Interface ExclusiveTupleExprRenderer

    • Method Detail

      • toQueryString

        String toQueryString​(Set<String> varNames,
                             BindingSet bindings)
        Returns a SPARQL string representation of this expression that can be inserted into a SELECT query.

        Implementations are required to create a valid query string for this expression where the given bindings are inserted.

        varNames - the set of resulting (unbound) variables from this expression
        bindings - the optional input bindings
        the query string part
      • toQueryAlgebra

        TupleExpr toQueryAlgebra​(Set<String> varNames,
                                 BindingSet bindings)
        Returns a SPARQL algebra representation of this expression that can be inserted into a SELECT TupleExpr

        Implementations are required to create a new equivalent expression or clone, where any provided input bindings are inserted. The free variable names after insertion need to be added to the provided set.

        varNames - the set of resulting (unbound) variables from this expression
        bindings - the input bindings that need to be inserted
        the algebra expression