDF format for this factory.
    • getWriter

      RDFWriter getWriter(OutputStream out)
      Returns an RDFWriter instance that will write to the supplied output stream.
      out - The OutputStream to write the RDF to.
    • getWriter

      RDFWriter getWriter(OutputStream out, String baseURI) throws URISyntaxException
      Returns an RDFWriter instance that will write to the supplied output stream. Using the supplied baseURI to relativize IRIs to relative IRIs.
      out - The OutputStream to write the RDF to.
      baseURI - The URI associated with the data in the InputStream.
    • getWriter

      RDFWriter getWriter(Writer writer)
      Returns an RDFWriter instance that will write to the supplied writer. (Optional operation)
      writer - The Writer to write the RDF to.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if the RDFWriter the specific format does not support writing to a Writer
    • getWriter

      RDFWriter getWriter(Writer writer, String baseURI) throws URISyntaxException
      Returns an RDFWriter instance that will write to the supplied writer. Using the supplied baseURI to relativize IRIs to relative IRIs. (Optional operation)
      writer - The Writer to write the RDF to.
      baseURI - The URI associated with the data in the InputStream.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if the RDFWriter the specific format does not support writing to a Writer