Class SPARQLMinusIteration<X extends Exception>

    • Constructor Detail

      • SPARQLMinusIteration

        public SPARQLMinusIteration​(Iteration<BindingSet,​X> leftArg,
                                    Iteration<BindingSet,​X> rightArg)
        Creates a new MinusIteration that returns the results of the left argument minus the results of the right argument. By default, duplicates are not filtered from the results.
        leftArg - An Iteration containing the main set of elements.
        rightArg - An Iteration containing the set of elements that should be filtered from the main set.
      • SPARQLMinusIteration

        public SPARQLMinusIteration​(Iteration<BindingSet,​X> leftArg,
                                    Iteration<BindingSet,​X> rightArg,
                                    boolean distinct)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Creates a new MinusIteration that returns the results of the left argument minus the results of the right argument.
        leftArg - An Iteration containing the main set of elements.
        rightArg - An Iteration containing the set of elements that should be filtered from the main set.
        distinct - This argument is ignored