Class PrefixDeclProcessor

  • @InternalUseOnly
    public class PrefixDeclProcessor
    extends Object
    Processes the prefix declarations in a SPARQL query model.
    Arjohn Kampman
    • Constructor Detail

      • PrefixDeclProcessor

        public PrefixDeclProcessor()
    • Method Detail

      • process

        public static Map<String,​String> process​(org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.parser.sparql.ast.ASTOperationContainer qc,
                                                       Map<String,​String> customDefaultPrefixes)
                                                throws MalformedQueryException
        Processes prefix declarations in queries. This method collects all prefixes that are declared in the supplied query, verifies that prefixes are not redefined and replaces any ASTQName nodes in the query with equivalent ASTIRI nodes.
        qc - The query that needs to be processed.
        customDefaultPrefixes - Custom prefixes to add, will override SPARQL default prefixes. can't be null.
        A map containing the prefixes that are declared in the query (key) and the namespace they map to (value).
        MalformedQueryException - If the query contains redefined prefixes or qnames that use undefined prefixes.