Interface MemResource

All Superinterfaces:
MemValue, Resource, Serializable, Value
All Known Implementing Classes:
MemBNode, MemIRI, MemTriple

public interface MemResource extends MemValue, Resource
A MemoryStore-specific extension of Resource giving it subject statements.
  • Method Details

    • getSubjectStatementList

      MemStatementList getSubjectStatementList()
      Gets the list of statements for which this MemResource is the subject.
      a MemStatementList containing the statements.
    • getSubjectStatementCount

      int getSubjectStatementCount()
      Gets the number of statements for which this MemResource is the subject.
      An integer larger than or equal to 0.
    • addSubjectStatement

      void addSubjectStatement(MemStatement st)
      Adds a statement to this MemResource's list of statements for which it is the subject.
      st -
    • removeSubjectStatement

      void removeSubjectStatement(MemStatement st)
      Removes a statement from this MemResource's list of statements for which it is the subject.
      st -
    • cleanSnapshotsFromSubjectStatements

      void cleanSnapshotsFromSubjectStatements(int currentSnapshot)
      Removes statements from old snapshots (those that have expired at or before the specified snapshot version) from this MemValue's list of statements for which it is the subject.
      currentSnapshot - The current snapshot version.
    • getContextStatementList

      MemStatementList getContextStatementList()
      Gets the list of statements for which this MemResource represents the context.
      a MemStatementList containing the statements.
    • getContextStatementCount

      int getContextStatementCount()
      Gets the number of statements for which this MemResource represents the context.
      An integer larger than or equal to 0.
    • addContextStatement

      void addContextStatement(MemStatement st)
      Adds a statement to this MemResource's list of statements for which it represents the context.
      st -
    • removeContextStatement

      void removeContextStatement(MemStatement st)
      Removes a statement from this MemResource's list of statements for which it represents the context.
      st -
    • cleanSnapshotsFromContextStatements

      void cleanSnapshotsFromContextStatements(int currentSnapshot)
      Removes statements from old snapshots (those that have expired at or before the specified snapshot version) from this MemValue's list of statements for which it is the context.
      currentSnapshot - The current snapshot version.