Class LoggingRepositoryConnection

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, DelegatingRepositoryConnection, RepositoryConnection

public class LoggingRepositoryConnection extends RepositoryConnectionWrapper
Florian Kleedorfer
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • prepareTupleQuery

      public TupleQuery prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage ql, String queryString, String baseURI) throws MalformedQueryException, RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Prepares a query that produces sets of value tuples.
      Specified by:
      prepareTupleQuery in interface RepositoryConnection
      prepareTupleQuery in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      ql - The query language in which the query is formulated.
      queryString - The query string.
      baseURI - The base URI to resolve any relative URIs that are in the query against, can be null if the query does not contain any relative URIs.
      a TupleQuery ready to be evaluated on this RepositoryConnection.
      MalformedQueryException - If the supplied query is malformed.
    • prepareTupleQuery

      public TupleQuery prepareTupleQuery(String query) throws RepositoryException, MalformedQueryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Prepares a SPARQL query that produces sets of value tuples, that is a SPARQL SELECT query. In case the query contains relative URIs that need to be resolved against an external base URI, one should use RepositoryConnection.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage, String, String) instead.
      query - The query string, in SPARQL syntax.
      a TupleQuery ready to be evaluated on this RepositoryConnection.
      MalformedQueryException - If the supplied query is malformed.
      See Also:
    • prepareTupleQuery

      public TupleQuery prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage ql, String query) throws RepositoryException, MalformedQueryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Prepares a query that produces sets of value tuples. In case the query contains relative URIs that need to be resolved against an external base URI, one should use RepositoryConnection.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage, String, String) instead.
      Specified by:
      prepareTupleQuery in interface RepositoryConnection
      prepareTupleQuery in class AbstractRepositoryConnection
      ql - The query language in which the query is formulated.
      query - The query string.
      a TupleQuery ready to be evaluated on this RepositoryConnection.
      MalformedQueryException - If the supplied query is malformed.
    • prepareGraphQuery

      public GraphQuery prepareGraphQuery(QueryLanguage ql, String queryString, String baseURI) throws MalformedQueryException, RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Prepares queries that produce RDF graphs.
      Specified by:
      prepareGraphQuery in interface RepositoryConnection
      prepareGraphQuery in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      ql - The query language in which the query is formulated.
      queryString - The query string.
      baseURI - The base URI to resolve any relative URIs that are in the query against, can be null if the query does not contain any relative URIs.
      a GraphQuery ready to be evaluated on this RepositoryConnection.
      MalformedQueryException - If the supplied query is malformed.
    • prepareGraphQuery

      public GraphQuery prepareGraphQuery(String query) throws RepositoryException, MalformedQueryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Prepares SPARQL queries that produce RDF graphs, that is, SPARQL CONSTRUCT or DESCRIBE queries. In case the query contains relative URIs that need to be resolved against an external base URI, one should use RepositoryConnection.prepareGraphQuery(QueryLanguage, String, String) instead.
      query - The query string, in SPARQL syntax.
      a GraphQuery ready to be evaluated on this RepositoryConnection.
      MalformedQueryException - If the supplied query is malformed.
      See Also:
    • prepareGraphQuery

      public GraphQuery prepareGraphQuery(QueryLanguage ql, String query) throws RepositoryException, MalformedQueryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Prepares queries that produce RDF graphs. In case the query contains relative URIs that need to be resolved against an external base URI, one should use RepositoryConnection.prepareGraphQuery(QueryLanguage, String, String) instead.
      Specified by:
      prepareGraphQuery in interface RepositoryConnection
      prepareGraphQuery in class AbstractRepositoryConnection
      ql - The query language in which the query is formulated.
      query - The query string.
      a GraphQuery ready to be evaluated on this RepositoryConnection.
      MalformedQueryException - If the supplied query is malformed.
    • prepareUpdate

      public Update prepareUpdate(QueryLanguage ql, String updateString, String baseURI) throws MalformedQueryException, RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Prepares an Update operation.
      Specified by:
      prepareUpdate in interface RepositoryConnection
      prepareUpdate in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      ql - The query language in which the update operation is formulated.
      updateString - The update operation string.
      baseURI - The base URI to resolve any relative URIs that are in the update against, can be null if the update does not contain any relative URIs.
      a Update ready to be executed on this RepositoryConnection.
      MalformedQueryException - If the supplied update operation string is malformed.
    • getStatements

