Package org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.iterator
package org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.iterator
ClassDescriptionCompact and efficient representation of a binding set for use as a key in hash maps.Deprecated.replaced by HashJoinIterationCollectionIteration<E,X extends Exception>Deprecated.since 2.3 use
Deprecated.Iteration which forms the cross product of a list of materialized input bindings with each result obtained from the inner iteration.Iteration that implements a simplified version of Symmetric Concise Bounded Description (omitting reified statements).Generic hash join implementation suitable for use by Sail implementations.Interleaved join iterator.Sorts the input and optionally applies limit and distinct.Makes aQueryContext
available during iteration.Deprecated.since 3.1.2.SPARQLMinusIteration<X extends Exception>An Iteration that returns the results of an Iteration (the left argument) MINUS any results that are compatible with results of another Iteration (the right argument) or that have no shared variables.