Type Parameters:
ID -
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class RDF4JCRUDDao<ENTITY,​INPUT,​ID> extends RDF4JDao
Base class for DAOs providing CRUD functionality. The class allows for entities to be represented with different classes for read (ENTITY type) vs write (INPUT type) operations. DAOs that do not require this distinction must use the same class for both parameters.
Florian Kleedorfer
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • RDF4JCRUDDao

      public RDF4JCRUDDao(RDF4JTemplate rdf4JTemplate, Class<ID> idClass)
      Constructor that provides the type of the ID to the base implementation. This constructor has to be used if the ID is anything but IRI.
    • RDF4JCRUDDao

      public RDF4JCRUDDao(RDF4JTemplate rdf4JTemplate)
      Constructor to be used by implementations that use IRI for the ID type.
  • Method Details

    • save

      public final ENTITY save(INPUT input)
      Saves the entity, loads it again and returns it. If the modified entity is not required, clients should prefer saveAndReturnId(Object, Object) or saveAndReturnId(Object)
    • saveAndReturnId

      public ID saveAndReturnId(INPUT input)
    • saveAndReturnId

      public ID saveAndReturnId(INPUT input, ID id)
      Saves the entity and returns its (possibly newly generated) ID.
      input - the entity
      id - the id or null for a new entity.
      the id (a newly generated one if the specified id is null, otherwise just id.
    • deleteForUpdate

      protected void deleteForUpdate(ID id)
      When updating an entity via save(Object), its triples are removed first using this method. The default implementation used RDF4JTemplate.deleteTriplesWithSubject(IRI). If more complex deletion behaviour (e.g. cascading) is needed, this method should be overriden.
    • convertIdToIri

      protected IRI convertIdToIri(ID id)
      Converts the provided id to an IRI. The default implementation only works for DAOs that use IRI ids.
      id -
    • generateNewId

      protected ID generateNewId(ID providedId)
      Generates a new id for an entity. The default implementation only works for IRI ids.
      providedId -
      a new id.
    • list

      public final List<ENTITY> list()
    • getById

      public final ENTITY getById(ID id)
      Obtains the entity with the specified id, throwing an exception if none is found.
      id - the id
      the entity
      IncorrectResultSetSizeException - if no entity is found with the specified id
    • getByIdOptional

      public final Optional<ENTITY> getByIdOptional(ID id)
      Obtains an optional entity with the specified id.
      id - the id
      an Optional maybe containing the entity
    • delete

      public void delete(ID id)
      Naive implementation using RDF4JTemplate.delete(IRI). DAOs that need more complex deletion behaviour (e.g. cascading) should override this method.
    • getReadQuery

      protected String getReadQuery()
      Returns the SPARQL string used to read an instance of T from the database. The base implementation will cache the query string, so implementations should not try to cache the query.
    • mapSolution

      protected ENTITY mapSolution(BindingSet querySolution)
      Map one solution of the readQuery to the type of this DAO.
    • postProcessMappedSolution

      protected ENTITY postProcessMappedSolution(ENTITY entity)
      Callback invoked after mapping a solution to an entity, allowing subclasses to modify the entity before returning it to the client.
    • postProcessUpdate

      protected void postProcessUpdate(INPUT input, Map<String,​Value> bindings)
      Callback invoked after a successful insert/update.
    • getInsertSparql

      protected NamedSparqlSupplier getInsertSparql(INPUT input)
      Returns the SPARQL string used to write an instance of T to the database. The instance to be inserted is passed to the function so implementations can decide which query to use based on the instance.
    • getUpdateSparql

      protected NamedSparqlSupplier getUpdateSparql(INPUT input)
      Returns the SPARQL string used to update an instance of T in the database. The instance to be updated is passed to the function so implementations can decide which query to use based on the instance.
    • populateIdBindings

      protected abstract void populateIdBindings(MutableBindings bindingsBuilder, ID id)
      Binds the instance id to query variable(s).
    • populateBindingsForUpdate

      protected void populateBindingsForUpdate(MutableBindings bindingsBuilder, INPUT input)
      Sets the non-id bindings on for the write query such that the instance of type I is written to the database. ID bindings are set through populateIdBindings()
    • getInputId

      protected ID getInputId(INPUT input)
      Obtains the id of the input instance or null if it is new (or a partially populated composite key).
    • newBindingsBuilder

      protected static BindingsBuilder newBindingsBuilder()
      Returns a new BindingsBuilder for your convenience.