Interface RDFHandler

    • Method Detail

      • startRDF

        void startRDF()
               throws RDFHandlerException
        Signals the start of the RDF data. This method is called before any data is reported.
        RDFHandlerException - If the RDF handler has encountered an unrecoverable error.
      • endRDF

        void endRDF()
             throws RDFHandlerException
        Signals the end of the RDF data. This method is called when all data has been reported.
        RDFHandlerException - If the RDF handler has encountered an unrecoverable error.
      • handleNamespace

        void handleNamespace​(String prefix,
                             String uri)
                      throws RDFHandlerException
        Handles a namespace declaration/definition. A namespace declaration associates a (short) prefix string with the namespace's URI. The prefix for default namespaces, which do not have an associated prefix, are represented as empty strings.
        prefix - The prefix for the namespace, or an empty string in case of a default namespace.
        uri - The URI that the prefix maps to.
        RDFHandlerException - If the RDF handler has encountered an unrecoverable error.
      • handleComment

        void handleComment​(String comment)
                    throws RDFHandlerException
        Handles a comment.
        comment - The comment.
        RDFHandlerException - If the RDF handler has encountered an unrecoverable error.