      public RepositoryResult<Statement> getStatements(Resource subj, IRI pred, Value obj, Resource... contexts) throws RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Gets all statements with a specific subject, predicate and/or object from the repository. The result is optionally restricted to the specified set of named contexts. If the repository supports inferencing, inferred statements will be included in the result.
      subj - A Resource specifying the subject, or null for a wildcard.
      pred - A URI specifying the predicate, or null for a wildcard.
      obj - A Value specifying the object, or null for a wildcard.
      contexts - The context(s) to get the data from. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are supplied the method operates on the entire repository.
      The statements matching the specified pattern. The result object is a RepositoryResult object, a lazy Iterator-like object containing Statements and optionally throwing a RepositoryException when an error when a problem occurs during retrieval.
    • add

      public void add(RepositoryResult<Statement> statements, Resource... contexts) throws RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Adds the supplied statements to this repository, optionally to one or more named contexts.
      statements - The statements to add. The @{link RepositoryResult} will be closed before this method returns.
      contexts - The contexts to add the statements to. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are specified, each statement is added to any context specified in the statement, or if the statement contains no context, it is added without context. If one or more contexts are specified each statement is added to these contexts, ignoring any context information in the statement itself. ignored.
      RepositoryException - If the statements could not be added to the repository, for example because the repository is not writable.
    • add

      public void add(File file, String baseURI, RDFFormat dataFormat, Resource... contexts) throws IOException, RDFParseException, RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Adds RDF data from the specified file to a specific contexts in the repository.
      Specified by:
      add in interface RepositoryConnection
      add in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      file - A file containing RDF data.
      baseURI - The base URI to resolve any relative URIs that are in the data against. This defaults to the value of file.toURI() if the value is set to null.

      Note that if the data contains an embedded base URI, that embedded base URI will overrule the value supplied here (see RFC 3986 section 5.1 for details).

      dataFormat - The serialization format of the data. If set to null, the format will be automatically determined by examining the file name extension of the supplied File.
      contexts - The contexts to add the data to. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are specified, the data is added to any context specified in the actual data file, or if the data contains no context, it is added without context. If one or more contexts are specified the data is added to these contexts, ignoring any context information in the data itself.
      IOException - If an I/O error occurred while reading from the file.
      RDFParseException - If an error was found while parsing the RDF data.
      RepositoryException - If the data could not be added to the repository, for example because the repository is not writable.
    • add

      public void add(InputStream in, String baseURI, RDFFormat dataFormat, Resource... contexts) throws IOException, RDFParseException, RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Adds RDF data from an InputStream to the repository, optionally to one or more named contexts.
      Specified by:
      add in interface RepositoryConnection
      add in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      in - An InputStream from which RDF data can be read.
      baseURI - The base URI to resolve any relative URIs that are in the data against. May be null.

      Note that if the data contains an embedded base URI, that embedded base URI will overrule the value supplied here (see RFC 3986 section 5.1 for details).

      dataFormat - The serialization format of the data.
      contexts - The contexts to add the data to. If one or more contexts are supplied the method ignores contextual information in the actual data. If no contexts are supplied the contextual information in the input stream is used, if no context information is available the data is added without any context.
      IOException - If an I/O error occurred while reading from the input stream.
      RDFParseException - If an error was found while parsing the RDF data.
      RepositoryException - If the data could not be added to the repository, for example because the repository is not writable.
    • add

      public void add(Iterable<? extends Statement> statements, Resource... contexts) throws RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Adds the supplied statements to this repository, optionally to one or more named contexts.
      Specified by:
      add in interface RepositoryConnection
      add in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      statements - The statements that should be added. In case the iterable is NamespaceAware and the target repository supports it, the iterable's namespaces are also added to the repository, without overwriting existing ones.
      contexts - The contexts to add the statements to. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are specified, each statement is added to any context specified in the statement, or if the statement contains no context, it is added without context. If one or more contexts are specified each statement is added to these contexts, ignoring any context information in the statement itself. ignored.
      RepositoryException - If the statements could not be added to the repository, for example because the repository is not writable.
    • add

      public <E extends Exception> void add(Iteration<? extends Statement,E> statementIter, Resource... contexts) throws RepositoryException, E
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Adds the supplied statements to this repository, optionally to one or more named contexts.
      Specified by:
      add in interface RepositoryConnection
      add in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      statementIter - The statements to add. In case the iteration is a CloseableIteration, it will be closed before this method returns.
      contexts - The contexts to add the statements to. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are specified, each statement is added to any context specified in the statement, or if the statement contains no context, it is added without context. If one or more contexts are specified each statement is added to these contexts, ignoring any context information in the statement itself. ignored.
      RepositoryException - If the statements could not be added to the repository, for example because the repository is not writable.
      E extends Exception
    • add

      public void add(Reader reader, String baseURI, RDFFormat dataFormat, Resource... contexts) throws IOException, RDFParseException, RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Adds RDF data from a Reader to the repository, optionally to one or more named contexts. Note: using a Reader to upload byte-based data means that you have to be careful not to destroy the data's character encoding by enforcing a default character encoding upon the bytes. If possible, adding such data using an InputStream is to be preferred.
      Specified by:
      add in interface RepositoryConnection
      add in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      reader - A Reader from which RDF data can be read.
      baseURI - The base URI to resolve any relative URIs that are in the data against. May be null.

