Uses of Class

Packages that use RDF4JException
Helper classes for working with RDF models.
Interfaces and classes for handling queries and query results.
Functionality to convert tuple query results to and from the Data Access Working Group Test Result Set RDF Vocabulary
The Repository API: the main API for accessing rdf databases and SPARQL endpoints.
Repository configuration interfaces.
A repository that serves as a proxy client for a remote repository on an RDF4J Server.
Helper and utility classes for the SailRepository
Helper classes for working with Repositories.
Rio: The RDF4J parser/writer API.
Provides helpers classes for Rio.
RDF Storage And Inference Layer (RDF Sail): a set of interfaces defining an SPI for RDF databases.
A Sail implementation for SHACL constraint checking.
See discussion at
Core functions required for SPIN.
A SPARQL test suite for RDF4J repositories