Uses of Package
Packages that use org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra
Abstract Query Algebra model.
Implementations of
relevant to query evaluation.
invalid reference
The rdf4j SPARQL 1.1 parser.
This package contains classes for working with RDF4J query objects.
This package contains classes for rendering RDF4J query objects as SPARQL queries.
Helper and utility classes for the
RDF Storage And Inference Layer (RDF Sail): a set of interfaces defining an SPI for RDF databases.
Base functionality for Sail implementations that require multi-versioned concurrency control (MVCC).
ElasticSearch index for the
.Abstract base implementation and internal helper classes for Sail implementations.
The LMDB based Store.
A Sail implementation that supports full-text indexing via the Lucene API.
See discussion at
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.federated
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.federated.algebraClassDescriptionBase implementation of
.A tuple expression that matches a path of arbitrary length against an RDF graph.An abstract superclass for binary tuple operators which, by definition, has two arguments.The LeftJoin operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.Main interface for all query model nodes.An interface for query model visitors, implementing the Visitor pattern.A semantics-less query model node that is used as the root of query model trees.The SERVICE keyword as defined in SERVICE definition.A tuple expression that matches a statement pattern against an RDF graph.Indicates the scope of the statement pattern.An expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.An abstract superclass for unary tuple operators which, by definition, has one argument.An expressions that evaluates to Value objects.A variable that can contain a Value.QueryModelNode
s that can constitute a variable scope change (such as group graph patterns, subselects, etc).A tuple expression that matches a path of length zero against an RDF graph. -
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.federated.evaluationClassDescriptionThe LeftJoin operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.The SERVICE keyword as defined in SERVICE definition.A tuple expression that matches a statement pattern against an RDF graph.An expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.An expressions that evaluates to Value objects.A variable that can contain a Value.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.federated.evaluation.iteratorClassDescriptionA tuple expression that matches a statement pattern against an RDF graph.Indicates the scope of the statement pattern.An expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.A variable that can contain a Value.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.federated.evaluation.joinClassDescriptionThe LeftJoin operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.An expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.federated.evaluation.unionClassDescriptionA tuple expression that matches a statement pattern against an RDF graph.An expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.federated.monitoring
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.federated.optimizerClassDescriptionA tuple expression that matches a path of arbitrary length against an RDF graph.The MINUS set operator, which returns the result of the left tuple expression, except for the results that are also returned by the right tuple expression.An extension operator that can be used to add bindings to solutions whose values are defined by
value expressions
.The FILTER operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A natural join between two tuple expressions.The LeftJoin operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A generalized projection (allowing the bindings to be renamed) on a tuple expression.Main interface for all query model nodes.An interface for query model visitors, implementing the Visitor pattern.The SERVICE keyword as defined in SERVICE definition.The SLICE operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A tuple expression that matches a statement pattern against an RDF graph.An expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.The UNION set operator, which return the union of the result sets of two tuple expressions.An expressions that evaluates to Value objects.A variable that can contain a Value. -
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.federated.structuresClassDescriptionA tuple expression that matches a statement pattern against an RDF graph.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.federated.utilClassDescriptionA tuple expression that matches a path of arbitrary length against an RDF graph.A comparison between two values.A tuple expression that matches a statement pattern against an RDF graph.An expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.The UNION set operator, which return the union of the result sets of two tuple expressions.A ValueExpr with a constant value.An expressions that evaluates to Value objects.A variable that can contain a Value.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebraClassDescriptionBase class for shared functionality of aggregate operators (e.g.Base implementation of
function call that can be defined to take an argument and can apply distinct filtering on it.An operator that returns aggregates values.A boolean AND operator operating on two boolean expressions.A tuple expression that matches a path of arbitrary length against an RDF graph.The AVG operator as defined in abstract superclass for binary tuple operators which, by definition, has two arguments.An abstract superclass for binary value operators which, by definition, has two arguments.A BNode generator, which generates a new BNode each time it needs to supply a value.The BOUND function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF; checks if a variable is bound.A comparison between two values.The DATATYPE function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.The MINUS set operator, which returns the result of the left tuple expression, except for the results that are also returned by the right tuple expression.A tuple expression that contains zero solutions.Checks whether the wrapped Query produces any results.An extension operator that can be used to add bindings to solutions whose values are defined byvalue expressions
