Class IteratingTupleQueryResult

    • Constructor Detail

      • IteratingTupleQueryResult

        public IteratingTupleQueryResult​(List<String> bindingNames,
                                         Iterable<? extends BindingSet> bindingSets)
        Creates a query result object with the supplied binding names. The supplied list of binding names is assumed to be constant; care should be taken that the contents of this list doesn't change after supplying it to this solution.
        bindingNames - The binding names, in order of projection.
      • IteratingTupleQueryResult

        public IteratingTupleQueryResult​(List<String> bindingNames,
                                         Iterator<? extends BindingSet> bindingSetIter)
      • IteratingTupleQueryResult

        public IteratingTupleQueryResult​(List<String> bindingNames,
                                         CloseableIteration<? extends BindingSet,​QueryEvaluationException> bindingSetIter)
        Creates a query result object with the supplied binding names. The supplied list of binding names is assumed to be constant; care should be taken that the contents of this list doesn't change after supplying it to this solution.
        bindingNames - The binding names, in order of projection.