Package org.eclipse.rdf4j.common.concurrent.locks
package org.eclipse.rdf4j.common.concurrent.locks
Package offering various locking scheme implementations. Common locking
functionality (java.util.concurrent.locks, Jakarta Commons Transaction)
associate locks with threads. The lock managers in this package use explicit
lock objects that do not have this association.
ClassDescriptionAn abstract base implementation of a read/write-lock manager.A simple non-reentrant lock.A lock on a specific monitor that can be used for synchronization purposes.Lock.ExtendedSupplier<T extends Lock>Extension of the Lock.Supplier interface to support tryLock().Lock.ExtendedSupplier.Wrapper<T extends Lock>Lock.Supplier<T extends Lock>Functional interface for supplying a lock with support for InterruptedException.LockingIteration<E,
X extends Exception> Deprecated.Manages a set of non-exclusive locks.Class controlling various logging properties such as the amount of lock tracking that is done for debugging (at the cost of performance).A read/write lock manager with reader preference.A lock manager that manages a multi-read, single-write lock.A read/write-lock manager backed by a StampedLock.A read/write lock manager with writer preference.