Interface NotifyingSailConnection

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, SailConnection
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractForwardChainingInferencerConnection, AbstractNotifyingSailConnection, DedupingInferencerConnection, ElasticsearchStoreConnection, ExtensibleStoreConnection, InferencerConnectionWrapper, LmdbStoreConnection, LuceneSailConnection, MemoryStoreConnection, NativeStoreConnection, NotifyingSailConnectionBase, NotifyingSailConnectionWrapper, SailSourceConnection, SchemaCachingRDFSInferencerConnection, ShaclSailConnection

public interface NotifyingSailConnection extends SailConnection
A connection to an RDF Sail object. A SailConnection is active from the moment it is created until it is closed. Care should be taken to properly close SailConnections as they might block concurrent queries and/or updates on the Sail while active, depending on the Sail-implementation that is being used.
James Leigh
  • Method Details

    • addConnectionListener

      void addConnectionListener(SailConnectionListener listener)
      Registers a SailConnection listener with this SailConnection. The listener should be notified of any statements that are added or removed as part of this SailConnection.
      listener - A SailConnectionListener.
    • removeConnectionListener

      void removeConnectionListener(SailConnectionListener listener)
      Deregisters a SailConnection listener with this SailConnection.
      listener - A SailConnectionListener.