Class RDF4JTemplate


@Experimental public class RDF4JTemplate extends Object
Florian Kleedorfer, Gabriel Pickl
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • consumeConnection

      public void consumeConnection(Consumer<RepositoryConnection> fun)
    • applyToConnection

      public <T> T applyToConnection(Function<RepositoryConnection,T> fun)
    • update

      public UpdateExecutionBuilder update(String updateString)
      Bypassing any caches, generates a new Update from the specified SPARQL string and returns a Builder for its execution. Should be avoided in favor of one of the methods that apply caching unless the update is not reusable.
    • update

      public UpdateExecutionBuilder update(Class<?> owner, String operationName, Supplier<String> updateStringSupplier)
      Uses a cached Update if one is available under the specified operationName for the RepositoryConnection that is used, otherwise the query string is obtained from the specified supplier, a new Update is instantiated and cached for future calls to this method.

      Note: this call is equivalent to update(String) if operation caching is disabled.

      owner - the class of the client requesting the update, used to generate a cache key in combination with the operation name
      operationName - name of the operation that, within the scope of the client, identifies the update
      updateStringSupplier - supplies the sparql of the update if needed
    • updateFromResource

      public UpdateExecutionBuilder updateFromResource(Class<?> owner, String resourceName)
      Reads the update from the specified resource and provides it through a in update(Class, String, Supplier), using the resourceName as the operationName.
    • update

      public UpdateExecutionBuilder update(Class<?> owner, NamedSparqlSupplier namedSparqlSupplier)
    • updateWithoutCachingStatement

      public UpdateExecutionBuilder updateWithoutCachingStatement(String updateString)
    • updateWithBuilder

      public UpdateWithModelBuilder updateWithBuilder()
    • tupleQuery

      public TupleQueryEvaluationBuilder tupleQuery(String queryString)
      Bypassing any caches, generates a new TupleQuery from the specified SPARQL string and returns a Builder for its evaluation. Should be avoided in favor of one of the methods that apply caching unless the query is not reusable.
    • tupleQuery

      public TupleQueryEvaluationBuilder tupleQuery(Class<?> owner, String operationName, Supplier<String> queryStringSupplier)
      Uses a cached TupleQuery if one is available under the specified operationName for the RepositoryConnection that is used, otherwise the query string is obtained from the specified supplier, a new TupleQuery is instantiated and cached for future calls to this method.
    • tupleQueryFromResource

      public TupleQueryEvaluationBuilder tupleQueryFromResource(Class<?> owner, String resourceName)
      Reads the query from the specified resource and provides it through a in tupleQuery(Class, String, Supplier), using the resourceName as the operationName.
    • tupleQuery

      public TupleQueryEvaluationBuilder tupleQuery(Class<?> owner, NamedSparqlSupplier namedSparqlSupplier)
    • graphQuery

      public GraphQueryEvaluationBuilder graphQuery(String graphQueryString)
      Bypassing any caches, generates a new GraphQuery from the specified SPARQL string and returns a Builder for its evaluation. Should be avoided in favor of one of the methods that apply caching unless the query is not reusable.
    • graphQuery

      public GraphQueryEvaluationBuilder graphQuery(Class<?> owner, String operationName, Supplier<String> queryStringSupplier)
      Uses a cached GraphQuery if one is available under the specified operationName for the RepositoryConnection that is used, otherwise the query string is obtained from the specified supplier, a new GraphQuery is instantiated and cached for future calls to this method.
    • graphQueryFromResource

      public GraphQueryEvaluationBuilder graphQueryFromResource(Class<?> owner, String resourceName)
      Reads the query from the specified resource and provides it through a in graphQuery(Class, String, Supplier), using the resourceName as the operationName.
    • graphQuery

      public GraphQueryEvaluationBuilder graphQuery(Class<?> owner, NamedSparqlSupplier namedSparqlSupplier)
    • deleteTriplesWithSubject

      public void deleteTriplesWithSubject(IRI id)
    • delete

      public void delete(IRI id)
      Deletes the specified resource: all triples are deleted in which id is the subject or the object.
      id -
    • delete

      public void delete(IRI start, List<PropertyPath> propertyPaths)
      Deletes the specified resource and all resources R reached via any of the specified property paths.

      Deletion means that all triples are removed in which start or any resource in R are the subject or the object.

      start - the initial resource to be deleted
      propertyPaths - paths by which to reach more resources to be deleted.
    • associate

      public void associate(IRI fromResource, IRI property, Collection<IRI> toResources, boolean deleteOtherOutgoing, boolean deleteOtherIcoming)
    • getStringSupplierFromResourceContent

      public Supplier<String> getStringSupplierFromResourceContent(String resourceName)
      Returns a that returns the String content of the specified resource (as obtained by a ResourceLoader). The resource's content is read once when this method is called (revealing any problem reading the resource early on.
    • getNewUUID

      public IRI getNewUUID()
      Returns a UUID IRI (schema: 'urn:uuid'). Actual implementation depends on the uuidSource that has been configured. See UUIDSource and org.eclipse.rdf4j.spring.uuidsource for details.