Package org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.memory.model
package org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.memory.model
ClassDescriptionAn extension of MemLiteral that stores a boolean value to avoid parsing.An extension of MemLiteral that stores a Calendar value to avoid parsing.An extension of MemLiteral that stores a decimal value to avoid parsing.An extension of MemLiteral that stores an integer value to avoid parsing.A MemoryStore-specific extension of BNodeImpl giving it node properties.A MemoryStore-specific implementation of URI that stores separated namespace and local name information to enable reuse of namespace String objects (reducing memory usage) and that gives it node properties.A MemoryStore-specific extension of Literal giving it node properties.A MemoryStore-specific extension of Resource giving it subject statements.A MemStatement is a Statement which contains context information and a flag indicating whether the statement is explicit or inferred.MemStatementIterator<X extends Exception>A StatementIterator that can iterate over a list of Statement objects.A cache for MemStatementIterator that tracks how frequently an iterator is used and caches the iterator as a listA dedicated data structure for storing MemStatement objects, offering operations optimized for their use in the memory Sail.A MemoryStore-specific implementation of
.A MemoryStore-specific extension of the Value interface, giving it node properties.A factory for MemValue objects that keeps track of created objects to prevent the creation of duplicate objects, minimizing memory usage as a result.An extension of MemLiteral that stores a numeric value to avoid parsing.An object registry that uses weak references to keep track of the stored objects.