Class XMLWriterSettings

  • public class XMLWriterSettings
    extends Object
    A class encapsulating writer settings that XML writers may support.
    Peter Ansell
    • Field Detail


        public static final RioSetting<Boolean> INCLUDE_XML_PI
        Boolean setting for XML Writer to determine whether the XML PI (Processing Instruction) should be printed. If this setting is disabled the user must have previously printed the XML PI before calling RDFHandler.startRDF() for the document to be valid XML.

        Defaults to true.

        Can be overridden by setting system property

        See Also:
        RDF/XML specification

        public static final RioSetting<Boolean> INCLUDE_ROOT_RDF_TAG
        Boolean setting for RDF/XML Writer to determine whether the rdf:RDF root tag is to be written. The tag is optional in the RDF/XML specification, but a standalone RDF/XML document typically includes it.

        Defaults to true.

        Can be overridden by setting system property

        See Also:
        RDF/XML specification

        public static final RioSetting<Boolean> USE_SINGLE_QUOTES
        Boolean setting for RDF/XML Writer to determine if single quotes are used to quote attribute values. By default double quotes are used.

        Defaults to false.

        Can be overridden by setting system property


        public static final RioSetting<Boolean> QUOTES_TO_ENTITIES_IN_TEXT
        Boolean setting for RDF/XML Writer to determine if the character used to quote attribute values, (single quote or double quote) is also replaced within text nodes by it's corresponding entity.

        Defaults to false.

        Can be overridden by setting system property