.The FILTER operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A call to an (external) function that operates on zero or more arguments.A tuple operator that groups tuples that have a specific set of equivalent variable bindings, and that can apply aggregate functions on the grouped results.The GROUP_CONCAT operator as defined in tuple operator that groups tuples that have a specific set of equivalent variable bindings, and that can apply aggregate functions on the grouped results.The IF function, as defined in SPARQL 1.1 Query.Checks whether a certain value is contained in a set of results produced by a query.The INTERSECT set operator, which returns the intersection of the result sets of two tuple expressions.The IRI function, as defined in SPARQL 1.1 Query Language for RDF.IsNumeric - Boolean operator determining if the supplied expression represents a numeric value.A natural join between two tuple expressions.The LABEL function, which selects the label of literals.The LANG function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.Checks whether a language tag (e.g.The LeftJoin operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.ValueOperator that verifies if the first of its arguments occurs in any of the subsequent arguments.The LOCAL NAME function, which selects the local name of URIs.A mathematical expression consisting an operator and two arguments.A "multi-projection" that can produce multiple solutions from a single set of bindings.The NAMESPACE function, which selects the namespace of URIs.An abstract superclass for N-ary value operators.A boolean NOT operator operating on a boolean expressions.A boolean OR operator operating on two boolean expressions.An order operator that can be used to order bindings as specified by a set of value expressions.A generalized projection (allowing the bindings to be renamed) on a tuple expression.Projection elements control which of the selected expressions (produced by the WHERE clause of a query) are returned in the solution, and the order in which they appear.Main interface for all query model nodes.An interface for query model visitors, implementing the Visitor pattern.A semantics-less query model node that is used as the root of query model trees.Compares the string representation of a value expression to a pattern.Checks RDF term equality.The SAMPLE operator as defined in SERVICE keyword as defined in SERVICE definition.A tuple expression that contains exactly one solution with zero bindings.The SLICE operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A tuple expression that matches a statement pattern against an RDF graph.Indicates the scope of the statement pattern.The STR function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF; returns the label of literals or the string representation of URIs.The SUM operator as defined in lookup reference.An expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.A call to a TupleFunction.An abstract superclass for unary tuple operators which, by definition, has one argument.An abstract superclass for unary value operators which, by definition, has one argument.The UNION set operator, which return the union of the result sets of two tuple expressions.An expression that executes an update.A ValueExpr with a constant value.An expressions that evaluates to Value objects.A variable that can contain a Value.QueryModelNode
s that can constitute a variable scope change (such as group graph patterns, subselects, etc).A tuple expression that matches a path of length zero against an RDF graph. -
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluationClassDescriptionAn expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.An expression that executes an update.A ValueExpr with a constant value.An expressions that evaluates to Value objects.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.implClassDescriptionA tuple expression that matches a path of arbitrary length against an RDF graph.An abstract superclass for binary tuple operators which, by definition, has two arguments.An abstract superclass for binary value operators which, by definition, has two arguments.A BNode generator, which generates a new BNode each time it needs to supply a value.The BOUND function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF; checks if a variable is bound.A comparison between two values.The DATATYPE function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.The MINUS set operator, which returns the result of the left tuple expression, except for the results that are also returned by the right tuple expression.A tuple expression that contains zero solutions.Checks whether the wrapped Query produces any results.An extension operator that can be used to add bindings to solutions whose values are defined by
value expressions
.The FILTER operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A call to an (external) function that operates on zero or more arguments.A tuple operator that groups tuples that have a specific set of equivalent variable bindings, and that can apply aggregate functions on the grouped results.The IF function, as defined in SPARQL 1.1 Query.Checks whether a certain value is contained in a set of results produced by a query.The INTERSECT set operator, which returns the intersection of the result sets of two tuple expressions.The IRI function, as defined in SPARQL 1.1 Query Language for RDF.IsNumeric - Boolean operator determining if the supplied expression represents a numeric value.A natural join between two tuple expressions.The LABEL function, which selects the label of literals.The LANG function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.Checks whether a language tag (e.g.The LeftJoin operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.ValueOperator that verifies if the first of its arguments occurs in any of the subsequent arguments.The LOCAL NAME function, which selects the local name of URIs.A mathematical expression consisting an operator and two arguments.A "multi-projection" that can produce multiple solutions from a single set of bindings.The NAMESPACE function, which selects the namespace of URIs.A boolean NOT operator operating on a boolean expressions.A boolean OR operator operating on two boolean expressions.An order operator that can be used to order bindings as specified by a set of value expressions.A generalized projection (allowing the bindings to be renamed) on a tuple expression.Main interface for all query model nodes.An interface for query model visitors, implementing the Visitor pattern.A semantics-less query model node that is used as the root of query model trees.Compares the string representation of a value expression to a pattern.Checks RDF term equality.The SERVICE keyword as defined in SERVICE definition.A tuple expression that contains exactly one solution with zero bindings.The SLICE operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A tuple expression that matches a statement pattern against an RDF graph.The STR function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF; returns the label of literals or the string representation of URIs.Triple lookup reference.An expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.A call to a TupleFunction.An abstract superclass for unary tuple operators which, by definition, has one argument.An abstract superclass for unary value operators which, by definition, has one argument.The UNION set operator, which return the union of the result sets of two tuple expressions.A ValueExpr with a constant value.An expressions that evaluates to Value objects.A variable that can contain a Value.A tuple expression that matches a path of length zero against an RDF graph. -
