Class QueueCursor<E>

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, Iterator<E>, CloseableIteration<E>
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class QueueCursor<E> extends QueueIteration<E,QueryEvaluationException>
Makes working with a queue easier by adding the methods QueueIteration.done() and QueueIteration.toss(Exception) and automatically converting the exception into a QueryEvaluationException with an appropriate stack trace.
James Leigh
  • Constructor Details

    • QueueCursor

      public QueueCursor(int capacity)
      Creates an QueueCursor with the given (fixed) capacity and default access policy.
      capacity - the capacity of this queue
    • QueueCursor

      public QueueCursor(BlockingQueue<E> queue)
      WeakReference is no longer supported as a way to automatically close this iteration. The recommended approach to automatically closing an iteration on garbage collection is to use a Cleaner.
      Creates an QueueCursor with the given BlockingQueue as its backing queue.
      It may not be threadsafe to modify or access the given BlockingQueue from other locations. This method only enables the default ArrayBlockingQueue to be overridden.
      queue - A BlockingQueue that is not used in other locations, but will be used as the backing Queue implementation for this cursor.
  • Method Details