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RDF4J 3.1.2 is a patch release, fixing 7 issues:

  • #1978: handling of aggregates over empty solutions
  • #1990: NullPointerException in FILTER evaluation when using FedX
  • #1960: handling of empty transaction commit in SPARQLRepository
  • #1968: handling of language tags by SHACLSail
  • #1970: fix internal logger name in SPARQLProtocolSession
  • #1958: close inner iterations in federated services
  • #1948: fix handling of INSERT DATA in FedX

For a complete overview, see all issues fixed in 3.1.2.


Eclipse RDF4J™ is a powerful Java framework for processing and handling RDF data. This includes creating, parsing, scalable storage, reasoning and querying with RDF and Linked Data. It offers an easy-to-use API that can be connected to all leading RDF database solutions. It allows you to connect with SPARQL endpoints and create applications that leverage the power of linked data and Semantic Web.

RDF4J Architecture

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