Uses of Annotation Type

Packages that use InternalUseOnly
Abstract base classes for RDF Model API interfaces.
Helper classes for working with RDF models.
The rdf4j SPARQL 1.1 parser.
RDF Storage And Inference Layer (RDF Sail): a set of interfaces defining an SPI for RDF databases.
Base functionality for Sail implementations that require multi-versioned concurrency control (MVCC).
Abstract base implementation and internal helper classes for Sail implementations.
A Sail implementation that supports full-text indexing via the Lucene API.
The Native Store.
A Sail implementation for SHACL constraint checking.
Packages with annotations of type InternalUseOnly
B-Tree on disk implementation.
File and data storage functionality.
Implementations of
invalid reference
relevant to query evaluation.
Lmdb implementations of the RDF Model interfaces.
MemoryStore-specific implementations of the core RDF model objects.
Native implementations of the RDF Model interfaces.