Class ExtensibleStore<T extends DataStructureInterface,N extends NamespaceStoreInterface>

All Implemented Interfaces:
FederatedServiceResolverClient, NotifyingSail, Sail
Direct Known Subclasses:

@Experimental public abstract class ExtensibleStore<T extends DataStructureInterface,N extends NamespaceStoreInterface> extends AbstractNotifyingSail implements FederatedServiceResolverClient

A store where the backing storage can be implemented by the user. Supports up to ReadCommitted.

Extend this class and extend ExtensibleStoreConnection. Implement getConnection().

Implement the DataStructureInterface and the NamespaceStoreInterface. In your ExtensibleStore-extending class implement a constructor and set the following variables: namespaceStore, dataStructure, dataStructureInferred.

Note that the entire ExtensibleStore and all code in this package is experimental. Method signatures, class names, interfaces and the like are likely to change in future releases.

Håvard Mikkelsen Ottestad