Class DatasetRepository

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    DelegatingRepository, Repository

    public class DatasetRepository
    extends RepositoryWrapper
    A repository that automatically attempts to load the dataset supplied in a (SPARQL) query (using FROM and FROM NAMED clauses).
    Arjohn Kampman, Jeen Broekstra
    • Constructor Detail

      • DatasetRepository

        public DatasetRepository()
      • DatasetRepository

        public DatasetRepository​(SailRepository delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • getConnection

        public RepositoryConnection getConnection()
                                           throws RepositoryException
        Description copied from interface: Repository
        Opens a connection to this repository that can be used for querying and updating the contents of the repository. Created connections need to be closed to make sure that any resources they keep hold of are released. The best way to do this is to use a try-with-resources block, as follows:
         try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) {
                // perform operations on the connection

        Note that RepositoryConnection is not guaranteed to be thread-safe! The recommended pattern for repository access in a multi-threaded application is to share the Repository object between threads, but have each thread create and use its own RepositoryConnections.

        Specified by:
        getConnection in interface Repository
        getConnection in class RepositoryWrapper
        A connection that allows operations on this repository.
        RepositoryException - If something went wrong during the creation of the Connection.
      • loadDataset

        public void loadDataset​(URL url,
                                IRI context,
                                ParserConfig config)
                         throws RepositoryException
        Inspects if the dataset at the supplied URL location has been modified since the last load into this repository and if so loads it into the supplied context.
        url - the location of the dataset
        context - the context in which to load the dataset
        config - parser configuration to use for processing the dataset
        RepositoryException - if an error occurred while loading the dataset.