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Sat, Oct 26, 2019

We’re pleased to announce the release of RDF4J 3.0.2.

RDF4J 3.0.2 is a patch release with a number of bug fixes. See the release and upgrade notes for more details.

Tue, Oct 15, 2019

We are happy to announce the integration of FedX as federation engine into RDF4J.

FedX provides transparent federation of multiple SPARQL endpoints under a single virtual endpoint. As an example, a knowledge graph such as Wikidata can be queried in a federation with endpoints that are linked to Wikidata as an integration hub. In a federated SPARQL query in FedX, one no longer needs to explicitly address specific endpoints using SERVICE clauses. Instead, FedX automatically selects relevant sources, sends statement patterns to these sources for evaluation, and joins the individual results. FedX seamlessly integrates into RDF4J using the Repository API and can be used as a drop-in component in existing applications including the RDF4J Workbench.

Sun, Oct 13, 2019

RDF4J 2.5.5 is a hotfix release containing a single bug fix:

This fix was also included in the 3.0.1 release that went out yesterday. This hotfix is specifically intended for projects that are not yet ready to upgrade to 3.0.

Sat, Oct 12, 2019

We’re pleased to announce the release of RDF4J 3.0.1.

RDF4J 3.0.1 is a patch release with a number of bug fixes, including a major issue in DROP GRAPH execution on native stoes. See the release and upgrade notes for more details.

Fri, Aug 23, 2019

We’re pleased to announce the release of rdf4j 3.0.0.

Rdf4j 3.0 is a major new release of the rdf4j framework. Highlights include:

  • Major improvements to the SHACL Sail
  • Cleanup of core APIs (removing deprecated and obsolete code)
  • Preparing rdf4j for Java 11/12 compatibility
  • Rdf4j Server / Workbench upgrade to Servlet API 3.1
  • Performance improvements to Models.isomorphic(…), to SPIN and to transaction handling in general

Wed, Aug 14, 2019

Rdf4j 2.5.4 is a patch release containing several bug fixes, including:

Tue, Jul 23, 2019

We’re pleased to announce the second milestone build for rdf4j 3.0.0.

Rdf4j 3.0 is a major new release of the rdf4j framework. It contains several backward incompatible changes.

Some highlights:

Wed, Jul 3, 2019

Rdf4j 2.5.3 is a patch release containing several bug fixes, including:

Sat, Jun 29, 2019

We’re pleased to announce the first milestone build for rdf4j 3.0.0.

Rdf4j 3.0 is a major new release of the rdf4j framework. It contains several backward incompatible changes.

Some highlights:

Sun, May 26, 2019

As you can see, we’ve given our website a fresh coat of paint. We’ve updated our site to use the Eclipse Solstice theme, and have unified our general website and documentation site in a single project. This makes updating, maintaining, and improving the site and the project documentation a lot easier.


Eclipse RDF4J™ is a powerful Java framework for processing and handling RDF data. This includes creating, parsing, scalable storage, reasoning and querying with RDF and Linked Data. It offers an easy-to-use API that can be connected to all leading RDF database solutions. It allows you to connect with SPARQL endpoints and create applications that leverage the power of linked data and Semantic Web.

RDF4J Architecture

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