Package org.eclipse.rdf4j.sparqlbuilder.core
package org.eclipse.rdf4j.sparqlbuilder.core
Core classes and interfaces for the SPARQLBuilder.
ClassDescriptionA marker interface to denote objects which are bind-able in a SPARQL assignment expression.A SPARQL expression-to-variable assignmentA SPARQL Base declarationA SPARQL dataset specificationA SPARQL Dataset specifier.A SPARQL Graph Template, used in Construct queriesDenotes a groupable SPARQL query element (can be used in a
clause)A SPARQL Group By clauseA SPARQL Having clauseDenotes an orederable SPARQL query element (can be used in aORDER BY
clause)A SPARQL Order By clauseAn ascending or descending order conditionA SPARQL Prefix declarationA collection of SPARQL Prefix declarationsDenotes a projectable query element (can be SELECT'ed)A SPARQL ProjectionDeprecated.Denotes a SPARQL Query ElementQueryElementCollection<T extends QueryElement>A logical collection of query elements.A SPARQL Query Pattern (WHERE
clause)A class to with static methods to create SPARQL query elements.StandardQueryElementCollection<T extends QueryElement>AQueryElementCollection
that follows a more standard way of converting to a query stringRepresents a collection of triple patternsA SPARQL query variable