      Note that if the data contains an embedded base URI, that embedded base URI will overrule the value supplied here (see RFC 3986 section 5.1 for details).

      dataFormat - The serialization format of the data.
      contexts - The contexts to add the data to. If one or more contexts are specified the data is added to these contexts, ignoring any context information in the data itself.
      IOException - If an I/O error occurred while reading from the reader.
      RDFParseException - If an error was found while parsing the RDF data.
      RepositoryException - If the data could not be added to the repository, for example because the repository is not writable.
    • add

      public void add(Resource subject, IRI predicate, Value object, Resource... contexts) throws RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Adds a statement with the specified subject, predicate and object to this repository, optionally to one or more named contexts.
      Specified by:
      add in interface RepositoryConnection
      add in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      subject - The statement's subject.
      predicate - The statement's predicate.
      object - The statement's object.
      contexts - The contexts to add the data to. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are specified, the data is added to any context specified in the actual data file, or if the data contains no context, it is added without context. If one or more contexts are specified the data is added to these contexts, ignoring any context information in the data itself.
      RepositoryException - If the data could not be added to the repository, for example because the repository is not writable.
    • add

      public void add(Statement st, Resource... contexts) throws RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Adds the supplied statement to this repository, optionally to one or more named contexts.
      Specified by:
      add in interface RepositoryConnection
      add in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      st - The statement to add.
      contexts - The contexts to add the statements to. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are specified, the statement is added to any context specified in each statement, or if the statement contains no context, it is added without context. If one or more contexts are specified the statement is added to these contexts, ignoring any context information in the statement itself.
      RepositoryException - If the statement could not be added to the repository, for example because the repository is not writable.
    • add

      public void add(URL url, String baseURI, RDFFormat dataFormat, Resource... contexts) throws IOException, RDFParseException, RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Adds the RDF data that can be found at the specified URL to the repository, optionally to one or more named contexts.
      Specified by:
      add in interface RepositoryConnection
      add in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      url - The URL of the RDF data.
      baseURI - The base URI to resolve any relative URIs that are in the data against. This defaults to the value of url.toExternalForm() if the value is set to null.

      Note that if the data contains an embedded base URI, that embedded base URI will overrule the value supplied here (see RFC 3986 section 5.1 for details).

      dataFormat - The serialization format of the data. If set to null, the format will be automatically determined by examining the content type in the HTTP response header, and failing that, the file name extension of the supplied URL.
      contexts - The contexts to add the data to. If one or more contexts are specified the data is added to these contexts, ignoring any context information in the data itself.
      IOException - If an I/O error occurred while reading from the URL.
      RDFParseException - If an error was found while parsing the RDF data.
      RepositoryException - If the data could not be added to the repository, for example because the repository is not writable.
    • remove

      public void remove(RepositoryResult<Statement> statements, Resource... contexts) throws RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Removes the supplied statements from a specific context in this repository, ignoring any context information carried by the statements themselves.
      statements - The statements to remove. The RepositoryResult will be closed before this method returns.
      contexts - The context(s) to remove the data from. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are supplied the method operates on the contexts associated with the statement itself, and if no context is associated with the statement, on the entire repository.
      RepositoryException - If the statements could not be removed from the repository, for example because the repository is not writable.
    • remove

      public void remove(Iterable<? extends Statement> statements, Resource... contexts) throws RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Removes the supplied statements from the specified contexts in this repository.
      Specified by:
      remove in interface RepositoryConnection
      remove in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      statements - The statements that should be added.
      contexts - The context(s) to remove the data from. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are supplied the method operates on the contexts associated with the statement itself, and if no context is associated with the statement, on the entire repository.
      RepositoryException - If the statements could not be added to the repository, for example because the repository is not writable.
    • remove

      public <E extends Exception> void remove(Iteration<? extends Statement,E> statementIter, Resource... contexts) throws RepositoryException, E
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Removes the supplied statements from a specific context in this repository, ignoring any context information carried by the statements themselves.
      Specified by:
      remove in interface RepositoryConnection
      remove in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      statementIter - The statements to remove. In case the iteration is a CloseableIteration, it will be closed before this method returns.
      contexts - The context(s) to remove the data from. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are supplied the method operates on the contexts associated with the statement itself, and if no context is associated with the statement, on the entire repository.
      RepositoryException - If the statements could not be removed from the repository, for example because the repository is not writable.
      E extends Exception
    • remove