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.impl.evaluationstepsClassDescriptionA natural join between two tuple expressions.The LeftJoin operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A generalized projection (allowing the bindings to be renamed) on a tuple expression.Compares the string representation of a value expression to a pattern.The SERVICE keyword as defined in SERVICE definition.The SLICE operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A tuple expression that matches a statement pattern against an RDF graph.A variable that can contain a Value.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.impl.evaluationsteps.valuesClassDescriptionChecks whether a certain value is contained in a set of results produced by a query.The IRI function, as defined in SPARQL 1.1 Query Language for RDF.A variable that can contain a Value.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.iteratorClassDescriptionAn extension operator that can be used to add bindings to solutions whose values are defined by
value expressions
.The FILTER operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A tuple operator that groups tuples that have a specific set of equivalent variable bindings, and that can apply aggregate functions on the grouped results.A natural join between two tuple expressions.The LeftJoin operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A "multi-projection" that can produce multiple solutions from a single set of bindings.A generalized projection (allowing the bindings to be renamed) on a tuple expression.Main interface for all query model nodes.Indicates the scope of the statement pattern.An expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.A variable that can contain a Value. -
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.optimizerClassDescriptionA boolean AND operator operating on two boolean expressions.The MINUS set operator, which returns the result of the left tuple expression, except for the results that are also returned by the right tuple expression.The FILTER operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.The INTERSECT set operator, which returns the intersection of the result sets of two tuple expressions.A natural join between two tuple expressions.The LeftJoin operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A boolean OR operator operating on two boolean expressions.An interface for query model visitors, implementing the Visitor pattern.A tuple expression that matches a statement pattern against an RDF graph.An expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.An abstract superclass for unary tuple operators which, by definition, has one argument.The UNION set operator, which return the union of the result sets of two tuple expressions.A variable that can contain a Value.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.utilClassDescriptionAn order operator that can be used to order bindings as specified by a set of value expressions.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.helpersClassDescriptionCustom
function call that can be defined to take an argument and can apply distinct filtering on it.A boolean AND operator operating on two boolean expressions.A tuple expression that matches a path of arbitrary length against an RDF graph.The AVG operator as defined in abstract superclass for binary tuple operators which, by definition, has two arguments.An abstract superclass for binary value operators which, by definition, has two arguments.A BNode generator, which generates a new BNode each time it needs to supply a value.The BOUND function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF; checks if a variable is bound.A comparison between two values.The DATATYPE function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.The MINUS set operator, which returns the result of the left tuple expression, except for the results that are also returned by the right tuple expression.A tuple expression that contains zero solutions.Checks whether the wrapped Query produces any results.An extension operator that can be used to add bindings to solutions whose values are defined byvalue expressions
.The FILTER operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A call to an (external) function that operates on zero or more arguments.A tuple operator that groups tuples that have a specific set of equivalent variable bindings, and that can apply aggregate functions on the grouped results.The GROUP_CONCAT operator as defined in tuple operator that groups tuples that have a specific set of equivalent variable bindings, and that can apply aggregate functions on the grouped results.The IF function, as defined in SPARQL 1.1 Query.Checks whether a certain value is contained in a set of results produced by a query.The INTERSECT set operator, which returns the intersection of the result sets of two tuple expressions.The IRI function, as defined in SPARQL 1.1 Query Language for RDF.IsNumeric - Boolean operator determining if the supplied expression represents a numeric value.A natural join between two tuple expressions.The LABEL function, which selects the label of literals.The LANG function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.Checks whether a language tag (e.g.The LeftJoin operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.ValueOperator that verifies if the first of its arguments occurs in any of the subsequent arguments.The LOCAL NAME function, which selects the local name of URIs.A mathematical expression consisting an operator and two arguments.A "multi-projection" that can produce multiple solutions from a single set of bindings.The NAMESPACE function, which selects the namespace of URIs.An abstract superclass for N-ary value operators.A boolean NOT operator operating on a boolean expressions.A boolean OR operator operating on two boolean expressions.An order operator that can be used to order bindings as specified by a set of value expressions.A generalized projection (allowing the bindings to be renamed) on a tuple expression.Projection elements control which of the selected expressions (produced by the WHERE clause of a query) are returned in the solution, and the order in which they appear.Main interface for all query model nodes.An interface for query model visitors, implementing the Visitor pattern.A semantics-less query model node that is used as the root of query model trees.Compares the string representation of a value expression to a pattern.Checks RDF term equality.The SAMPLE operator as defined in SERVICE keyword as defined in SERVICE definition.A tuple expression that contains exactly one solution with zero bindings.The SLICE operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A tuple expression that matches a statement pattern against an RDF graph.The STR function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF; returns the label of literals or the string representation of URIs.The SUM operator as defined in lookup reference.An expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.An abstract superclass for unary tuple operators which, by definition, has one argument.An abstract superclass for unary value operators which, by definition, has one argument.The UNION set operator, which return the union of the result sets of two tuple expressions.An expression that executes an update.A ValueExpr with a constant value.A variable that can contain a Value.A tuple expression that matches a path of length zero against an RDF graph. -
