Class AppConfiguration

    • Constructor Detail

      • AppConfiguration

        public AppConfiguration()
        Create a new, uninitialized application configuration.
      • AppConfiguration

        public AppConfiguration​(String applicationId)
        Create the application configuration.
        applicationId - the ID of the application
      • AppConfiguration

        public AppConfiguration​(String applicationId,
                                AppVersion version)
        Create the application configuration.
        applicationId - the ID of the application
        version - the application's version
      • AppConfiguration

        public AppConfiguration​(String applicationId,
                                String longName)
        Create the application configuration.
        applicationId - the ID of the application
        longName - the long name of the application
      • AppConfiguration

        public AppConfiguration​(String applicationId,
                                String longName,
                                AppVersion version)
        Create the application configuration.
        applicationId - the ID of the application
        longName - the long name of the application
        version - the application's version
    • Method Detail

      • load

        public void load()
                  throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: Configuration
        Load the configuration settings. Settings will be loaded from a user and application specific location first. If no such settings exists, an attempt will be made to retrieve settings from a resource on the classpath. If no such settings exist either, settings will be loaded from a default resource on the classpath.
        Specified by:
        load in interface Configuration
        IOException - if the configuration settings could not be loaded due to an I/O problem.
      • save

        public void save()
                  throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: Configuration
        Store configuration settings. Settings will be stored in a user and application specific location.
        Specified by:
        save in interface Configuration
        IOException - if the configuration settings could not be saved due to an I/O problem.
      • init

        public void init()
                  throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: Configuration
        Initialize the configuration settings.
        Specified by:
        init in interface Configuration
        IOException - if the configuration settings could not be initialized because of an I/O problem.
      • init

        public void init​(boolean loadLogConfig)
                  throws IOException
        Initialize configuration and proxy settings, optionally load (logback) logging
        loadLogConfig - load logging configuration
      • destroy

        public void destroy()
                     throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: Configuration
        Clean up configuration resources.
        Specified by:
        destroy in interface Configuration
        IOException - if one or more resources could not be cleaned up. Implementations should attempt to clean up as many resources as possible before returning or throwing an exception.
      • getApplicationId

        public String getApplicationId()
        Get the name of the application (e.g. "AutoFocus" or "Metadata Server").
        the name of the application
      • setApplicationId

        public final void setApplicationId​(String applicationId)
        Set the application ID string
        applicationId - string
      • setDataDirName

        public void setDataDirName​(String dataDirName)
        Set the name of the data directory
        dataDirName -
      • getLongName

        public String getLongName()
        Get the long name of the application.
        the long name of the application
      • setLongName

        public final void setLongName​(String longName)
        Set the long name of the application.
        longName - the new name
      • getFullName

        public String getFullName()
        Get the full name of the application, which consists of the long name and the version number.
        the full name of the application
      • getVersion

        public AppVersion getVersion()
        Get the version of the application.
        the version of the application
      • setVersion

        public final void setVersion​(AppVersion version)
        Set the version of the application.
        version - the new version
      • getCommandLineArgs

        public String[] getCommandLineArgs()
        Get the command line arguments of the application.
        A String array, as (typically) specified to the main method.
      • setCommandLineArgs

        public void setCommandLineArgs​(String[] args)
        Set the command line arguments specified to the application.
        args - A String array containing the arguments as specified to the main method.
      • getDataDir

        public File getDataDir()
        Get the data directory as File
        data directory
      • getLogConfiguration

        public LogConfiguration getLogConfiguration()
        Get logging configuration
        log configuration
      • getProxySettings

        public ProxySettings getProxySettings()
        Get proxy settings
        proxy settings
      • setProxySettings

        public void setProxySettings​(ProxySettings proxySettings)
        Set proxy settings
        proxySettings - proxy settings
      • getProperties

        public Properties getProperties()
        Get the properties
        Returns the properties.