Class BooleanQueryResultFormat

public class BooleanQueryResultFormat extends QueryResultFormat
Represents the concept of a boolean query result serialization format. Boolean query result formats are identified by a name and can have one or more associated MIME types, zero or more associated file extensions and can specify a (default) character encoding.
Arjohn Kampman
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • BooleanQueryResultFormat

      public BooleanQueryResultFormat(String name, String mimeType, String fileExt)
      Creates a new BooleanQueryResultFormat object.
      name - The name of the format, e.g. "SPARQL/XML".
      mimeType - The MIME type of the format, e.g. application/sparql-results+xml for the SPARQL/XML format.
      fileExt - The (default) file extension for the format, e.g. srx for SPARQL/XML.
    • BooleanQueryResultFormat

      public BooleanQueryResultFormat(String name, String mimeType, Charset charset, String fileExt)
      Creates a new BooleanQueryResultFormat object.
      name - The name of the format, e.g. "SPARQL/XML".
      mimeType - The MIME type of the format, e.g. application/sparql-results+xml for the SPARQL/XML format.
      charset - The default character encoding of the format. Specify null if not applicable.
      fileExt - The (default) file extension for the format, e.g. srx for SPARQL/XML.
    • BooleanQueryResultFormat

      public BooleanQueryResultFormat(String name, Collection<String> mimeTypes, Charset charset, Collection<String> fileExtensions)
      Creates a new BooleanQueryResultFormat object.
      name - The name of the format, e.g. "SPARQL/XML".
      mimeTypes - The MIME types of the format, e.g. application/sparql-results+xml for the SPARQL/XML format. The first item in the list is interpreted as the default MIME type for the format.
      charset - The default character encoding of the format. Specify null if not applicable.
      fileExtensions - The format's file extensions, e.g. srx for SPARQL/XML files. The first item in the list is interpreted as the default file extension for the format.
    • BooleanQueryResultFormat

      public BooleanQueryResultFormat(String name, Collection<String> mimeTypes, Charset charset, Collection<String> fileExtensions, IRI standardURI)
      Creates a new BooleanQueryResultFormat object.
      name - The name of the format, e.g. "SPARQL/XML".
      mimeTypes - The MIME types of the format, e.g. application/sparql-results+xml for the SPARQL/XML format. The first item in the list is interpreted as the default MIME type for the format.
      charset - The default character encoding of the format. Specify null if not applicable.
      fileExtensions - The format's file extensions, e.g. srx for SPARQL/XML files. The first item in the list is interpreted as the default file extension for the format.
      standardURI - The standard URI that has been assigned to this format by a standards organisation or null if it does not currently have a standard URI.