Uses of Class

Packages that use RDFFormat
Interfaces and classes for handling queries and query results.
The rdf4j SPARQL 1.1 parser.
The Repository API: the main API for accessing rdf databases and SPARQL endpoints.
Abstract base classes and wrappers for the main Repository API interfaces.
A repository wrapper with convenience functions for handling contexts.
A repository that serves as a proxy client for a remote repository on an RDF4J Server.
A Repository that serves as a SPARQL endpoint client.
Helper classes for working with Repositories.
Rio: The RDF4J parser/writer API.
Parser/writer for the RDF4J binary RDF format.
Parser/writer for the HDT v1.0 format.
Parser/writer for the JSON-LD 1.1 format.
Parser/writer for the JSON-LD 1.0 format.
Writer for the Notation-3 (N3) format.
Parser/writer for the N-Quads format.
Parser/writer for the N-Triples format.
Parser/writer for the RDF/JSON format.
Parser/writer for the RDF/XML format.
Pretty-printing for the RDF/XML format.
Parser/writer for the TriG format.
Parser/writer for the TriX format.
Parser/writer for the Turtle format.
Rdf4j-Spring OperationLog
Rdf4j-Spring ResultCache
Rdf4J-Spring Tx