      public void remove(Resource subject, IRI predicate, Value object, Resource... contexts) throws RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Removes the statement(s) with the specified subject, predicate and object from the repository, optionally restricted to the specified contexts.
      Specified by:
      remove in interface RepositoryConnection
      remove in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      subject - The statement's subject, or null for a wildcard.
      predicate - The statement's predicate, or null for a wildcard.
      object - The statement's object, or null for a wildcard.
      contexts - The context(s) to remove the data from. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are supplied the method operates on the entire repository.
      RepositoryException - If the statement(s) could not be removed from the repository, for example because the repository is not writable.
    • remove

      public void remove(Statement st, Resource... contexts) throws RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Removes the supplied statement from the specified contexts in the repository.
      Specified by:
      remove in interface RepositoryConnection
      remove in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      st - The statement to remove.
      contexts - The context(s) to remove the data from. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are supplied the method operates on the contexts associated with the statement itself, and if no context is associated with the statement, on the entire repository.
      RepositoryException - If the statement could not be removed from the repository, for example because the repository is not writable.
    • clear

      public void clear(Resource... contexts) throws RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Removes all statements from a specific contexts in the repository.
      Specified by:
      clear in interface RepositoryConnection
      clear in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      contexts - The context(s) to remove the data from. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are supplied the method operates on the entire repository.
      RepositoryException - If the statements could not be removed from the repository, for example because the repository is not writable.
    • getStatements

      public RepositoryResult<Statement> getStatements(Resource subj, IRI pred, Value obj, boolean includeInferred, Resource... contexts) throws RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Gets all statements with a specific subject, predicate and/or object from the repository. The result is optionally restricted to the specified set of named contexts.
      Specified by:
      getStatements in interface RepositoryConnection
      getStatements in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      subj - A Resource specifying the subject, or null for a wildcard.
      pred - An IRI specifying the predicate, or null for a wildcard.
      obj - A Value specifying the object, or null for a wildcard.
      includeInferred - if false, no inferred statements are returned; if true, inferred statements are returned if available. The default is true.
      contexts - The context(s) to get the data from. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are supplied the method operates on the entire repository.
      The statements matching the specified pattern. The result object is a RepositoryResult object, a lazy Iterator-like object containing Statements and optionally throwing a RepositoryException when an error when a problem occurs during retrieval.
    • hasStatement

      public boolean hasStatement(Resource subj, IRI pred, Value obj, boolean includeInferred, Resource... contexts) throws RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Checks whether the repository contains statements with a specific subject, predicate and/or object, optionally in the specified contexts.
      Specified by:
      hasStatement in interface RepositoryConnection
      hasStatement in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      subj - A Resource specifying the subject, or null for a wildcard.
      pred - An IRI specifying the predicate, or null for a wildcard.
      obj - A Value specifying the object, or null for a wildcard.
      includeInferred - if false, no inferred statements are considered; if true, inferred statements are considered if available
      contexts - The context(s) the need to be searched. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are supplied the method operates on the entire repository.
      true If a matching statement is in the repository in the specified context, false otherwise.
    • hasStatement

      public boolean hasStatement(Statement st, boolean includeInferred, Resource... contexts) throws RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Checks whether the repository contains the specified statement, optionally in the specified contexts.
      Specified by:
      hasStatement in interface RepositoryConnection
      hasStatement in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      st - The statement to look for. Context information in the statement is ignored.
      includeInferred - if false, no inferred statements are considered; if true, inferred statements are considered if available
      contexts - The context(s) to get the data from. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are supplied the method operates on the entire repository.
      true If the repository contains the specified statement, false otherwise.
    • size

      public long size(Resource... contexts) throws RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Returns the number of (explicit) statements that are in the specified contexts in this repository.
      Specified by:
      size in interface RepositoryConnection
      size in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      contexts - The context(s) to get the data from. Note that this parameter is a vararg and as such is optional. If no contexts are supplied the method operates on the entire repository.
      The number of explicit statements from the specified contexts in this repository.
    • removeNamespace

      public void removeNamespace(String prefix) throws RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConnection
      Removes a namespace declaration by removing the association between a prefix and a namespace name.
      Specified by:
      removeNamespace in interface RepositoryConnection
      removeNamespace in class RepositoryConnectionWrapper
      prefix - The namespace prefix, or an empty string in case of the default namespace.
      RepositoryException - If the namespace prefix could not be removed.