Class DirectTypeHierarchyInferencer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    FederatedServiceResolverClient, NotifyingSail, Sail, StackableSail

    public class DirectTypeHierarchyInferencer
    extends NotifyingSailWrapper
    A forward-chaining inferencer that infers the direct-type hierarchy relations sesame:directSubClassOf, sesame:directSubPropertyOf and sesame:directType.

    The semantics of this inferencer are defined as follows:

        Class A is a direct subclass of B iff:
           1. A is a subclass of B and;
           2. A and B are not equa and;
           3. there is no class C (unequal A and B) such that
              A is a subclass of C and C of B.
        Property P is a direct subproperty of Q iff:
           1. P is a subproperty of Q and;
           2. P and Q are not equal and;
           3. there is no property R (unequal P and Q) such that
              P is a subproperty of R and R of Q.
        Resource I is of direct type T iff:
           1. I is of type T and
           2. There is no class U (unequal T) such that:
               a. U is a subclass of T and;
               b. I is of type U.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DirectTypeHierarchyInferencer

        public DirectTypeHierarchyInferencer()
      • DirectTypeHierarchyInferencer

        public DirectTypeHierarchyInferencer​(NotifyingSail baseSail)
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init()
                  throws SailException
        Description copied from interface: Sail
        Initializes the Sail. Care should be taken that required initialization parameters have been set before this method is called. Please consult the specific Sail implementation for information about the relevant parameters.
        Specified by:
        init in interface Sail
        init in class SailWrapper
        SailException - If the Sail could not be initialized.