Interface EvaluationStrategyFactory

    • Method Detail

      • setQuerySolutionCacheThreshold

        void setQuerySolutionCacheThreshold​(long threshold)
        Set the number of query solutions the EvaluationStrategy will keep in main memory before it attempts to sync to a temporary disk cache. If set to 0, no disk caching will occur. EvaluationStrategies that provide no disk caching functionality are free to ignore this parameter.
        threshold - the number of query solutions that the EvaluationStrategy can cache in main memory before attempting disk sync.
      • getQuerySolutionCacheThreshold

        long getQuerySolutionCacheThreshold()
        Get the number of query solutions the EvaluationStrategy will keep in main memory before it attempts to sync to a temporary disk cache. If set to 0, no disk caching will occur. EvaluationStrategies that provide no disk caching functionality are free to ignore this parameter.
      • createEvaluationStrategy

        EvaluationStrategy createEvaluationStrategy​(Dataset dataset,
                                                    TripleSource tripleSource,
                                                    EvaluationStatistics evaluationStatistics)
        Returns the EvaluationStrategy to use to evaluate queries for the given Dataset and TripleSource.
        dataset - the DataSet to evaluate queries against.
        tripleSource - the TripleSource to evaluate queries against.
        evaluationStatistics - the store evaluation statistics to use for query optimization.
        an EvaluationStrategy.
      • isTrackResultSize

        default boolean isTrackResultSize()
        Returns the status of the result size tracking for the query plan. Useful to determine which parts of a query plan generated the most data.
        true if result size tracking is enabled.
      • setTrackResultSize

        default void setTrackResultSize​(boolean trackResultSize)
        Enable or disable results size tracking for the query plan. Useful to determine which parts of a query plan generated the most data.
        trackResultSize - true to enable tracking.
      • setCollectionFactory

        default void setCollectionFactory​(Supplier<CollectionFactory> collectionFactory)
        Set the collection factory to use.
        collectionFactory -