Enum TypeBacktraceMode

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<TypeBacktraceMode>

public enum TypeBacktraceMode extends Enum<TypeBacktraceMode>
Option to describe how the LuceneSail should handle the add of a new type statement in a connection if the LuceneSail.INDEXEDTYPES property is defined.

Backtrace example

For example if we have the predicate my:text indexed by Lucene and (my:oftype my:type1) as an LuceneSail.INDEXEDTYPES, the previous store state is
 # Store triples:
 my:subj1 my:text   "demo 1" .
 my:subj2 my:oftype my:type1 .
 my:subj2 my:text   "demo 2" .
 # Lucene Indexed literals:
 my:subj2 "demo 2"

The option will define how the Sail will handle the update:

 INSERT my:subj1 my:oftype my:type1 .
 DELETE my:subj2 my:oftype my:type1 .