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Download RDF4J

You can either retrieve RDF4J via Apache Maven, or download the SDK or onejar directly.

RDF4J 5.0.2 (latest)

RDF4J 5.0.2 is our latest stable release. It requires Java 11 minimally. For details on what’s new and how to upgrade, see the release and upgrade notes.

Apache Maven

You can include RDF4J as a Maven dependency in your Java project by including the following BOM (Bill-of-Materials):


RDF4J is a multi-module project, you can pick and choose which libraries you need. To include the full project, simply import the following dependency:


See the Setup instructions in the Programmer’s documentation for more details on Maven and which artifacts RDF4J provides.

Older releases

RDF4J 4.3

RDF4J 4.2

RDF4J 4.1

RDF4J 4.0

RDF4J 3.7

RDF4J 3.6

RDF4J 3.5

Source code and nightly builds

You can access the RDF4J source code directly from our GitHub repositories. Maven nightly snapshot builds for the main and develop branch are available from the Sonatype snapshot repository.

To include nightly snapshot builds in your project, add this repository to your project’s POM:


Then use RDF4J dependencies as normal, using <version>-SNAPSHOT as the version number.


Old releases of OpenRDF Sesame (the predecessor of Eclipse RDF4J) can be found on Sourceforge.


Eclipse RDF4J is licensed to you under the terms of the Eclipse Distribution License (EDL), v1.0.

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