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.helpers.collectorsClassDescriptionThe FILTER operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A natural join between two tuple expressions.Main interface for all query model nodes.An interface for query model visitors, implementing the Visitor pattern.A tuple expression that matches a statement pattern against an RDF graph.A variable that can contain a Value.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.parserClassDescriptionAn expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.An expression that executes an update.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.parser.sparqlClassDescriptionA comparison between two values.The DATATYPE function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.Checks whether the wrapped Query produces any results.The FILTER operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A call to an (external) function that operates on zero or more arguments.A tuple operator that groups tuples that have a specific set of equivalent variable bindings, and that can apply aggregate functions on the grouped results.The IF function, as defined in SPARQL 1.1 Query.The IRI function, as defined in SPARQL 1.1 Query Language for RDF.IsNumeric - Boolean operator determining if the supplied expression represents a numeric value.The LANG function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A mathematical expression consisting an operator and two arguments.A boolean NOT operator operating on a boolean expressions.A boolean OR operator operating on two boolean expressions.Main interface for all query model nodes.An interface for query model visitors, implementing the Visitor pattern.Checks RDF term equality.The SAMPLE operator as defined in the scope of the statement pattern.Triple lookup reference.An expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.An expression that executes an update.A ValueExpr with a constant value.An expressions that evaluates to Value objects.A variable that can contain a Value.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.queryrenderClassDescriptionAn interface for query model visitors, implementing the Visitor pattern.The SLICE operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A tuple expression that matches a statement pattern against an RDF graph.An expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.An expressions that evaluates to Value objects.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.queryrender.sparqlClassDescriptionCustom
function call that can be defined to take an argument and can apply distinct filtering on it.A boolean AND operator operating on two boolean expressions.A tuple expression that matches a path of arbitrary length against an RDF graph.The BOUND function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF; checks if a variable is bound.A comparison between two values.The DATATYPE function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.The MINUS set operator, which returns the result of the left tuple expression, except for the results that are also returned by the right tuple expression.An extension operator that can be used to add bindings to solutions whose values are defined byvalue expressions
.The FILTER operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A call to an (external) function that operates on zero or more arguments.The IF function, as defined in SPARQL 1.1 Query.Checks whether a certain value is contained in a set of results produced by a query.The INTERSECT set operator, which returns the intersection of the result sets of two tuple expressions.The IRI function, as defined in SPARQL 1.1 Query Language for RDF.IsNumeric - Boolean operator determining if the supplied expression represents a numeric value.A natural join between two tuple expressions.The LANG function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.Checks whether a language tag (e.g.The LeftJoin operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A boolean OR operator operating on two boolean expressions.An interface for query model visitors, implementing the Visitor pattern.Compares the string representation of a value expression to a pattern.Checks RDF term equality.A tuple expression that matches a statement pattern against an RDF graph.The STR function, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF; returns the label of literals or the string representation of URIs.An expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.The UNION set operator, which return the union of the result sets of two tuple expressions.A ValueExpr with a constant value.An expressions that evaluates to Value objects.A variable that can contain a Value. -
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.queryrender.sparql.experimentalClassDescriptionAn interface for query model visitors, implementing the Visitor pattern.An expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.An expressions that evaluates to Value objects.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.sail.helpersClassDescriptionAn expression that executes an update.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.sparql.federationClassDescriptionThe SERVICE keyword as defined in SERVICE definition.An expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.sailClassDescriptionAn expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.An expression that executes an update.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.baseClassDescriptionA tuple expression that matches a statement pattern against an RDF graph.An expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.elasticsearch
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.helpers
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.inferencer
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.lmdb
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.luceneClassDescriptionThe FILTER operator, as defined in SPARQL Query Language for RDF.A call to an (external) function that operates on zero or more arguments.Main interface for all query model nodes.A tuple expression that matches a statement pattern against an RDF graph.An expression that evaluates to RDF tuples.An expressions that evaluates to Value objects.A variable that can contain a Value.
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.lucene.impl
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.shacl.ast.planNodes
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.solr
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra used by org.eclipse.rdf4j.spin