Retrieve the FederatedService registered for serviceUrl. If there is no service registered for
serviceUrl, a new SPARQLFederatedService is created and registered.
Prepare a QueryEvaluationStep that tries to do as much work once per query avoiding repeated calls to the same
code as much as possible. This depends on java invoke dynamic for performance.
expr - that is to be evaluated later
a QueryEvaluationStep that may avoid doing repeating the same work over and over.
Evaluates the boolean expression on the supplied TripleSource object.
expr -
bindings - The variables bindings to use for evaluating the expression, if applicable.
The result of the evaluation.
ValueExprEvaluationException - If the value expression could not be evaluated, for example when comparing
two incompatible operands. When thrown, the result of the boolean expression
is neither true nor false , but unknown.