Package org.eclipse.rdf4j.model

package org.eclipse.rdf4j.model
The RDF Model API

The core RDF model interfaces are organized in the following hierarchy:

        Value          Statement       Model
       /     \
      /       \
   Resource  Literal
     /  \
    /    \
  IRI   BNode

An individual RDF triple or statement is represented by the Statement interface. Collections of RDF statements are represented by the Model interface.

Creation of new Model elements (IRI, Literal, BNode, Statement) is done by means of a ValueFactory.

See Also:
RDF4J model documentation
  • Interface Summary
    An RDF-1.1 blank node (aka bnode, aka anonymous node).
    An Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI).
    An RDF-1.1 literal consisting of a label (the lexical value), a datatype, and optionally a language tag.
    An RDF Model, represented as a Set of Statements with predictable iteration order.
    Factory to create empty Model implementations.
    A namespace, consisting of a namespace name and a prefix that has been assigned to it.
    An interface that is used to signify that something is able to provide Namespace information, in addition to Statements.
    The supertype of all RDF resources (IRIs and blank nodes).
    An RDF statement, with optional associated context.
    An RDF-star embedded triple.
    The supertype of all RDF model objects (URIs, blank nodes and literals).
    A factory for creating IRIs, blank nodes, literals and statements based on the RDF-1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax, a W3C Recommendation.