Package org.eclipse.rdf4j.model
package org.eclipse.rdf4j.model
The RDF Model API
The core RDF model interfaces are organized in the following hierarchy:
Value Statement Model / \ / \ Resource Literal / \ / \ IRI BNode
An individual RDF triple or statement is represented by the Statement
interface. Collections of RDF statements are represented by the Model
Creation of new Model elements (IRI
, Literal
, BNode
, Statement
) is done
by means of a ValueFactory
- See Also:
InterfacesClassDescriptionAn RDF-1.1 blank node (aka bnode, aka anonymous node).An Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI).An RDF-1.1 literal consisting of a label (the lexical value), a datatype, and optionally a language tag.Factory to create empty
implementations.A namespace, consisting of a namespace name and a prefix that has been assigned to it.The supertype of all RDF resources (IRIs and blank nodes).An RDF statement, with optional associated context.An RDF-star embedded triple.The supertype of all RDF model objects (URIs, blank nodes and literals).A factory for creatingIRIs
,blank nodes
based on the RDF-1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax, a W3C Recommendation.