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Fri, Jul 24, 2020

We are very pleased to announce that RDF4J 3.3.0 is now available. RDF4J 3.3.0 is a minor release with over 30 issues fixed, including several major new features and improvements. Some of the highlights:

  • Per-transaction configuration settings
  • More powerful SPARQL functions
  • Many new SHACL features
  • RDF Containers support
  • Java 13 and 14 support
  • Many more features, bug fixes and performance improvements

For more details, have a look at the release notes.

Tue, Jul 14, 2020

The second milestone build of the upcoming 3.3.0 release of RDF4J is now available for download.

RDF4J 3.3.0 is a minor release with a number of new features and improvements. Some of the highlights:

  • Elasticsearch, Lucene and Solr upgrades
  • Java 14 support
  • SHACL improvements
  • Performance improvements

This second milestone build is not yet feature-complete, but we are putting it out to receive early feedback on all the improvements we have put in.

Fri, Jul 10, 2020


We are trying out a new way for you to get support, provide feedback and otherwise discuss anything related to RDF technologies in general, and RDF4J in particular: Gitter.

Gitter is an open-source instant messaging and chat room system. We have a Gitter room dedicated to RDF4J at where everybody is welcome to join.

Thu, Jul 2, 2020

We are pleased to announce the release of RDF4J 3.2.3. This is a patch release fixing several issues in the Rio Turtle parser and in handling of path expressions in the SPARQL engine.

See the release notes for more details.

Tue, Jun 23, 2020

The first milestone build of the upcoming 3.3.0 release of RDF4J is now available for download.

RDF4J 3.3.0 is a minor release with a number of new features and improvements. Some of the highlights:

  • Elasticsearch, Lucene and Solr upgrades
  • Java 13 support
  • SHACL improvements
  • Performance improvements

This first milestone build is not yet feature-complete, but we are putting it out to receive early feedback on all the improvements we have put in.

Sun, Jun 14, 2020

The release of RDF4J 3.2.0 introduced a large number of performance improvements to the framework.

One major change was the introduction of a new Model implementation, the DynamicModel, and switching to this new model implementation throughout major parts of the code base. The advantage of the DynamicModel over other implementations is that it uses a very light-weight internal datastructure initially, only converting to a more heavily indexed form when necessary to answer particular queries. It can avoid this upgrade, however, for many use cases where we are adding or removing data, iterating over all data, or checking for the existence of a triple.

Thu, Jun 11, 2020

We are pleased to announce the release of RDF4J 3.2.2. This is a patch release fixing 7 issues, including several fixes in the SparqlBuilder, the Rio Turtle and RDF/XML parsers/writers, FedX SPARQL binding handling, and more.

See the release notes for more details.

Thu, May 21, 2020

We are pleased to announce the release of RDF4J 3.2.1. This is a patch release fixing 6 issues, including several fixes in SPARQL processing, FedX query optimization, and a Sail concurrency issue.

See the release notes for more details.

Thu, May 7, 2020

We are very pleased to announce that RDF4J 3.2.0 is now available. RDF4J 3.2.0 is a minor release with over 40 issues fixed, including several major new features and improvements. Some of the highlights:

  • Experimental support for RDF* and SPARQL*
  • Remote SHACL Validation reports in the Workbench
  • Query plan inspection through the new explain feature
  • Various significant performance and scalability improvements in the Native Store

For more details, have a look at the release notes.

Sat, Apr 25, 2020

We are pleased to announce the release of RDF4J 3.1.4. This is a patch release with two fixed issues. See the release notes for more details.

We have also made a new milestone build available for RDF4J 3.2. RDF4J 3.2.0 Milestone 2 offers basic SPARQL* support in the Memory Store and various performance improvements in SHACL, the native store, and remote SPARQL endpoint update handling.

For more details, see:


Eclipse RDF4J™ is a powerful Java framework for processing and handling RDF data. This includes creating, parsing, scalable storage, reasoning and querying with RDF and Linked Data. It offers an easy-to-use API that can be connected to all leading RDF database solutions. It allows you to connect with SPARQL endpoints and create applications that leverage the power of linked data and Semantic Web.

RDF4J Architecture

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