Interface DatatypeHandler

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String DBPEDIA
      Identifier for datatypes defined by DBPedia.
      static String GEOSPARQL
      Identifier for datatypes defined in the GeoSPARQL vocabulary.
      static String RDFDATATYPES
      Identifier for datatypes defined in the RDF vocabulary.
      static String VIRTUOSOGEOMETRY
      Identifier for datatypes defined in the Virtuoso Geometry vocabulary.
      static String XMLSCHEMA
      Identifier for datatypes defined in the XSD vocabulary.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      String getKey()
      A unique key for this datatype handler to identify it in the DatatypeHandlerRegistry.
      boolean isRecognizedDatatype​(IRI datatypeUri)
      Checks if the given datatype URI is recognized by this datatype handler.
      Literal normalizeDatatype​(String literalValue, IRI datatypeUri, ValueFactory valueFactory)
      Normalize both the datatype URI and the literal value if appropriate, and use the given value factory to generate a literal matching a literal value and datatype URI.
      boolean verifyDatatype​(String literalValue, IRI datatypeUri)
      Verifies that the datatype URI is valid, including a check on the structure of the literal value.
    • Method Detail

      • verifyDatatype

        boolean verifyDatatype​(String literalValue,
                               IRI datatypeUri)
                        throws LiteralUtilException
        Verifies that the datatype URI is valid, including a check on the structure of the literal value.

        This method must only be called after verifying that isRecognizedDatatype(IRI) returns true for the given datatype URI.

        literalValue - Literal value matching the given datatype URI.
        datatypeUri - A datatype URI that matched with isRecognizedDatatype(IRI)
        True if the datatype URI is recognized by this datatype handler, and it is verified to be syntactically valid.
        LiteralUtilException - If the datatype was not recognized.
      • normalizeDatatype

        Literal normalizeDatatype​(String literalValue,
                                  IRI datatypeUri,
                                  ValueFactory valueFactory)
                           throws LiteralUtilException
        Normalize both the datatype URI and the literal value if appropriate, and use the given value factory to generate a literal matching a literal value and datatype URI.

        This method must only be called after verifying that isRecognizedDatatype(IRI) returns true for the given datatype URI, and verifyDatatype(String, IRI) also returns true for the given datatype URI and literal value.

        literalValue - Required literal value to use in the normalization process and to provide the value for the resulting literal.
        datatypeUri - The datatype URI which is to be normalized. This URI is available in normalized form from the result using Literal.getDatatype().
        valueFactory - The ValueFactory to use to create the result literal.
        A Literal containing the normalized literal value and datatype URI.
        LiteralUtilException - If the datatype URI was not recognized or verified, or the literal value could not be normalized due to an error.
      • getKey

        String getKey()
        A unique key for this datatype handler to identify it in the DatatypeHandlerRegistry.
        A unique string key.