Class EvaluationStrategies


public class EvaluationStrategies extends Object
Registry for currently active EvaluationStrategy objects. The internal registry uses soft references to allow entries to be garbage-collected when no longer used. Currently, the primary purpose of this is to support (de)serialization of objects (over the lifetime of the VM) that depend on an EvaluationStrategy
Jeen Broekstra
  • Method Details

    • get

      public static final EvaluationStrategy get(UUID key)
      Retrieve the EvaluationStrategy registered with the supplied key.
      key - the key
      the registered EvaluationStrategy, or null if no matching EvaluationStrategy can be found.
    • getKey

      public static final UUID getKey(EvaluationStrategy strategy)
      Retrieve the registry key for the given EvaluationStrategy
      strategy - the EvaluationStrategy for which to retrieve the registry key
      the registry key with which the supplied strategy can be retrieved, or null if the supplied strategy is not in the registry.
    • register

      public static final UUID register(EvaluationStrategy strategy)
      Add a strategy to the registry and returns the registry key. If the strategy is already present, the operation simply returns the key with which it is currently registered.
      strategy - the EvaluationStrategy to register
      the key with which the strategy is registered.