DefaultFedXCostModel |
ExclusiveTupleExprOptimizer |
FilterOptimizer |
Filter optimizer to push down FILTER expressions as far as possible.
FilterOptimizer.FilterBindingFinder |
FilterOptimizer.FilterExprInsertVisitor |
FilterOptimizer.VarFinder |
GenericInfoOptimizer |
Generic optimizer
Tasks: - Collect information (hasUnion, hasFilter, hasService) - Collect all statements in a list (for source
selection), do not collect SERVICE expressions - Collect all Join arguments and group them in the NJoin structure for
easier optimization (flatten)
LimitOptimizer |
An optimizer that attempts to push upper limits into BGPs of the query.
NaryJoinArgumentsComparator |
partial order: OwnedStatementSourcePatternGroup -> OwnedStatementSourcePattern -> StatementSourcePattern
OptimizerUtil |
ServiceOptimizer |
Optimizer for SERVICE nodes.
SourceSelection |
Perform source selection during optimization
SourceSelection.ParallelCheckTask |
Task for sending an ASK request to the endpoints (for source selection)
SourceSelection.SourceSelectionExecutorWithLatch |
StatementGroupAndJoinOptimizer |
Optimizer with the following tasks:
UnionOptimizer |
Optimizer to flatten the UNION operations.