Class StatementCollector

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class StatementCollector
    extends ContextStatementCollector
    A RDFHandler that can be used to collect reported statements in collections.
    Arjohn Kampman
    • Constructor Detail

      • StatementCollector

        public StatementCollector()
        Creates a new StatementCollector that uses a new ArrayList to store the reported statements and a new LinkedHashMap to store the reported namespaces.
      • StatementCollector

        public StatementCollector​(Collection<Statement> statements)
        Creates a new StatementCollector that stores reported statements in the supplied collection and that uses a new LinkedHashMap to store the reported namespaces.
      • StatementCollector

        public StatementCollector​(Collection<Statement> statements,
                                  Map<String,​String> namespaces)
        Creates a new StatementCollector that stores reported statements and namespaces in the supplied containers.