Interface FederatedService

    • Method Detail

      • ask

        boolean ask​(Service service,
                    BindingSet bindings,
                    String baseUri)
             throws QueryEvaluationException

        Evaluate the provided SPARQL ASK query at this federated service.

         Expected behavior: evaluate boolean query using the bindings as constraints
        service - the reference to the service node, contains additional meta information (vars, prefixes)
        bindings - the bindings serving as additional constraints
        baseUri -
        true if at least one result exists
        QueryEvaluationException - If there was an exception generated while evaluating the query.
      • select

        CloseableIteration<BindingSet,​QueryEvaluationException> select​(Service service,
                                                                             Set<String> projectionVars,
                                                                             BindingSet bindings,
                                                                             String baseUri)
                                                                      throws QueryEvaluationException

        Evaluate the provided SPARQL query at this federated service.

        Important: The original bindings need to be inserted into the result.

         Expected behavior: evaluate the given SPARQL query using the bindings as constraints
        service - the reference to the service node, contains additional meta information (vars, prefixes)
        projectionVars - The variables with unknown value that should be projected from this evaluation
        bindings - the bindings serving as additional constraints
        baseUri -
        an iteration over the results of the query
        QueryEvaluationException - If there was an exception generated while evaluating the query.
      • evaluate

        CloseableIteration<BindingSet,​QueryEvaluationException> evaluate​(Service service,
                                                                               CloseableIteration<BindingSet,​QueryEvaluationException> bindings,
                                                                               String baseUri)
                                                                        throws QueryEvaluationException
        Evaluate the provided SPARQL query at this federated service, possibilities for vectored evaluation.


        • The original bindings need to be inserted into the result
        • SILENT service must be dealt with in the method

        Compare SPARQLFederatedService for a reference implementation

        service - the reference to the service node, contains information to construct the query
        bindings - the bindings serving as additional constraints (for vectored evaluation)
        baseUri - the baseUri
        the result of evaluating the query using bindings as constraints, the original bindings need to be inserted into the results!
        QueryEvaluationException - If there was an exception generated while evaluating the query.
      • isInitialized

        boolean isInitialized()
        Method to check if initialize() had been called.