Interface RDFWriter

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractRDFWriter, BinaryRDFWriter, ConsoleRDFWriter, JSONLDWriter, JSONLDWriter, N3Writer, NDJSONLDWriter, NDJSONLDWriter, NQuadsWriter, NTriplesWriter, RDFJSONWriter, RDFXMLPrettyWriter, RDFXMLWriter, TriGStarWriter, TriGWriter, TriXWriter, TurtleStarWriter, TurtleWriter

public interface RDFWriter extends RDFHandler
An interface for RDF document writers. To allow RDF document writers to be created through reflection, all implementing classes should define at least two public constructors: one with an OutputStream argument and one with an Writer argument.
  • Method Details

    • getRDFFormat

      RDFFormat getRDFFormat()
      Gets the RDF format that this RDFWriter uses.
    • setWriterConfig

      RDFWriter setWriterConfig(WriterConfig config)
      Sets all supplied writer configuration options.
      config - a writer configuration object.
      Either a copy of this writer, if it is immutable, or this object, to allow chaining of method calls.
    • getWriterConfig

      WriterConfig getWriterConfig()
      Retrieves the current writer configuration as a single object.
      a writer configuration object representing the current configuration of the writer.
    • getSupportedSettings

      Collection<RioSetting<?>> getSupportedSettings()
      A collection of RioSettings that are supported by this RDFWriter.
    • set

      <T> RDFWriter set(RioSetting<T> setting, T value)
      Set a setting on the writer, and return this writer object to allow chaining.
      setting - The setting to change.
      value - The value to change.
      Either a copy of this writer, if it is immutable, or this object, to allow chaining of method calls.